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Rook /Diur
keal for Monumental Aid
Oakwoods Cemetery
^7 >
United Confederate Vete;
General Staff of the Division of the Nort headquarters, chicago, illinois.
Major-General John C. Underwood (Engineer Corps, <
manding. Colonel Samuel Baker (Chew's Battery, Early's commani
Staff. I Lieutenant-Colonel George Forrester (Morgan's Cavalry)
General. Major R. H Stewart (i2th Mississippi Infantry), Assistan
General Lieutenant-Colonel R. Lee France (Alexander's Artill
street's Corps), Inspector-tjeneral. Lieutenant- Colonel .Samuel J, Sullivan (Morgan \ C.ivalrv
master-General. Major Jere -S. White (F"orrest's Cavalry), Assistant Qua
General. Lieutenant-Colonel John W. White (Mosby's \'irginia
Commissary General. Lieutenant-Colonel John George Ryan (Arkansas (' \ 1
Advocate-General. Major B. F. Jenkins (3d Virginia Cavalry), Aid-de-Cam Major F. R, Southmayd (Crescent Rifles, Louisiana, and Pc
Aid-de-Camp. Major Charles R. Tucker (Breckinridge's Regiment, Moi
airy), Aid-de-Camp. Captain W. B. Phipps (Pettigrevv's North Carolina Infai
1862 = 65
•,1J T U. 5-
Cohen & Co.
Printers and Publishers, Nos. 62 and 64 Lonywurlh St.
Cincinnati, O., Feb. 3, 1891, Maj.-(Jen. Jno. C. Underwood.
Dear Sir — We hereby donate to you 3,000 copies of I
pamphlet. Very truly yours,
[Signed] CoHEN & Co.
Incorporated March 29, 1890, Office of the Secretary of State, Illinois.
"Gamp No, $, United Gonfederate: VmRANS."
I oq I
President, Jno. W. White.
1ST Vice-President, R. H. Stewart.
2D Vice-President, Geo. Forrester. Secretary, R. Lee France. Treasurer, Sam'l J. Sullivan.
Ass't Sec'y, Jere S. White. Historian, Jno. G. Ryan.
Sergeants-at-Arms— Chas. R.Tucker, T. F. Linde, W. B. Phipi's.
CONFEDERATE DEAD. The graves of the Confederate dead buried at Oakwoods Ceme- tery are, by governmental authority, placed under the control of the said Ex-Confederate Association ; and that body has, by enactment, authorized and empowered Comrade Jno. C. Underwood to raise funds for the purpose of erecting a monument in honor of their memory, and with which to take proper care of the special burial grounds assigned to its charge; and the said Jno. C. Underwood, having l)een appointed and commissioned Major-General to command the Division of the " United Confederate Veterans" in the Northern States west of the line of the AUeghenies, is charged with the care of
the Confederate dead buried at or near the sites of the prison camps Morton, Chase, Douglas in Oakwoods Cemetery at Chicago, Johnson's Island, Cairo, and other places within his Division District. See transcript of official documents as follows:
riATioN OK Chicago, 1 ATE Veterans," >
iicAGO, June 26, 1891. j
The Ex-Confedeuate Associ "Chicago Ca.mf No. 8, United Confederai
Rcsphicd, That Comrade Jno. C. Underwood be appointed a committee of one, with power to take any necessary action, to raise funds for the purpose of building a monument over the 6,000 Confederate dead in Oakwoods Cemetery, Chicago. fSignedJ JNO. W. WHITE, President.
[Signed] R LEE FRANCE, Scretnry.
Headi^hakters United Confederate Veterans, ) New Orleans, L.\., Nov. 21, 1891. > General Orders No. 22.
I. In order to properly and faithfully carry out the " Benevolent and Historical" objects of this organization, as has been requested, the General com- manding deems it necessary to form two divisions in the Northern States, one east and one west of the line of the Alleghenies, each to be officered by a Major-General, who will be appointed by him upon the recommendation of the Confederate Vet- eran Camps in Chicago, 111., and in New York City, to be made not later than December 15, 1891.
II. It will be the duty of these Major-Generals when appointed to organize camps and take steps to care for and assist the disabled, indigent, helpless and distressed ex-Confederate soldiers and sailors in their respective departments, and to protect their widows and orphans ; also to have charge of the Confederate dead buried at Gettysburg, Fort Warren, Camps Morton, Chase, Douglas, Oak- woods Cemetery at Chicago, Johnson's Island, Cairo and all other points; to care for and have the graves of the known and unknown dead annually decorated, to preserve and protect the headstones; also to obtain and compile the names aiul commands of all the Confederate dead buried at every point in the North, which lists this Association will publish through the medium of its camps all over the South, so as to give relatives and friends correct information of the last resting places of these Southern heroes, their and our beloved dead, thus rescuing their names from oblivion and handing them down in history.
In this philanthropic and hnly Work the General coninianding, and these headquarters will render all possible aid.
By order of J. B. GORDON, General Commanding.
GEO. MOORMAN, .-Xdjutant-Gencral and Chic/ 0/ Staff.
New Orleans, La., Dec. 19, 1891. )
General Orders No. 26.
I. The General commanding, TTeartily approves the recommendation of the Ex-Confederate Association, Chicago Camp No. 8, and Jno. C. Underwood, of Chicago, is hereby appointed Major-General of the division in the Northern States west of the line of the Alleghenies, to date from December 7, 1891.
- 4 —
II. Major-General Jno. C. Underwood will carry out the provisions of r.eneral Orders No. 22 from these headquarters, and his attention is especially directed to the " Benevolent and Historical" features of it.
III. The General commanding, hereby approves the action of the Conven- tion of Delegates assembled at Ocala, Fla., on the i6th inst., in compliance with (leneral Orders No. 24 from these headquarters, in the selection of J. (. Dickinson for Major-General of the Florida Division.
IV. Major-General J. J. Dickinson will immediately enter upon the duties of the office, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. His attention is directed to Article 10 of the Constitution, and he is urged to hasten the formation of new camps in his division.
By order of J. B. GORDON, General Commandhig.
GEO. MOORMAN, Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff.
To Former Comrades in Ai-ms, Sympathizing Citizens of Sotilhern States, and to IV/ionisoever Else it may Concern :
Friknds— There are over 6,000 Confederate dead buried at Oakwoods Cemetery, in the city of Chicago, Ills., of which number more than 4,300 have been registered by name, company, regiment and State; the remainder, owing to the destruction of the registers at the time of the great fire in 1871, cannot be traced further except in numljers, thereby making the probable aggregate as roundly stated a])ove.
Under authority from the proper officers of the general govern- ment, it is the intent of the " Ex-Confederate Association " of Chicago to erect a suitable and appropriate monument over such soldier re- mains and otherwise care for the graves and special burial grounds within the cemetery previously named, and with that view the under- signed has been selected to raise the necessary funds for successfully carrying out the purpose.
Therefore, he appeals to all sympathizers, without regard to their locality or condition, to contribute such a sum as each can afford to bestow for the worthy purpose.
To die at any time is the hardest service a soldier can render to his people, but to die in a prison hospital far from family and friends and lie buried beneath soil away from home and in a then adverse section, is the giving of life for the " lost cause," under such circumstances, as might well awaken sympathy even among the most unimpressionable. The soldiers of the Confederacy who died within the borders of South- ern States have not been forgotten, and their graves are kept green and constantly cared for by loving hands; is it then not a noble charity from all, and a sectional duty from comrades and Southern people
— 5 —
generally, to contribute as they can afford — to monument American valor and mark the hero remains of those who, almost unknown, in a hostile prison camp, ended their service to the cause in the grave?
Time has fortunately blunted the bitter feelings of hatred between the sections of the late civil war, a united country is enjoying prosperity, the people are happy, the soldiers of the Southern "battle cross" are now respected, certainly by those who crossed swords with them, and the government is anxious that the living comrades should properly mark the resting places of their dead Confederate associates and care for their graves and burial grounds !
Consequently, a donation is sought of the living to monument the dead ; and, whomsoever desires should contribute according to the interest felt and substance possessed.
The undersigned contributes his services and bears the expense of travel, correspondence, etc., and guarantees that every cent subscribed to and received by him shall be expended toward the erection of the pro- posed monument and care of the said burial grounds. With that view he has made arrangements with " The Merchants Loan and Trust Com- pany," one of the wealthiest banks of the city of Chicago, to receive and retain on deposit, bearing interest, to be computed and entered up monthly, all moneys that shall be subscribed for the above referred to purpose, and to pay out such funds, only, for work act- ually done, on proper checks drawn by the depositor when counter- signed by the Chairman of the Auditing Committee having charge of the expenditures for the proposed monument. [See deposit con- tract below.]
It is estimated that a monument commensurate with the possibil- ities of collections made and to be obtained, and of such magnitude as will do credit to the cause, will cost, together with the expense of pre- paring the ground, etc., from twelve to fifteen thousand dollars, of which amount fifteen hundred dollars has already been collected and is held on deposit by the Treasurer of the Association [this money is the proceeds of a lecture by Gen. J. B. Gordon] and over two thousand dollars in addition, conditionally subscribed. It is therefore necessary to raise at least ten thousand dollars, and so soon as that shall be as- sured steps will be taken to have the monument made of durable granite, after an appropriate design, and erected in time for unveiling, during the period of the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893.
All donations should be accompanied with a roster of the donors, giving amounts subscribed by each opposite the proper
— 6 —
name; and, all sul^scriptions (where it is possible), should be jjaid by check, draft or money order, made payable to the said " Merchants Loan and Trust Company," and be forwarded to the undersigned at Division Headquarters in the Exchange Building, Chicago, Ills.
Trusting that this appeal for co-operative aid will receive the support that its merits deserve, I have the honor to remain
Very truly and sincerely, JNO. C. UNDERWOOD,
Major- General, Coni/iiandini;.
P. S. — It is also proposed to raise funds liy limited subscription, with which to care for the Confederate dead buried at other places w ithin the territory comprising the Division District.
Approved ;
JNO. I!. GORDON, Ceiirral C\wNiiaii<iiiig U. C. V.
INCflKl'llKATF.n 1857. C.^I'lIAI, AND SURI'l.l S $3,600,000.
J. W. DoANii, President. Onson Smith, 2d V. Prest.
P. L. VoK, V. Prest. F. C. OsisoRN, Cashier.
Chicago, Jan. 30, 1892. To Whom 'litis Shall Concern:
This is to certify, that Jno. C. Underwood, Major-General of the Division of tlie Northwest, U. C. V., has contracted to deposit in this bank all moneys that may be contributed for the purpose of caring for and ornamenting the burial grounds of Confederate soldiers who died in the prison camps Douglas, in Chicago, Ills ; Johnson's Island, near Sandusky, O.; Chase, at Columbus, O.; Moiton, at Indianapolis, Ind., and those who died and lie buried near Cairo, Ills —upon the following terms and conditions, viz :
.\11 such moneys are to be deposited to Jno. C. Underwood's credit as Major- Cieneral of the Division and will draw interest, which interest will be computed and entered up monthly, and such fund will be paid out only on his official check when countersigned by the Chairmen of the Auditing Committees pf the Associa- tions above named, authorized to supervise and sanction the expenditure of money for improving the said burial grounds, erecting appropriate monuments thereon, etc. THE MERCHANTS LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY.
Attest: [Signed] ]. VJ . TiOK'ii'E,, Presidenl.
[Signed] F. C. OSBORN, Cashier.
[Stock quoted, "272 bid."]
[The following is a classified transcript of discovered data, and errors, should there be any, are the fault of the Burial Registers and not of the compiler.]
From Alalmma 485
" Arkansas 405
" Arizona 2
" Florida 24
" Georgia 322
" Kentucky 361
" Louisiana 78
" Missouri .. 26
" Mississippi 446
" North Carolina 397
" South Carolina 13
" Tennessee 747
" Texas 608
" Virginia 187
From Forrest's Cavalry 10
" First Regiment, combined 'I'enn., Miss and Ala., 16 " Sundry Commands 190
Total 4,317
Compiled and classified individually, in companies and reg- iments, and by States, as follows:
Aggregate dead 485, classified as follows:
IN 1st Regi |
FANTRY. ment 100 1 |
From From From |
INFANTRY. 42d Regiment |
4 |
•Id |
43d •' |
9 |
3d |
17 |
44th " •.... |
1 |
4th |
^25 |
45th •' |
5th |
46th " |
8 |
Gth |
1 |
48th •• V. 49th •' |
1 |
7th |
11 |
1 |
■sth |
50th |
? |
9th |
51st |
4 |
nth |
2 |
53d " |
1 |
13th |
1 |
54th •' |
? |
14th |
4 |
55th |
3 |
15th |
1 |
56th |
1 |
16th |
3 |
57th '• 5<sth " |
13 |
17th |
32 10 |
1 |
isth |
59th " |
1 |
19th |
63d " ... |
1 |
•20th |
4 |
Unknown |
5 |
•21st |
6 |
4 |
22(1 |
7 |
23d |
5 |
•24th 25th |
3 2 |
•2(;th |
1 |
3d " |
•27th |
40 9 |
4th " |
'? |
2.sth |
Sth " |
0 |
•29th |
24 5 |
Coates' " |
■> |
Montgomery's Regiment... ARTILLERY. 1st Battery |
.. 1 |
31st |
3 |
32d |
3 |
33d |
' • 11 |
34th 36th |
11 6 |
1 |
37th |
6 |
3d " |
1 |
."„Hth |
2 |
10th " |
1 |
39th 40th |
10 0 |
Pickett's Battery |
. 3 1 |
41st |
8 |
3 |
Name. Co. Reg't.
Adams, B F 18
Adam.^^, .1. H E 1
Aubrey, Wm E 51
Antery, Benj A 17
Algood, J. W G 37
Addoek, H D 29
Name. Co. Reg't.
Armstrong, Jas F 1
Adias, Thos. B B 37
Armstrong, II. (;... C 17
Akin, J. M C 39
Akin, Silas M E 39
.Vinsworth, .loliii 3 Cav.
Register of Confederate Soi.ihehs— Alabama.
Xame. Co. Reg't.
Allen, Luther K 29
Adams, A. i) G 43
Avery, Judson Reg'r.
Bradeii, A. .T A 27
Balcombe, Allen C 27
Borum, John S D 27
Burke, Wm 1) 27
Beard. Jas. A F 27
Benton, Dan'l V 21
Bigby, J. L IS
Brown, Isaiah A 1 Bat'y.
Bunklev, L D B 1
Bvrne, Patrick B 21
Brown, W. N G 18
Brook, .1. W K 27
Beask'^, James F 1
Bedingfield. James.. .. I 27
Blue, A. 1) (J 1
Brown, K F K 1
Bardham, II G 1
Blankenship.W. H B 34
Baker, E B 31
Browning, S. W F 8 Cav.
Blackman, James II.... II 1
Barnett, O A II 4
Butler, T.R B .33
Brouthers, H. A II 19
Butler, Benjamin v 34
Berry, William B C 17
Brown, Anderson G 57
Bocks, M. S G 13
Brown, John F 3
Brown. John K 29
Barnett, James A 28
Ballenger, James F 3
Billingslee. A. A I 40
Bar.ijamer, VV. J K 17
Brown, Nathaniel R... H 17
Bigley, F. J (i 33
Bracken, Robert G 16
Bragg, C. P K 7
Bridges, A. G 1) 2S
Black, Robert M. or
Robert L I) 33
Bonham, J. S F U
Butler, Benjamin A 3
Burkett, William E.... E 23
Brooks, Joshua 19
Bowman, William J.... A 8
Blackley. John F 1
Bowers, D Reg'r.
Blackburn, Benjamin. F 41
Bradford, J. W I 1
Braun, J. II H 1
Blood worth, ,1 1
Burke, W. R 1
Beashey, James F 1
Carter, Wesley (' 3 Bat'n.
Christianson, Chas. J.. C 21
Cropp, W. I)., or Croft. D 22
Cox.C. AorS. A F 1
Casev, G. B D 17
Chaffan. J B 27
Cheatham, G. W C 1
Cassen. J I 39
Name. Co. Reg't.
Clarke, J R Pickett's
Creus,John S.,orCrews I 1
Chandler, Jesse H 1 Cav.
Cotton, R 1 4 "
Cockraft, Klick (i l.=S
Chadwick, John .S E .39
Chance, William A A 33
Canterbury, () B 20
Clarke, I' F B 37
Chambers. William F. C 7
Creech, S. ."^ c' 17
Cooper, William E 34
Carson, John |) 39
Country, Salvador 30
Castlebury, J. M B 30
Carpenter, John B 30
Coker, Joseph H 29
Carr, J. E A 57
Champion, H 'K 1
Calhoun, J. J \ 32
Cox, John B II 29
Clarke, Philip C 40
Crump, Charles Bat'n.
Coyer, Joseph D 4
Carroll, John D 29
Cox, W. R G 3
Courten, T. W Samples' Bat.
Cheaiham. W. A K 17
Carmichael, C II 16
Cole, J. T II 8
Check, Robert W I 17
Chapman, George 1) 22
Collins, Robert E 1
Crocker, I). W 11 1
Cousins. F'rank C 1
Dunn, R. W G 27
Dewberry, Jabez A 27
Davenport, J. W E 1
Davaughn, M G 46
Davis, .s H or K 2.i
Dea«. J. B B 51
Durbiu, H. S D 29
Dayton, J C K 45
Dean, Lewis A 37
Dobson, Von G. B B 22
Digger, James G 57
Deans, W. H B 17
Duncan, J. B I ... Inf'y.
Derden. A.J D 17
Dawdle, G A K 56
Dowday, A J G 46
Davidson, David F 45
DePuvster.R.D. orR.F G 1
Ennis, Eli E 21
Elkins, J. H K 34
Ellis, M. J F .33
Edwards, J.F C 54
Echols, J G 25
Edwards, William D 6
Elliott, Alfred B 17
Edins, J.S H 18
Eaton, William K 1
Flint, J. C C 27
Register of Confederate Soldiers— Alabama.
Name. Co. Reg't.
Kore, A Coates'Cav'y.
l-'enn, L K 1
H^iqua, John E 7
Kair, P D 20
I'einley, Isaac K 49
I'letcher, A. J G 55
I'isher, J. M B 36
Krost, James C 17
l^'rippen, J. M F 4
Koster, G H 1
Korsyth, S. L G 1
irimes, A. J K 27
Jraves, William K 19
ierald, B. F G 1
Ualloway, L. M E 1
Griggs, F. M E 1
Gilliland, H D 21
Glonee, E (J 41
liamble, J H 19
Gibbon, J. B A 4
Grav, L. Q C K 53
liabriel, Elijah K 42
Gnnder, G D 16
liirscland, N H 29
Giithery, A. C I 17
• irillin, Samuel B 17
Gilbrit, H C 1
Gilmore, II. W I 26
• ieorge, J C 36
Green, J. M 0 2S
Grimes, A.J K 27
Gilmore, W. P H 39
Gibson, L. G G 1
Hall, Andrew 27
Hariier, G. A A 27
Harrison, J. W K 17
Hamilton, H G G 27
Halloway, J. P E 1
Hall, J Nelson's Art.
Hardin, J, R A 3
Hoffman, Peter C 1
Holden, J F 31
Heaton, H. O G 2S ■
Ilolcomb, H. C A 31
no|i))in, James M F 4
Humphries, James E . D 4
Ham, William H F 33
Hilliard. JohnM F 4
Henley, W D. or W.H . G 44
Hatcher, John K 34
Hager, 1). F G 41
Hodges, Thomas F 51
Herron, Thomas K 42
Hok'ombe, T B B 1
Hardy, William B D 33
Harrfs,Job L 28
Hartley, Joseph I 45
Harpe, J. D D 4
Henderson, James C 55
Hanehy, F C 57
Hoges, C. W C 28
Ilearon, William F G 17
Huston, Thomas H K 17
Hubbard, William H.
or William N D 29
Name Co. Reg't,
IIoldmeii,C. W K 17
Howell, K G 41
Hallas, H B 20
Hainsbav, John A (i 57
Henderson, J II 29
HoHand, D K 17
Hitchcock, John K .34
Hammond, T. B .H ...
Holden, James F 37
Harris, William H F 33
Hartford, William A 1
Hagins, John H 1
Hendricks, J. A D 1
Isbral, E E 29
Jones, C E 27
Jamerson,J.D H 11
Jenkins, W. C D 1 Cav.
Jones, William F 11
Johnson, J. R G 1
Johnson, A E 5S
Johnson, J. H B 42
James, John D 14
Johney, CD , or John- son H 24
Johnson, S. D K 24
Jacobs, A I) G 43
Jovner, Willet N H 4
Jones, F J G 29
Jones, Allen B 18
Jones, C. F D 8
Jones, W. H B 37
Jones. John C Reg'r.
Jay, George 1
Jones, R. H B 1
Koton, Arcbie K 27
Kirkpatrick, J. A C 1
Krena, Mitchell B 1 Cay.
Keemoe, 1 F 1
Kelly, John R I 45
Key, Dr L 28
Kemp, S F 4
Kenney, P H IS
Kanada, J K 1
Kinchen, A. J (J 1
Lawrence, Thomas or
S.T H 27
Lee, Carter 1 1
Lyle, E. F H 27
Landley,C. L 1 18
Lamb, W. W H 34
Long, Dick R D 14
Linsey, J. M D 48
Long, Thomas B 39
Lamb, William M K .54
Little, B H or B. F H 20
Lambert. W. H C 4
Linsey, A. R B 33
Leek, J. W C 1
Linsey, W. J C 22
Lowefy, James D 1
McElrov, W. M F 27
Morris,'C. H F 27
Mothershead, S. A F 21-
Miles, Frank H 1
Moss, L. A 1 18
Register of ('(>nfei>f,i:atr Soldiers— Ai.af,ama.
Name. Co. Reg't.
Moore, L. D E 1
Mahoiiey, A. M D 27
Morgan, W. W A '27
Marshall, W. A A 3 Bat.
Morse, A. T Nelson's Art.
Miller, W. R B 1
Morgan, J. B G lU Bafy.
Mann, .lohn M A 4
Mason, ,T. W E or c 4
Morrow, J. W. or N. M. D ' 5
Mun. Rollia N B 57
Matheney,J.K K '.'4
McDaniel, H 39
McMin.John A 4
McHafey, William H 1
McCloud, William A 23
Mulberrv, .lames B 45
McDaniel, .T.C B 30
Moore, G. W C 46
Martin. William K G 5
McClelland, .Tohn D 29 •
Mason. .Tohn M H 17
Merrick, A. .T G 4t)
Munson, J. L B 23
Morris, Jesse H 17
Mordwin, A 38
Moran.C C 34
Morgan, James H 36
Mclntrve, S. A .38
Miller, John C D -24
McRae, John D 1 2!i
McDonald, L M E 51
Matthews, J A 14
Maize, William 1 Cav.
McCloud, J. H D 57
Morris, N. C D 1
Middletcn.J.B B 1
Morton, B G 1
Norris, C H F 27
Nales, Thoma.s Nelson's Art.
Newberry, W. T... B 1
Neal, F M A 19
Noblin, G. W G .33
Nothcuth, Elijah A 4
Nichols. Henry G 8
Nab orNanabb, J. C... H 22
Owen, Elijah K 19
Owen, J. R A 3
Okes, Charles W I Montgom- ery's Bat.
Owen, S. A Pickett's Cav.
o'Neil, C F 4
Pryor, D G 41
Prise, B E 1
Plennett, J G 9
Powell, Peter D 27
Patterson, E. S K 27
Philips, T. J A 3
Perry, F. A H 1
Pierce, G. W F 27
Peters, D.S F or E 1
Peck, H. C H 27
Perkins, G. W I Morgan's
Prickett, J. W B 1
Name. Co. Reg't.
Pratt, James F H 50
Pratt, Jesse G 9
Philips, William B F 23
Parks, M. G A 57
Prewett, F. M G 17
Parker, .lohn A 28
Parker, G. G G 17
Perkins, H. O H .S
Patrick, William G 57
Pedigo, J. W I 29
Paine, William K 17
Pride, R J E 5
Poe, Payton B 5
Prickett, Thomas K 36
Prosser, Isaiah H 5
Perry, George W A 39
Price, W. H 0 63
Pless, James G 34
Quillebaum, Wilkes .. A 57
Quinn, M B 1
Ryan, Isaac H 27
Rutlege, R. F H 27
Read, J D C 3
Rhodes, R H 33
Russell. James B or D 14
Roper, Harrison I 4
Roberts, F. C. or T. C. E 7
Rogers, H.R C 40
Rizar, L C 46
Reynolds, G. W G 8
Rhea, Richard
Reeves, C. J H 7
Robertson, W. G 1 18
Rhodes, J. C D 57
Rent, William Pickett's Bat
Richardson, H. W G 1
Read, W K 1
Ragan, J. B H 1
Rannall, J H 1
Rainwater, P D 1
Randell, F H 1
Register, William D 1
Roten. 'Archie K 27
Rlgby, J. L 18
Storv, James C 3
Stratton, H C 3
Sherrin, Anthony K 1
Sanders, Wilev A 1
Smith, W. B A 17
Stinson, A. J E 1
Strickland, W.J. or W.
T A 3
Smoot, A. A (; 1
Strickland, M. A V 1
Senn. (S.) N E 1
Slaughter, R I 41
Spiney, E G 1
Stokes, W. W or W. H. I 1
Standland,T. M E 1
Scott, Thomas B 1
Saunders, D E 17
.St. John, W, W C 41
Smith, A. F D 4
Sparks, E. P D 4
Swords, Shilton I 4
Name. Co. Reg't.
Sublctt, George G 4
Smith, Solomon B B 7
Strothar, W. D A 31)
Steyall, Reuben F 17
Smith, M E 29
Smyley, William H 36
Snv<le'r, Solomon C 46
Seebs, A. J F 27
Shaw, Robert H (i 5-5 Cav.
Strickland, S. J A 29
Siirratt, Jacob G 1
Stewart, C. W E 1
Saunders. William 1
Suggerough, J C 1
Stewart, W. Cor W.G. D S
Seiin, L F 1
Smith, A C 1
Spears, H. W B 1
Tansry, .1. R 3
Talbott, M. H A 1
Thomas, George G 19
Tomlinson. William... E 1
Tamplin, .F. K H 1
Thomas, (J. W I 1 Cav.
Tlonee,E (J 41
Tate, Samuel D 4
Thompson, T. J B 8 Cav.
Toney..John F 4
Thenemore, T D 5
Tatterson, James S. E. I) 3
Taylor, Richard G 27
Thomas, D B 7
Taylor, John A 17
Trumbull, (t. W H 7
Tripp, J.C I 5
Trice, A C 45
Thornton, R. D H 59
Tollis, John B 39
Thompson, P. H K 1
Taylor, Milton D 1
Unknown F 4
Vaun, James I 1
Vernon, Obadiah K 17
Vaughn. J. W B 17
Vaughn, J. (' K 7
Williams, S. A I 27
Wesson, William C 27
Name. Co. Reg't.
Winsted, S A 3
Watkins, Julius H 1
Watson, S. F C 3Bat'n.
Wood, A. M D 27
Wilson, r. H K 27
Williams, (J. R F 1
Wilson, William (i 27
Wall, S.J F 1
Walthal, E. P B or E 1
Wells, William I 29
Watkins, R H B 3 Cav.
Wallace, S F 34
^Viggins, J. A H 32
Walker, R. M F 4
White, B.F B 4 Cav
Ward, J. W B 1 Cav.
Williams, W. C C 1
Williams, II. J B 2 Bat'u
1st Legion
W'oosley, John C 50
Wiggins, J. H B 32
Watkins, Calvin K 36
Wright, Levi F .'J7
Wittow, H.C H 29
Whitnev, S F 42
Whatley, Willie B 23
Wall, S. W G 29
Williams, B. F I 45
Williams, James O F 28
Wilkins, O T Coates' State
Woodew, John B 22
White, Andrew F 57
Whatley, A. J K 22
Williams, R I 29
Wood, W. K B 7
Wright, W. J G 7
Wildes, William I 29
Whittle. H.H B 1
Woodward, A. H K 1
Walker, J H 30
Watson, A R I 1
Yarborough, G. W. or
S. W F 27
Young, W. E A 34
Yates, Peter A 40
Aggregate dead 405, classified as follows
From Ist Regiment '•>
" 2d " 10
" 3d " 4
" 4th " S
" 5th " -2
" 6th " »i
" 7th •• 1
" 8th " 12
" !)th " 1
" 11th " 92
" 12th " 20
" 13th " 4
" 14th " 2
" 15th " 7
" 16th " 1
" 17th " 3
" 18th " 1
" 19th " 145
" 23d " 1
" 24th " 26
" 33d " 1
" 39th " 1
From 42d Regiment
•' 45th "
" 62d "
Indian Chief
From Branenburg Cavalry
ARTILLERY. From Crawford's Battery
" Dunnington's Naval Battery
" Hadley's Battery
" Cox's Battery
" Howard's 3d Battery
" 2d Battery !
ENGINEERS, From Sappers and Miners
Name. Co. Reg't.
Atkinson, Thomas L... G 8
Alawav, W. W B 11
Alton, E E 11
Answorth, R. F E 4
Answortli, A. (i C 24
Anderson, .Tno or Ph. I 19
.\nderson, .Jackson R 19
-Vlmond, Daniel D
.Vnderson, R A 2 Batt'v.
Burnett, J. E H 11
Burge.ss, \V. M I 11
Brown, W. J H 11
Barnes, J R 11
Bevers, John .\ 15
Beeslev, T. W K 11
Baety, A 1 12
Bealy, R. T H 11
Biissell, J. N (i 11
Bleasol, C. H K 12
Barrett, C. F F 12
Brewer, Joseph B 11
Name. Co. Reg't.
Brabbin, G. W C 4
Brook, B. L A Crawford'i
Box. James Detached Na
val Bat.
Barker, P. or A, P K
Brown, T H
Barber. Noah W E
Benton, VV. J E
Barnet, R. H F
Bell, J C
Brown, Benjamin F