CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE; OR Flower Garden Displayed: fn which the most Ornamental Foreren Pants cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green- House, and the Stove, are accurately represented and coloured. To which are added, THEIR NAMES, CLASS, ORDER, GENERIC AND SPECIFIC CHARACTERS, ACCORDING TO THE SYSTEM OF LINNEUS; Their Places of Growth, Times of Flowering, and most approved Methods of Culture. CONDUCTED By SAMUEL CURTIS, F. L. S. THE DESCRIPTIONS By WILLIAM JACKSON HOOKER, L. L. D. F.R, A. and L.S. and Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Glasgow. SOL. 1." 6} OF THE NEW SERIES; Or Vol. Liv. of the whole Work. Here Spring perpetual leads the laughing hours, And Winter wears a wreath of summer flowers. SoTHEBY’ . Vi ingil, ae | LONDON : ae 5 Printed by Edward Couchman, 10, Throgmorton Street ; FOR THE PROPRIETOR SAMUEL CURTIS, BOTANICAL MAGAZINE WAREHOUSE, PROSPECT ROW, WALWORTH, AND AT GLAZENWOOD, NEAR COGGESHALL, ESSEX: Also hy arent and Co. Paternoster Row; J. & A, Arch, Cornhill; Treuttel & Wurtz, Soho Square ; Blackwood, Edinburgh; and in Holland, of Mr. Gt. Eldering, Florist, at Haarlem : And to be had of all Booksellers in Town and Country. 1827. — Swen Se. — Lab, by S. Curtis, Walworth, Jan, L827, WLE det. ( 2705 ) Motisia speciosA. HANDSOME PINNATE- LEAVED MoutTIs1IA. Class and Order. SYNGENESIA Potycamia SUPERFLUA. ( Nat. Ord.—Composrra. Div. Perpiciea: corollas bilabiatis. Sprene. ) . Generic Character. Inoolucrum cylindricum, imbricatum, squamosum 3; squa- mis latis. Recept. nudum. Flosculi, disci, hermaphroditi,- tubulosi, 5-dentati, demum in lacinias; 2—5 wquales, vel in tres inequales fissi; anthere bisetose : radu feminei, bilabiati ; labio inferiore ligulam— referente, | _tridentato, iperiore minore + a aia de scenes’ petilals. | style m. enta | la: m en torum 5. : e.% i Specific Character and ss a Mutisia speciosa; scandens, foliis pinnatis 6—7 j Jjugis peti- olis cirriferis, foliolis ovato-lanceolatis acutissimis ses- silibus arachnoideo-tomentosis demum glabris, f floribus solitariis longe pedunculatis, squamis inferioribus ‘in- volucri recurvis. 4 Moutisia speciosa. Aiton Mss. in Hort. Reg. Kew. oe A scande siteeldnl of, Thre ble Browth as culti- vated in a oe in The stoves of the Kew ens; but, probably, in its native soil, reaching to a considerable length, Stems and branches angular. Leaves pinn ated, with about six or seven alternate leaflets on ‘each side, sparingly. covered with a _cobweb-like down, at length, probably, in consequence of age, becoming glabrous: Leaflets one, and sometimes nearly two inches long, ovato- po entire, very acute, contracted at the base, but iolate, and there three-nerved ; the rest of the leaflet veiny: -main ‘petiole slender, terminated by a large branch- ng tendril. ome elliptical. Peduncle terminal, Pras hick ons long, furrowed, with one or two small lanceolate bractee, and bearing a single large showy flower. Involucre long, cylindrical, clothed with numerous rather lax scales, which are ovato-oblong, the lower ones acute and reflexed, the upper ones erect and obtuse. Florets of the circumference female, about sixteen, forming a ray, each composed of a very long slender tube, two-lipped at the extremity; the outer-lip a beautiful purple colour, ligulate, tridentate : the inner one pale, cut into two deep, revolute, filiform lacinie: the mouth furnished with five filiform processes, or abortive stamens. Germen oblong: Style long: Stigma cleft. Pappus three-fourths of the length of the floret, feathery. Florets of the disk perfect, tubular, yellowish, five-toothed, at length breaking into two or five equal revolute segments, or more frequently, into three unequal ones, the broadest one (three united segments) tridentate. Anthers long, greenish, protruded, each with two long sete at the base. Germen, Pappus, and Style, as in the florets of the circumference. We rejoice in having the opportunity to commence the New Series of the Botanical Magazine with so interesting a subject as the present plant, a novel species of a genus, of which, although twelve species exist in our Herbaria, not one had ever previously been cultivated in Great Bri- tam. The individual now under consideration is a native of Brazil, and was communicated to the Royal gardens at Kew, by M. Parmentier of Paris. There it blossomed in September, 1826; and from a specimen kindly given to me, by Mr. Arron, aided by an excellent drawing in that gentleman’s collection, the annexed figure and description were made. Four species only of Murisia, with pinnated leaves, have been hitherto described. M. grandiflora, Clematis, pedun- cularis, and viciefolia, and these, as well as the simple- leaved ones, are all natives of the western side of South America. The one to which the present plant is most nearly allied, is, perhaps, M. peduncularis ; but that has the scales of the involucre all imbricated, and the larger segments of the corollules of the ray oval. The whole plant turns black in drying. We have re- ceived native specimens from the neighbourhood of Rio Janeiro, from Mr. Harris of that place, as well as more re- : cently, from our valued friend, Mr. Burcnett, who is now exploring, as a Naturalist, that highly interesting country. Fig.1. Floret of the Circumference. 2. Ditto of the Disk deprived of the Pappus. 3. Base of an Anther.—Magnified. 3 = Swan SO WIR ded. Pub. by S.Curtis,Walw orth, Jan. 1827. € 2706 ) PyRETHRUM ULIGINOSUM. LARGE-FLOWERED ~Marsn Ox-rve. Class Lt 1 Order. SynGenesra Porycamna Sormnruvs, ( Nat. yay —Cowvosrrs. Div. Convaniren. ) Generic Character. tk _ Receptaculum oudam Pappus marginatus. Cal. ‘dni: phericus, imbricatus ; squamis acutiusculis, margine scari- osis. Win. Diy. Levcanriema. ~~ | Specific Giatucter | pad Synonyms. Prasrmenn uliginosum ; caule erectosuperne ra moso, foliis sessilibus lanceolatis nde serratis | abriusculis, floribus corymbosis. if | Pyreturum uliginosum. “ Waldst. et Kitaib. Pl. Rar. Hung.” Willd. Sp. Pl. 0. 3. p. 2152. gta Syst. Veget. 0. 3. p. 585. CurysantuEmum uliginosum. Pers. Syn. Pl. v. 2. p. 460. “ CHRYSANTHEMUM lacustre.” Brot. Marricarta inciso-serrata. Poir. in Eneyel Meth. Suppl. v. 3. mS 604. . iy Descr. Annual, 1 Be Stems = tite to five feet high, rounded, striated, glabrous, branched almost wholly above, and there in a somewhat sol eed manner. Leaves four to five inches long, lanceolate, deeply and very irregu- larly inciso-serrate, pedoul Ey towards the extremity ; at the base, too, having gen ge tooth on each side; the upper ones gradually Salles af less toothed : all of them slightly scabrous, with short hairs, and appearing, under a lens, minutely dotted, nerved, the midrib promi- nent on the under-side, swollen at the base, where it is inserted a stem : colowr, a deep reen, paler Fee ee wield Flowers on several, terminal, leafy petioles, forming an im- perfect corymb, very large, three to four inches in diameter. Involucre hemispherical, compressed, of many imbricated dark-coloured scales, membranaceous and diaphanous at the margin. Florets of the ray very long, white, ligulate, tridentate at the extremity ; their germen oblong, abor- tive?, not crowned. Style with a yellow, bifid stigma. Florets of the disk small, yellow, tubular, the lower part cylindrical, covered with yellow glands, the limb broad, cup-shaped, five-toothed, the points of the teeth black, erect ; stamens with the anthers protruded. Germen ob- long, sulcated, crowned with a cup-shaped membranous pappus. Style longer than the stamens; stigma bifid. Receptacle convex, naked, dotted. The noble flowers of this plant, added to the lateness of the season when they are expanded (the month of October), render this a most desirable plant for the garden or the shrubbery. It is quite hardy; a native of Hungary, Spain, and Portugal, and the seeds of it were sent to the Glasgow Botanic Garden, in 1825, by Mr. Fiscner, of Gottingen. We observed the same plant flowering in the Royal gar- dens of Kew, during the Autumn of the last year. Fig. 1. Lower leaf, natural size. 2. Floret from the Disk. 3. Floret from the Circumference.—Magnijied. LE ded s ? Pub. by S.Curtis, Walworth Jan. 4827. ( 2707 ) _. AsTer Acuminatus. PoinTED-LEAVED Micnaetmas Datsy. Class and Order. SyncenesiA PotyGAmiA SuPERFLUA. ( Nat. Ord.—Composirz. Div. Corymairens. ) Generic Character. Receptaculum nudum. -Pappus simplex. Cor. radii plures 10. Cal. imbrieati squame inferiores (nonnunquam ) patule. gle me) ‘Sar Sh Sor ges >. F = aa. Specific # ie ey : i A a ae : ‘ ‘| Aster acuminatus ; \eviter pubescens, caule simplici flex- uoso, foliis conformibus majusculis cuneato-lanceolatis superne inciso-serratis basi apiceque attenuatis, pani- cula divaricato-corymbosa, pedicellis longis bracteo- latis, involucri squamis lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis appressis. wi Aster acuminatus. Michaux Fl. Bor. Am. 0. 2. p. 109. Pursh. N, Am. Fl. 2. 2. p.555. Pers. Syn. PL 0.2 p. 447. Spreng. Syst. Pl. v. 3. p. 534. < Descr. Stem erect, herbaceous, in a cultivated state, from a foot to a foot and a half high, flexuose, simple, angular, downy, bare of foliage at the base, upwards furnished with leaves, about four inches long, and nearly equal in size, very slightly downy, lanceolate, broadest above the middle, So as to be somewhat cuneate, and thence to the point inciso-serrate, at the base and at the extremity acuminated, the upper surface somewhat wrinkled, the lower with pro- minent anastomosing veins. Panicle terminal, longer than | the leaves, subcorymbose ; the pedicels long, slender, with many small subulate scales or bractez, larger at their a . See oe hw aces aoe the the lower part of the panicle, and that only, leafy. Invo- lucre subcylindrical, glabrous, of several broadly subulate appressed scales. Florets of the ray rather long, white, recurved, and twisted; those of the centre or disk purplish ; their teeth recurved. Stamens and Style much exserted, yellow. Seeds crowned with a pappus, which is nearly as long as the florets. Discovered by Micuavux in Canada, and sent to our gar- dens from the same country (the neighbourhood of Mon- treal), by Mr. Crzcuorn. Pursu discovered it upon the Alleghany mountains ; and a variety of it, with fewer flowers, upon the highest mountains of Virginia and Carolina. With us it flowers in October. This present is one of the few well-marked species of this most troublesome genus, characterized by its erect, simple, flexuose, stalk ; large and uniform leaves; together with the long, slender bracteolated pedicels to the flowers. The Involucre has the scales singularly fine and delicate, and in the old state so narrow, as scarcely to be distinguish- able from the pappus. We propose, from time to time, doing what lies in our power in the present work, towards illustrating the indivi- duals of the genus Aster: for the British collections contain numerous but ill-understood species, which, flowering in the latest season of autumn, constitute the chief ornaments of our garden, till winter comes *¢ to rule the varied year.” Fig. 1. Involucre. 2, Floret of the Disk. 3. Floret of the Circumference. —Magnified. N. 2708 Fab, by S.Cartis, Walworth, Jan,1827. weed? ( 2708 ) SoLANUM CORIACEUM. CoRIACEOUS SoLANUM. Be EE On ee ON Oe Class and Order. PenrANDRiA Monoeynta. ( Nat. Ord.—Soxanacea. ) Generic Character. Cal. 5—10-partitus. Cor. subrotata, 4—10-fida. An- there conniventes, apice poro gemino dehiscentes. Bacca 2, 3, 4-locularis, placentis septo adnatis. Semina glabra. a oe ee me m. SoLanum coriaceum; inerme, fruticosum, glabrum, foliis petiolatis oblongis coriaceis nitidis integris subvenosis, pedunculis terminalibus sub-unifloris, corolla 5-loba, lobis obtusissimis plicatis mucronulatis, calyce 4-par- tito. Descr. At present, in our collection, one individual of this plant has only attained the height of a foot. It is rigid, erect, much branched, glabrous in all its parts. Leaves two to three inches long, somewhat acute at the extremity, at the base pa i into a short footstalk, the texture thick and coriaceous, the surface very we veined, the margin quite entire. The flowers are upon short simple, or imper- fectly branched terminal peduncles. Calyx of four dees segments, spreading, the lower evidently formed of two, cohering at the margin. Corolla varying in size, sometimes an inch across, almost plane, of a beautiful purplish-blue colour, five-lobed, the lobes waved at the margin, longitu- dinally plicate in the middle, very obtuse and mucronated at the extremity. Stamens: Filaments and Anthers short : the latter deep orange. Germen ovate: Style longer than the stamens. ee i e We scarcely know any tender species of the genus more deserving of being cultivated than the present, for which we are indebted to Roserr Barciay, Esq. of Bury Hill, who received the seeds from Mexico. It forms a handsome bushy shrub, with thick shining, and rigid, coriaceous leaves, and beautiful purplish-blue flowers, having in the centre a deep orange-coloured spot, formed by the stamens. These blossoms too are frequent upon the plant ; but those which appeared when it was quite young were much larger than the subsequent ones. There is often an irregularity in the lobes of the corolla, and the calyx is constantly and unequally four-partite. Fig. 1. Back view of a Flower. 2. Calyx and Pistil. 3. Stamens.— Magnified. LV. 2709 4 WL deé. Picb. by S. Curtis Walwerth Jan, 1887. ( 2709 ) Liparis FOLIOSA. MANY-LEAVED . Liraris. Class and Order. Sat -Greanoaia Monanpnia. é ( Nat. Ord —Oncmex. ‘Div. Mitsxe.. Linp. ) Generic Character. Labellum planum, explanatum,, integrum, varie versum. Columna cote Pollinia & (ankle: St ae Linpt. | Specific Character and Symongy Livi gation & ‘pulbo rotundato, foliis i ' olatis carinatis enerviis racemo su bequalibus, scapo compresso, labello- apice reflexo obscure tridentato. Liraris foliosa. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 882.5) ‘ = Descr. Plant, to all appearance, parasitic. Bulb round-. ish, about an inch in diameter, bearing a few ovate, acute | bractee at the base, and, at the summit, about three an- ceolate, carinate, somewhat fleshy, : acute, nerveliaerecurvell leaves. The scape springs from the centre of those 1 aves, which, being the present year’s production, have no bulb yet formed. It rather exceeds the leaves in length, is com- pressed, and bears about ten flowers i in a lax spike or raceme. The segments of the perianth are all linear, pale yellow green, reflexed, the two innermost ones the narrowest. The labellum broadly oblong, yellow green, with an orange spot in the centre, thick and fleshy, the lower half erect, and appressed as it were to the column, the u per half bent down ; the extremity has three obtuse teeth. Co/wmn linear- clavate, curved, margins in front slightly winged. yellow, operculate, enclosing two didymous waxy pollen- masses. Germen linear, straight, tapermg down into a footstalk, and having, at its very base, a small sions wn Drawn from a plant presented by Mr. Barcray, to the Glasgow Botanic Garden, which flowered in the month of October, 1826. It is a native of the Mauritius, and there, in all probability, grows upon trees. The figure given in the Botanical Register being drawn from a young speci- men, the bulbs were not formed, and hence, probably, Mr. LixpLey was induced to suppose the plant was ter- restrial. Like many other parasitical plants, it is easily culti- vated in common soil, which serves as a support to the individual, and as a vehicle for moisture. The roots that are thrown out from the base of the bulb lie nearly horizon- tally upon the surface of the earth. ' Fig. 1. Single flower. 2. Summit of the Column, from which the Anther is removed. 3. Inside view of the Anther-Case. 4. Pollen masses. 5. Lip— Magnified. Fab, by S.Curtis, Walworth, Jam 827, Win. del. ( 2710 ) GNAPHALIUM MODESTUM. SQUAMOSE-FLOW- ERED Cape GNAPHALIUM. Class ht Order. SyNGENESIA Porreamis, Bdruartva: ( Nat. Ord ey yin ) Generic Character. Involucrum imbricatum, squamis internis scariosis sub- coloratis. Rec. nudum, scrobiculatum. Flose. radiales feminei, imperfecti, tenuissimi v. nulli. hee pilosus seu Pine, ERecHiae eng. | Gnaruatium modestum ; fruticosum, ramosum, foliis line- aribus canaliculatis dense tomentosis, pedunculis ter- minalibus solitariis, involucro lato-cylindraceo tomen- toso, squamorum apicibus attenuatis nudis reflexis. ASTELMA eeeing. Steber Fi. Hee n. 12. Descr. Stems decumbent at Lib hp hrowing up nu- merous erect branches, which are stiff and rigid, covered with a dense cottony down. Leaves alternate, about two inches long, linear, almost filiform, waved, semicylindrical on the back, grooved | in front, thickly clothed with white down. The p the branches, and are from two to three inches long, Semen single-flowered. Involucre broadly cylindrical, eral imbricated reddish scales, cottony, especially in the -sidille : the extremities attenuated into a long, brown, membranaceous, naked, reflexed point. Receptacle foveolated, the cells deep, the partitions laciniated. Florets all tubular, perfect, yellow, five-toothed. Anthers each with two awns at — base. ermen Germen more than half immersed in the cells of the recep- tacle, at length forming an oblong tuberculated fruit. le (as well as the stamens) included. Stigma a little exserted, bifid, the segments linear, spreading. Pappus of numerous white, filiform, feathery processes, united at the base, and often forked. The only knowledge we have of the cultivated state of this plant, is derived from the Royal gardens at Kew, in which inestimable collection it flowered in the month of June, 1826. From an excellent drawing then made, and in the possession of W. T. Arron, Esq. the annexed figure was made. The seeds were sent, in 1824, from the Cape of Good Hope, by Mr. Bowie, who was long and most ad- vantageously employed in collecting plants in the interior of Southern Africa, at the government’s expence. Every friend to Science must regret that this indefatigable Natu- ralist, after sending the greatest treasures, both of living and dried plants to the Royal gardens, and, in the midst of — his usefulness, has, by a needless stretch of parsimony, been recalled. We do rejoice to find, however, that he has re- solved upon visiting the same productive country, as a Naturalist, on his own account, only seeking for remunera- tion in the sale of such living or dried specimens, or seeds, as may be useful to the Botanists and Cultivators in Europe. Dr. Sreser, of Prague, has visited the. and other dis- tant countries in the same capacity, and has thereby con- The Naturalist last mentioned, if not the first to discover the present plant, was, at least, the first to publish it, in his “‘ Specimens of Cape Plants,” as belonging to the genus _ Astetma of Mr. Brown ; but that genus is said to have a © receptacle which is neither chaffy nor honey-combed. n the present case, it is deeply honey-combed, Fig. 1. Inferior, and Fig. 2. Superior Seale of the Involucre. 3. Floret and portion of the Receptacle, 4. Stamens.—Magnijied. | spall esi ee ia ca es a N $ WIE. ded. * ( 2711 ) CANDOLLEA CUNEIFORMIS. CUNEATE CANDOLLBA. SHEP EERE RE bbe: . Class and Bains PoLyapELPHIA’ PoLyANDRIA. ( Rae Ord:--Eipas enapliak ) Generic Character: Cal. 5-partitus, persistens/ ‘Pet. 5. Phalenies plurime, singule. Sseb-anthrerifere. Sag ABM jena; 1 7s aig Dre Cano. : | ra Spetific Character baad Synonyms. CanDoLLEa cunei iformis ; foliis obovato-cuneatis ibis hb dentatis, floribus sessilibus. Canvottea cuneiformis, Labill. Nov. Holl. ov. 2. p. 3A. t. 176. De Cand. Syst. Veget.v. 1. p. 423. ijusd. Prodr. v.1. p. 73. reng. Syst. Veget. 2. 3. p. 338. Hiesertia ncigene Smith t in Bees, S =—% : — “eg Fe nequal, spreading, ovate ace deep segments, two of then ce sealler. ones, acute, the others obtuse, and mue “resembling the smaller leaves. mens in five bundles, each bundle placed opposite a _ Petal, and composed of four, rarely five, aed ogee) : 2 anthers, whose filaments are free at the extremity. Pistils five. Germen ovate, gibbous, tapering into a filiform style, with an obtuse stigma. Capsule ‘“‘ opening interiorly,” containing two seeds, which are roundish, brown, erect, and almost, or sometimes wholly enclosed in a membranous arillus. This exceedingly rare plant blossomed in the Royal gar- dens at Kew, in die month of May, 1826, having been raised from seeds, gathered, in 1823, by Mr. Artan Cun- nincHAM, at King George’s Sound, during the fourth voyage of discovery of Capt. Kine. Lasiiarpiere had found it previously, in Van in’s Land. The plant has much the habit of Himsertia, with which, indeed, Sir James Smiru unites it; but it differs from that genus essentially, in the polyadelphous stamens. The accompanying figure was copied from an excellent drawing, in the possession of W. T. Arron, Esq, a — a a Fig. 1. Back view of a Flower. 2, Stamens and Pistil, 3. Single cluster of Stamens. 4. Pistils. 5. Capsule, scarcely ripe, cut open to shew the seeds, — Magnified. N. 278 Pub. by S. Curtis, Walworth Jan. 1827- WH ded. (2792 ) SCHELHAMMERA UNDULATA. WAvE-LEAVED ScHELHAMMERA. ; SEK KEKE EER KEKE EERE RE K ERE EE Class and Order. Hexanpria Monoeynia. ( Nat. Ord—Menantuacex. Br. ) Generic Character. Perianthium 6-phyllum, petaloideum, campanulatum, equale, deciduum; foliola unguiculata, xstivatione invo- luta, stamina segregantia.. Stamina 6, basi foliolorum imserta. Anthere postice. Ovarium 3-loc., loculis poly- spermis. Stylus 1. Stigmata 3, recurva. Capsula 3-loc. 3-valv., valvis medio septiferis. Semina nonnulla, ventri- cosa. Br. oe, eee ee Specific Character and Synonym. ScHELHAMMERA undulata; foliis amplexicaulibus’ ovatis (v. ovato-lanceolatis) undulatis, floribus subsolitariis, caule diviso, petalorum unguibus foveolatis. Br. ScuELnammera undulata. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 274. ee ae: ae eee valve with the septum in the middle, bearing about six roundish seeds attached to a fleshy base. I had: the satisfaction of seeing this rare little plant flow- ering in the stove of the Kew Gardens, in September 1826. From that individual aided by a beautiful drawing* in the possession of Wittiam Townsenp Aston, Esq. the accom- panying figure was made. he species was discovered in the vicinity of Port Jack- son, New South Wales, by Mr. Brown, who dedicated it, together with the S. multiflora, to G. C. ScuetHamMeER, a Professor of Jena. Seeds were sent from the Five Islands to Kew, by Mr. Arian Cunninenam, in the year 1825. * This drawing was made in the month of May, so that the plant appears to have no fixed period of flowering. ae Fig. 1. Segments of the Perianth and Stamens. 2. Pistil. 3. Capsule, 4, Capsule open, 5. Seed. 6, Section of ditto —Magnified. Lub, by SCurtie Walworth Feb, 1.1827. oe “ar ( 2713, ) BuDDLEA BRASILIENSIS. BRASILIAN ‘ Buppiea. J bebisoboebieeisiinietetak | Class. body Oiler. Terdawhnta ’ Moxoeys1s ( Nat. Ord.—Virices. ) bei * ‘ j Generic Character. Cal, A-fidus._ Cor. 4-fida.* Cape. bilocularis, dissepimen- fum e marginibus valvarum. Semina paleacea. Bupprea brasiliensis ; foliis deltoideo-oblongis per petiolos _ ‘decurrentibus connatis irregulariter crenato-dentatis, \ floribus verticillatis bracteatis, ramis tetragonis lana- \ tis. Graham M38) 6 7 Wag or Buppiea brasiliensis. “ Jacq. fil.”— v1. p. 430. OSS eng. Syst. Veg. ‘ he a | itm ieee, ae : — _Descr. Shrub erect. Stem nearly round ; bark brown and cracked. Branches opposite, decussating, four-sided, covered with a white wool, which, subsequently, peels off. aves opposite and decussating ; when young, oblong, afterwards becoming wider at the base and more pointed, _ 80 as to be nearly deltoid, unequally dentato-crenated, broadly decurrent along the petiole, where they are quite entire, connate, soft, tomentose, especially beneath, and ' there white, green above, and reticulated. Flowers verti- ‘Glllate, the lowest whorl on two short, axillary footstalks. ; Vi erticillus many-flowered, leafy. Bractee small, pointed, Steen, placed on the outside of the whorls. Calyx persist- mg, green, covered with white down, four-cleft. Corolla “range-yellow, hairy within and without, least so on the “pper surface of the limb; tube moré than twice the oS of the calyx: limb spreading, four-parted, the segments rounded. Anthers reddish, almost sessile, in the throat of the corolla ; pollen pale-yellow. Germen very slightly hairy, oval: style filiform, at length exserted. Stigma rounded, lobular, deep green. Granam MSS. Communicated, along with the above description, by Dr. Granam, from the Edinburgh Botanic Garden. ‘The -_ seeds were received from Russia, through the kindness of Mr. Hunneman. Sprencex has included it in his Systema Vegetabilium, under the name of B. brasiliensis of Jacg. Fil.; but I do not know in what work of Jaceurin it is described. Sprencet further says, it is the B. Neemda, Hortulanorum, and the B. perfoliata of Humsotpr. The latter it cannot be ; for it is quite at variance with the description given in the Nova Genera. 3 It is said to be a native of Brazil and Mexico. The flowers are produced in the stove, in the month of No- vember. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Pistil. 3. Stamen, 4, Leaf, from the lower part of the branches.— All but fig. 4 magnified. N. 2714. Pub. ty S.Curtis Walworth Pehl 18%, CMe CROTALARIA DICHOTOMA. Dichotomous CroraLARiaA. Se ecatanauananns ac Class and Order. ~ Drape teeta Decanpria. > ‘ + fe ( Nat. Ord.—Leeuminosz. Div. II. Loren. Der Cann. ) Generic Character. wae 7 Cal. quinquelobus, subbilabiatus, lab. sup. Ibi} infer. 3- fido. Cor. vexillum, cordatum, magnum, carina falcato- acuminata. Filamenta omnia connexa, vagina s@pius su- perne fissa. Stylus lateraliter barbato-pubescens. Legumen turgidum valvis ventricosis inflatum, pf fe ate age pedicellatum. De Cann. 3 Specific Char. ac ter. par Croranarta ii ckptowe - fruticosa, diffusa, foliis ‘ternatis cuneato-ellipticis — ‘pilosiusculis. mucronatis, stipulis subulatis reflexis Pomorie racemis subeapitatis oppositifoliis. — {Graham essen - ‘ ‘ound. — Danone | eg, straggling, ent, slightly furrowed towards the top, subdichoto- ) - thi limbs bei y wenerally a little thicker than rele. er. Leaves ternate, | sera ve eanae ed at the rather peed t petiole a on aed an ‘ age parti jal footstalks, soft, “overed with minute pubescence, very gbper > Meares ‘brig b half. an inch enn Grevare the branch. me awl at. Racemes opposite like the stipules, but less frequently reflected. Calyx bila- biate, hairy, segments pointed, green, upper lip two-parted, spreading, lower lip three-parted, segments parallel and closely applied to the keel. Corolla yellow, vexillum rounded, spreading, striated with deeper lines on the back, claw furrowed and hairy on its lower side ; ale involute, - shorter than the vexillum ; carina pointed, equal in length to the ale, split at its base, its lower edge forming nearly a right angle. Stamens monadelphous ; filaments ver slender, five nearly as long as the style, and crowned wit small, round, abortive anthers, five shorter, having oblong anthers of a deep yellow colour. Germen pubescent, flat- tened. Style turgid at the base, afterwards bent nearly to | a right angle, filiform, hairy, persisting. Stigma small and inted. Legumen covered with small, appressed hairs, inflated, nearly cylindrical, slightly furrowed above. Seeds numerous (about fourteen) kidney-shaped, and arranged in two rows, at least when young. Granam MSS. In De Canpotie’s Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regn. Veget. one hundred and _ thirty-seven species of Crorararia are described, and among those of the division, “ fol. palmatim compositis 3—17-foliolatis ; foliis 3-foliolatis racemis oppositifoliis ; stipulis setaceis aut nullis” there are several, it must be confessed, that, in character, approach very nearly to the present species: but yet, that differ in some particular ; so that I dare not venture to say that any is the same, without fuller characters or reference to the figures. Indeed, such extensive Genera can scarcely be expected to be well illustrated without plates. — t is, perhaps, the Crot. lupulina of De Cannoute, but that should have ovate legumes. Ours, like it, is a native of Mexico, the seeds having been brought from that coun- try by Mr. Marr, and by him communicated to the Botanic Garden of Edinburgh. The plants have been kept in the stove, and have flowered for two successive summers. _Wild specimens were kindly given to me, by Macxenziz, Esq. our late Consul at Mexico ; and I have an individual, from the Rev. Lanspown Guitpine, of St. Vincent, that I can only distinguish from our plant, by its somewhat larger leaves. I may observe, that my Mexican specimens, seem to be rather biennial, than fruticose. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Stamens with the Pistil, ‘3. Legum ™ 9B. Prd. by SCurtes Walworth Feb tl 1827. pee —- WT AF z ‘-. ( 2715) FLLocKHARTIA ELEGANS. | BEAUTIFUL - LockuHArTIA. | Class and Obdiv: GyNnanprra Monanpria. ( Wate Ord. Onciring®: ) Generic Character. Labellum superum, trilobum, tuberculatum, ecalcara- tum. Petala duo, lateralia; patenti-reflexa, 3-conniventia. Columna alata. Anthere infra apicem columne, opercu- laris. Masse pollinis 2, cereacex. Specific Name. Lockuartia elegans. Descr. A parasite on. the decaying trunks of trees. Stems three to five inches high, clothed with numerous, closely placed, distichous, equitant, ovato-oblong, very obtuse leaves, obscurely striated, each from half to three- quarters of an inch long, smallest at the base and at the summit. Flower pedunculated, from the axil of one of the upper leaves. Peduncle slender, drooping, with one or _ two ovate bractez, an inch long, single-flowered. » Petals oblong-ovate, concave, pale yellow, the two lateral ones patent and even deflexed, the upper (but from the unusual lrection of the flower inferior) immediately covering, and connivent with the two inner ones. Lip erect, and hence Superior, oblong, three lobed, the two lateral lobes lanceo- te, standing out at right angles, the middle one very se, obscurely three lobed, the central one notched, “urved upwards. The colour is yellow, variously spotted with red, the substance thick and fleshy, except at the ex- fremity, the upper surface tuberculated. Column large, yellow, spotted with red, having, on each side, a oral ra : crescent- crescent-shaped, serrated, deflexed wing. Anther in front, near the apex of the column, opercu iform, two celled, having two ovate waxy pollen masses. _ The above description, and the annexed engraving of this singular and highly interesting plant, are made from a beautiful drawing in the possession of W. 'T. Arron, Esq. That drawing was done from a specimen that flowered in the stove of the Royal Gardens at Kew, and which was sent, at the request of his mreclicors Sir Rate Wooprorp, by Mr. Davin Locguarrt, from the Island of Trinidad. Not finding the plant to agree with the character of an already defined genus, I am sure I am complying wit what would be the wish of Mr. Arron, in naming it after the very zealous and most deserving Botanist, who has introduced it into our gardens, and who, under the direction of the governor, so ably conducts the Botanic Garden at Trinidad. For this important situation (useful plants and trees being there especially cultivated) he is fitted no less by education, than by his travels. Instructed by Sir Ratpa Wosiscas, he has visited many parts of South America, particularly the Caraccas, and the interior of Demarara: and let it be remembered, that he is one of the few of our brave countrymen, who returned from the disastrous Congo expedition, under Captain Tuckey, and the only survivor of the party by whom the river, above the falls, was examined. It was from Mr. Lockxnart, that Mr. Brown, as that gentle- man tells us, in his inestimable Memoir on the plants of that expedition, received valuable information concerning many of the specimens, and also respecting the esculent plants, observed on the banks of the Congo. _ Fig. 1 Flower deprived of its Petals. 2. Back view of a Flower. 3. Front view of ditto, 4. Anther. 5, Pollen Masses,—Magnified. NM. 2716. Fish by SCurtes Walw orth Fob L1IZ7. WIE. del. RT PE OF less margined with re ( 2716 ) GILLIESIA GRAMINEA. Grassy-Leavep GILLIESIA. Class and Order. ‘MonaverpuiA Trianprra. (Trianpr. Monoc. Luinpt). ( Nat. Ord.—Giiuresrex. Linpt. ) Generic Character. ~_Involucr ? pentaphyllum, foliolis duobus ” idee webiie minoribus. Perianth. triphyllum, foliolis basi staminum unitis, inferne sepe appendiculatis, yi teh 4 lanceo- latis, inferiore Jabelliformi carnoso. il. apiece | ong dentibus (plerumque) tribus abortivis. ape! rilocule trivalvis, poveperan = ste septiferis. > 7 rae Specific Name bait son Gittiesta graminea. és Ginuiesia graminea. Lindl. in Bot. Boe. t 992. Stites, eee OE ee Deser. Bulb oblaed oma, fubloate,| bcos at the base, where it likewise produces its new bulb, as in the ge- Tus Ixia, Leaves two ce keg each root, long, linear, sg teas at thet bans, ne a two th three is long; baiting a solitary green flower, of a nvoluc icre (wl ich seems to hold ) of five ea, which are subspi- fall situation of a calyx imbricated before expansion, ing and spreading ESS the three outer ones ee, of which the two Rate Sets smallest : the two. ‘inne r, or lateral opposite, broadl scurely Perianth, if it may be so called, since it is, especially i bud, much shorter than the organs of fructification, spring- ing from the fleshy base of the united stamens, of three leaflets; the two upper the smallest, ovato-lanceolate, nearly erect, often with a tooth at the base (as at fig. A); the lower, or anterior one, large, labelliform, thick and succulent, notched at the extremity, the margin thickened ’ and revolute, having two curved linear teeth-like processes, one on each side, at the base, which stand forward. All these parts, when viewed under a magnifier, appear minute- ly papillose. Stamens united into a white, fleshy, slipper- shaped cup, embracing the Germen, with a red spot in front and a sulcus, the mouth oblique, furnished with six teeth (the free portion of the filaments) whereof three, in front, bear broadly-oval, yellow anthers, whilst the poste- rior three are abortive, or sometimes wanting altogether. Germen globose, three celled, many seeded. Style cylindri- cal: Stigma subtriangular. Capsule three valved, three celled: dissepiments occupying the centre of the valves and bearing a row of seeds on each side. It will be seen that I have taken a view of the structure of the flower in this most curious plant rather different from that which has been given by my friend Mr. Linptey, in his admirable account. of the genus, in the Botanical Register. If I am correct in my idea, then, the number of parts in the flower corresponds sufficiently with that which prevails in the Monocotyledonous tribes. The pistil has the ternary division, both in the germen and the style. The cup, formed by the stamens, has clearly six divisions or teeth, three bearing anthers, and three imperfect. Around this body, and, evidently, springing from its base, are con- stantly three processes or leaflets (one having the form of the labellum in an Orchideous plant) which are regularly arranged round the axis of the flower, and which appear to me, collectively, to constitute the perianth. But around this there are, as Mr. Linpxey justly observes, four, three, or two other processes, bearing no relation, either in their number or arrangement, to the outer segments or Monocotyledonous perianth. Now, upon a careful dissection of many specimens, I _ have universally found, that these small processes have their origin from the base of the segments of the perianth; and hence, as well as from the fact of their varying in num- ber and in form, I am rather disposed to consider these as teeth-like appendages to the perianth, and, perhaps, even a kind of monstrosity, similar to what Mr. Laypxey has ee serv served to take place in the stigma and style. The outer covering of the flower is, perhaps, justly defined, by that author, to be bracteas, although its appearance, its close proximity to the flower, and the full expansion of the latter so soon as the bracteas are laid open, would seem to mili- tate against such an opinion; add to which,what we have here called the perianth, never, even in bud, covers the organs of fructification : and, indeed, though the quinary divisions would seem incompatible with its being considered as a floral covering ; yet, if we look upon the lower large seg- ment, which we may do, as two united, the ternary series will be complete. It will be seen by the representation of the bud, at fig. 1, that this large (double) segment and a smaller one constitute the outer series, as much as the remaining three do the inner one*. Our plant, in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, which had been sent from Valparaiso, by the kindness of our esti- mable correspondent, Mr. Cruicxsuanks, flowered readily in the stoves, in the month of October, and, perhaps, in greater perfection, under a cool frame. At best, however, the Ginuiesia must be regarded rather as a curiosity, than an ornament. The infloresence bears, at first sight, a most striking resemblance to an Orchideous plant ; its bulb, foliage, seed, and seed vessel, to the Asphodelee ; and near this latter order, if not among it, I think it should be placed. Its situation, in the artificial arrangement, may be hear Sisyrinchium, on account of the united stamens. * Should this suggestion prove correct, and if the double perianth, or, as tr. Livpiey calls it, the third series to the usual senary division of Mono- cotyledones, be to great an anomaly; then, may we not consider that the three inner bodies, with their occasional tooth-like appendages, as glandular excres- _ Cenees, arising from the united base of the stamens? ‘Their whole structure 's cellular, destitute, as Mr. Linpuey observes, of spiral vessels, and would Seem to fayour such a notion: we must otherwise allow, that this supposed al covering nevef shelters and protects the stamens and pistils at any ——— == C217:1) DEERINGIA CELOSIOIDES. CELOSIA-LIKE DEERINGIA. KKK EKER EEE EE EEE ERK Class and Order. Pentanpria Monoeynia. ( Nat. Ord.—AmaranTHACEA. ) ; Generic Character. Perianth. 5-partitum.. Stamina 5, basi in cyathulam edentulam connata. Anthere biloculares. Stylus tripar- titus. Bacca polysperma. Frutices glabri, debiles, supra arbores et frutices decum- bentes. Folia alterna. Spica terminales et e summis alis. Flores tribracteati. Pericarpium baccatum inflatum. Br. Specific Name and Synonyms. Derringer celosioides. . Derrinera celosicides. Brown Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. ce p. 413. Cetosia baccata. Retz. Obs. 5. p. 23. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. . :: Pp. 1202. ee Descr. A glabrous plant, producing, as cultivated in the open air at Kew, Fn herbaceous much branched, Strageling stems, such as require artificial support. Leaves alternate, ovate, acuminate, thin, entire, nerved : petiole slender, about an inch long. Spike long, slender, ter- minal upon the branches, and also springing from the axils of the superior leaves, bearing many small, green- , Sessile flowers, somewhat like those of Rivina humilis. spractea three, small, lanceolate. Perianth five-partite ; Segments oval, concave, greenish, spreading. _ Sta- mens five, about as long as the perianth, and opposite to the Segments, united at the base into a disk ess 4 the germen: Anthers oval, two-celled, yellow. Pistil ; Germen roundish, ovate: Style three-partite : Stigmas ob- tuse. Fruit a bright red, hollow or inflated, three-lobed berry. Seeds upon erect, short seedstalks, all occupying the centre of the base of the pericarp, kidney-shaped, com- pressed, deep black and shining. Embryo curved, occu- pying the circumference of the albumen. Introduced, by W. T. Arron, Esq. to the Royal gardens at Kew, from New Holland, where it was noticed by Mr. Brown, and mentioned in the Prodromus, Fl. Nov. Holl. as probably distinct from the Indian species described by Vaut, in having the flowers larger, and several seeds in each berry. As I have not seen the Indian plant, I am unable to settle this point. At Kew, this plant flourishes in great perfection during the summer months, planted in a good exposure in the open air, in the front of one of the stoves. The flowers are as devoid of beauty as those of Ravina humilis, and the berries, though much larger, are of a less brilliant red. The whole plant turns almost black in drying. Our figure was drawn in the month of October, from specimens kindly given to us by Mr. Arron. In Novem- ber the frosts generally cut the plant almost down to the ground. Fig. 1. Flower-bud, 2. Expanded Flower. 3. Berry. 4. Section of ditto, shewing the situation of the Seeds. 5. Seed. 6. Section of ditto to shew the Embryo and Albumen.—Magnified. WN. 2778. Pub. by S.Curtis Walworth Feb. 11827, WIE. dal. ( 2718 ) AsTER FRUTICOSUs. SMALL sHRUBBY CAPE | ASTER. Class and Order. SYNGENESIA PotyGaMIA SUPERFLUA. ( Nat. Ord.—Composir. ) Generic Character. Recept. nudum. Pappus simplex. Cor. radii plures 10. Cal. imbricati squame inferiores (sepe) patule. Specific Character and Synonyms. Aster fruticulosus ; fruticosus, valde ramosus foliis subfas- ciculatis lineari-spathulatis punctatis integerrimis, pe- dunculis solitariis ex apice ramorum unifloris elongatis, calycibus imbricatis squamis linea dorsali elevata. Asrer fruticosus. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1225. Thunb. Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. p. 687. — Aster fruticulosus. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 3. p. 2018. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.0. 5. p. 49. | R africanus frutescens &c. Comm. Hort. v. 2. t. 27. (8.) Aster maritimus fruticosus Hyssopi foliis confertis, flore albo, &c. Pluk. Mantiss. p. 29. t. 340. f. 19. . Slee _ Duscr. Stem woody, much branched in a zigzag manner, from eight inches to a foot or a foot and a half high, accord- ing to Commenin. Leaves upon numerous young branches, but so short in general, that the leaves appear to be fasci- culated; they are from half to three quarters of an inch eng, Spreading, linear, approaching to spathulate, im- Pressed with dots, the margin quite entire and recurved. ’s solitary, upon terminal, solitary, naked, very slen- der peduncles. Involucre ovato-cylindrical, of several li- Hear-oblong, closely imbricated scales, slightly pene ; ; ie the top, at the back having an elevated, hard, callous, lon- gitudinal line or ridge. Florets of the ray purple, linear, acute, in the cultivated state, with one or two serratures at the margin. Germen oblong, hairy. Pappus rough. Florets of the centre, tubular, yellow. Germen and pappus as the florets of the circumference. This appears to have been cultivated, according to Pur Mittar, so long ago as 1759, in the English gar- dens. It is certainly a very desirable greenhouse plant. Our figure was made from a drawing in the possession of W. Townsenp Arron, Esq., from plants introduced by Mr. Bowie from the Cape of Good Hope. It flowers in May. Our native dried imens have not the serratures in the florets of the circumference which are here represented. Fig. 1. Leaves. 2. Two Scales of the Involuere. 3. Floret of the cir- cumference, 4, Floret of the centre, 5. Portion of the Pappus.—Mag- nified. W2719 Pub by S. Curtis. Walworth Feb 1, 1827. ( 2719 ) Brietia Wooprorpir. Wooprorpian BLeETIA. KEK KEE EEK EERE EEE ERE RK Class and Order. Gywanprta p RG ( Nat. Ord ncuron: ) Generic Character.. LnbAlisy sessile, cucullatum ;— nune* ‘basi calearatum. fers 5, arse Chet, libera, Se ag pein 8 v. ia yA ‘fic a thea to es, lancec lat os plicate, green, variegated with A radical , two feet or more high, terete, stan intervals ; with purplish- -brown cales at the joints. Flowers large, in racemes terminating the scape, each subtended by a lanceolate, green bribe. Petals five, nearly equal, elliptical, concave, spreading, yellow-green, striated, four lateral and one ter- minal. Lip quite exposed, erecto-patent, nearly as long as the petals, large, involuto-cylindrical, white, thick, fleshy, -obsoletely veined, embracing the column, with a short, ess obtuse spur at the base, the apex standing forward, of three broad, elec beoeen: completely involute lobes, which — waved and crenate at the margins. Colwmn nearly as eng as the li abe curved forwards, cylindrical at the back, the front Srooved and gt white. Sunk into the apex, as it ‘ were, e.- were, is the Anther, convex, white, operculiform, contain- ing four, two-lobed, waxy, obovate, yellow pollen masses. This fine species of Buer1a was communicated, in 1820, from Trinidad, to the Royal gardens at Kew, by Sir Ratpu Wooprorp, to whom I am anxious to dedicate it, as toa gentleman through whose love of science and liberality, our stoves are enriched by many choice productions, and to whom I am, individually, indebted for a most valuable Herbarium of Trinidad plants. As a species, it is abundantly distinct from any described individual of the genus. The engraving was made from a drawing in the pos- session of W. Townsenp Arron, Esq. Fig. 1. Reduced outline of a Plant. Side view of the lip, enclosing the — Column and the Germen. 3. Column and Spur. 4. Front view of the Column, withthe Spur cut open. 5. Summit of the Column, with the Anther and Stigma. 6. Interior view of the Anther, with the pollen masses. 7. Anther-case. 8. Pollen Masses.—All but fig. 1. more or less magnified. * Pub by 5. Curtis, Walworth, March 11827. ( 2720 ) PROTEA LONGIFLORA. LONG-FLOWERED CREAM-COLOURED PRrRoOTEA. Class and Order. | - Terranpria Monoeyrnia. Cal. bipartibilis ineequalis, labii latioris laminis stamini- feris coherentibus. Stylus subulatus. Stigma angustius cylindraceum. Nux undique barbata, stylo_ persistenti caudata. Receptaculum commune, paleis abbreviatis per- sistentibus. Involucrum imbricatum, persistens. Br. Protea longiflora ; foliis ovato-oblongis sessilibus basi subcordatis simplicibusve, ramis tomentosis, invo- lucro sericeo-ciliatis, calycis aristis brevissimis, stylo glabro involucro longiore. Br. Prorea longiflora. Lam. Encycl. v. 5. p. 650. Br. in mee Tome, v. 10. p. 76. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. Pp. . Boks} Prorna lacticolor. _ Salish. Parad. 27.” Protea ochroleuca. Smith Exot. Bot. v.2. p. 43. t.81.? ne Descr. The plant from which the annexed figure was en forms a small tree, seven to eight feet high, with rather few, downy branches, and numerous spreading, broadly- ovate, obtuse, slightly concave, waved, sessile leaves, some- times cordate at the base: scarcely veined, midrib strong at the base, slightly sericeo-pubescent, the margin tomentoso- Sericeous, reddish : the substance, especially of the older ones, thick and rigid : the colowr somewhat of a glabrous ‘Sreen. Involucrum much longer than any of the ope oe , | Fe yet shorter than the flowers, between cup-shaped and funnel-shaped, externally beautifully silky ; the lower part formed of cordato-ovate, closely imbricated, erect scales ; the upper scales, gradually longer, oblong, subspathulate, spreading, and beautifully margined, especially towards the int, with a delicate silky fringe ; their colour, too, is yel- owish white, the tips mostly brownish. Calyx four inches long, subulate, opening, from below, upwards, to three- fourths of its length, into two, unequal, silky, cream-colour- ed, waved, filiform segments, the upper part enclosing the stamens, entire, forming a vagina or green sheath around the style, tipped with a silky pencil of hairs. The calyces (or Perianths), sixty to seventy in number, collectively form a cup-shaped ray ofa single series, and exhibit a most beautiful appearance. Germen with a brown, silky fringe. Style filiform, brownish on one side, quite glabrous. Stigma a little inclined, subulate, very slender, obtuse. From the greenhouse of the Glasgow Botanic Garden, where it bears its fine blossoms, of that beautiful cream- coloured white which we see in the flowers of the Mac- noua, in November. If the figure of Sir James Smrru, in Exotic Botany, referred to by Mr. Brown, be the same (and it differs materially in the relative length of the flowers with the involucre, in the radiated tip to the calyces, and acute leaves) then it was, probably, introduced to this _ country by Mr. Hiszerr. Mr. Brown mentions it as ex- isting in the Royal Gardens at Kew, in 1809. Probably too, it is the species alluded to by Dr. Sims, at t. 1717, of the Old Series of this Magazine, under Protea latifolia, as “‘ a variety of that species, with greenish-white flowers,” which was cultivated in the Hammersmith nur- sery. That species, indeed, (P. latifolia) has very much the habit of the present plant, scarcely differing but in the rose-coloured flowers and the sericeous style. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Upper portion of the Calyx laid open, to shew the Stamens. 3. Stigma.—Magnified. a Gey TEE. by.SCartis Walworth. Marcht 1827 —WLH dat be Oe 4 j “litt tle pubescence at the a white spot at t ( 2721 ) DICHORISANDRA OXYPETALA. SHARP- _ PETALED DicnorIsANDRA. FREE bbbk Class and Order. ‘Hexanpria Monoeynia. ( Nat. Ord. —Commeuinez. ) Generic Character. Calyx triphyllus, inferus. Cor. tripetala. Stam. 5—6, in duas phalanges disposita, antheris lanceolatis, erectis, loculis parallelis. Caps. corolla baccante induta, trilocu- laris, polysperma-- “Nees. et side Specific arid. Nae DichorisanpRA oxypetala ; cemo terminali, pe bifloris, petalis ovatis acutis, foliis elli “ attenuatis, floribus hexandris. ae ee : — Descr. Ap pparentl mal ple or forkes rou rou bin, clothed with Maec striated, slightly pubescent sheaths of the lea below. Leaves confined to the r pal about five on each stem or bri attenuated both at the base an striated, the sides a little incurved, to four inches long ; ph , is stout, Athos" 27 the pedicels remote, rd Adc > the upper ones very short, the lowest one long, deflexed ; pedicels and flowers with small brown ovate bractee. Calyx of three, ovate, Spreading, greenish, veined leaflets. Corolla of three, ovate, acute, arreding 4 reddish purple, veined petals, with the base. Stamens six, three interior, and exterior, erect : filaments very short: anthers linear- oblong oblong, purple, whitish at the base, opening by two pores at on Subremity: Pistil : Germen wlietical style fili- form ; stigma obtuse. Dicnorisanpra is a genus that was established upon the D. thyrsiflora, by Mrxan, in his Delectus Flora et Faune Brasiliensis ; and three more, D. gracilis, radicalis, and pu- berula, were afterwards, together with an amended charac- ter of the genus, published by Dr. Nes and Dr. Martius, in the llth vol. of the Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. From all these our plant is sufficiently distinct in the form of its petals. | Fig. 1. Anther. 2. Pistil. ( 2722) JUSTICIA SPECIOSA. PURPLE-FLOWERED East-Inpian Justicia. Class and Order, Dranpria be ade Wie ( Nat. Ord —Acawtmaces. 4 Generic Character. “i ; é Cal. xqualis, . laris, bilabiata vel 2, antherifera. A sepius inequalibus. Ovarit loculi dispermi. - retinaculis subtensa. Br. raro é-parkbed Corolla’ valde ae ns, labio inferiore diviso. Stamina biloculares, loculis insertione venta sterilia nulla vy. obsoleta. ch ed adnatum.- = gam Specific Character a an Justicia speciosa ; perennis, oubcin. foliis. datis petiolatis vix serratis glabris, ped ribus terminalibusque proliferis rpciioee involucratis duplicibus. imvolucro externo t 3-floro, corolla. bilabiata | tubo curvato tort _ Superiore tridentato. aaa ’ Jusricra speciosa. Roxb. im Fl. Ind. vo. 1. p. 123. penernan eee — = eee Ei ae _Drscr. “A. rather all es branches us loure 3 dearbcly © biriated: Lé us Gata ‘acuminated, the lower subcordate, and slightly crenate, dark green beneath ; bi nerves oblique, prominent be- | 2 Paloma, axillary and Hemi, often proliferous;some~ — wanting ; when present, generally very long, leaf- ate Bractee, constituting a double _dsgtiesd es ciliated at * eee oe ee their margins, of which the outer is three-flowered, com- d of four leaflets, two being oblong, and two spathu- lato-oblong, the inner or partial mvolucre also consists of four, upright, lanceolate, smaller leaflets surrounding each flower. Calyx small, of five deep, linear, acute segments. Corolla externally pubescent, with a very long, pale, curved, remarkably twisted, purplish tube. Lips two, elliptical, oblong ; the upper one (become so by the curvature of the tube) with three minute teeth at the extremity; the lower entire (two-toothed. Roxs.). Both are of a deep, rich, carmine purple, the upper lip with one large, and several smaller dais spots at the base. Stamens two; Filaments much exserted; Anthers of two obliquely placed cells. Pistil : Germen ovate, with a fleshy annular disk ; Style as long as the stamens ; Stigma obscurely bifid. The first information I had of this charming species of Justicia, and which [ cannot doubt is justly said by Dr. Roxsureu to be “ one of the greatest ornaments of the forests in the interior of Bengal,” where it is a native, was from Mr. J. F. Bunsury, of Barton Hall, Suffolk, who communicated to me a living plant, as well as fine flower- ing specimens from his mother, Lady Bunsury’s collection at that place. The seeds were received by Lady Bunsury from St. Helena, where, in all probability, the plant was introduced from India, since it has been long cultivated in the Botanic Garden, Calcutta. I possess specimens from Dr. Cargy, oR Reena ; and the individual from which the accom- pee rawing was taken, came from the stove of Mrs. warp Cropper, of Toxteth Park, near Liverpool. Not only is the colour of the flowers very brilliant, but the flowers themselves are so large and so numerous upon the plant, that, perhaps, scarcely any species of the genus is more deserving of a place in our collections. Fig. 1. Anther. 2. Calyx and Pistil. 3, Germen, 4, Stigma.—Mag- = ‘ 3 : , S wy 8) re q ( 2723 ) BEGONIA UNDULATA. WAvED-LEAVED BEGONIA. : Class and Order. Monazcta Poryanpria. ( Nat. Ord.—Brcontacez.) Generic Character. Mase. Cal.o. Cor. polypetala, petalis plerumque 4, — ‘inequalibus. : | ' Fam. Cal.o. Cor. petalis 4—9, plerumque inequa- libus. | Styli tres, bifidi. Caps. triquetra, alata, trilocularis, . Yar a ¥ Specific Character. oe oe ae Brconta undulata 7 fruticosa, foliis inzequaliter cordatis _ undulatis integerrimis glabris nitidis, capsule alis rotundatis equalibus. Graham MSS. Breonza undulata. 5 Otto. } Ps ‘ Descr. Stem erect, turgid below, tapering upward annular ; when young, slightly hispid, green, and | aving — humerous small oblong white spots ; when older, glabrous, — and of a reddish grey colour, branched ; branches axillary and alternate. Leaves petioled, alternate, distichous, un- ually cordate, smooth and shining, undulate, acuminate, ofa full green on the upper surface, paler and minutely dotted below, three inches long, the edges occasionally reddish, especially when young and callous, quite entire, but having a dot like an obsolete tooth at the termination of each vein ; petioles hispid, especially on the older branches, a = of an inch long. Stzpules varying in size and stape, pointed, transparent, reddish, and spotted sor the em, cuiniadib : = stem, caducous. Panicle supported on peduncles about half the length of the leaves, dichotomous, smooth and shining. Bractee unequal, shorter than the pedicel, pel- lucid, colourless. Flowers white : Cor. of the male of four petals, of which the two outer are largest, cordate ; that of the female of five petals, the largest about one-third of the length of the wings of the capsule: wings of the capsule rounded, tapering towards the pedicel. Sé¢gmata convolute, pubes- cent, with two prominent angles on each, yellow. Stamens numerous, yellow. Seeds very numerous, covering the projecting wings of their green receptacles. Granam. Communicated with the above description by Professor Grauam, from the stove of the Botanic Garden at Edin- burgh. That gentleman received it, with the name here adopted, from Mr. Orro, of Berlin, with the information, that it was a native of Brazil. It seems to be quite dis- _ tinct from any hitherto published. Fig. I. Male Flower. 2. Female Flower. 3. Transverse section of the Germen, Aub by-SCurtis Walwarth March.11827 — WEE. dol? — (2724 ): CONOSPERMUM TAXIFOLIUM. YEW-LEAVED CoNOSPERMUM. KKK EERE KER ERE EEK Class and Order. TETRANDRIA Monoeynia. ( Nat. Ord.—Proreacez. ) Generic Character. Perianth. tubulosum, ringens: lacinia suprema basi for- nicata. Anthere tres incluse: laterales dimidiate : supe- rior biloba; primum coherentes, lobis proximis vicinarum loculum constituentibus! Stigma liberum. Nux obconica, papposa. Frutices. Folia sparsa, integerrima, plana, rariusve Jiliformia. Spice axillares, v. terminales, composite, sensim florentes inde corymbose. Flores solitarit, sessiles, unibrac- teati, albi v. cerulescentes. Perianthium deciduum. Brac- tea cucullata, persistens. Br. Specific Character and Synonyms. Conosrpermum taxifolium ; foliis lanceolato-linearibus acu- tis mucronatis tenuissime pubescentibus verticalibus basi tortis, pedunculis axillaribus. Br. ; Conosrermum taxifolium. Smith in Rees Cycl._ Br. in Linn. Trans. v.10. p. 154. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. v. 1. p. 369. Sieber Fl. Nov. Holl.n.43.? “ Conosrrrmoum falcifolium. Knight et Salish. Prot. 95 fl onan Descr. An erect twiggy shrub, with its stem and few ches more or less pubescent; sometimes glabrous. Leaves numerous, scattered, rigid, from one half to three uarters of an inch long, linear-lanceolate, with a very sha P point, somewhat obliquely twisted, erecto-patent, oe : pubescent *. pubescent or glabrous. The peduncles are axillary, aris- ing singly from several of the upper leaves; so that taken collectively, they form a sort of corymb. Each peduncle is simple or forked, pubescent, furnished with remote, ovate bracteas, and terminated by several sessile, pubes- cent, whitish flowers, each having an ovate, pubescent, and ciliated bractea at its base. Perianth tubular, slightly curved, two-lipped at the extremity ; the wpper lip entire, ovate, gibbous or fornicate at the back below the point ; the under lip trifid; the segments ovate. Stamens four, placed just within the mouth of the tube: Filaments dou- ble ; three alone bearing anthers, and these are placed in the upper lip of them; the two lateral ones have one lobe, and the central one two, purple. Pollen yellow, globular, with three points or angles. Pistil: Germen superior obconical, hairy, and terminated by a long simple pappus ; Style geniculated filiform ; Stigma spreading, toothed. Of this genus, nine species are enumerated by Mr. Brown in his Prodromus; but no species appears hitherto to have been cultivated in our gardens, till Mr. Attan Cun- NINGHAM, in 1823, sent seeds from New Holland to the Royal gardens at Kew, where they produced flowering plants, in the greenhouse, in the month of May, 1826. From a drawing in Mr. Arron’s possession, the annexed represen- tation was made, aided by dried specimens for the dissec- tions. } > Judging from these dried imens, C. taxifolium is lia- ble to aes variation, in ge and pubeacones of the foliage. Sreser’s plant has the leaves twice the size of that here given, and I have, on the other hand, specimens gathered by Mr. Fraser, whose leaves are so narrow, that the plants might almost be considered as intermediate be- tween taxifolium and ericifolium. Fig. 1. Flower and Bractee. 2. Upper part of a Perianth laid open. 3. Front view of a Stamen. 4. Back view of ditto. 5. Pollen. 6, Germen, with its pappus, style, and stigma.—Magnified. N. 2725 A Fibs by 8. Curtis, Walworth March L182 /. : _— Swansea —Wi Hh aed? — € 2725 ) GESNERIA AGGREGATA. CLUSTER-FLOWERED GESNERIA. Class and Order. ae DipyNAMIA ANetosPEmatia. ( Nat. Ord—Gusxerrez. Ricu. ) age Generic Character. Cal. 5-partitus, (plerumque germini adnatus.) -Cor. tubuloso-campanulata, limbo bilabiato; labio superiore bi-inferiore trifido. Stigma bilobum. Capsula bilocularis, 2-valvis, placentis parietalibus. | Specific Character and Synonyms. Gusneria aggregata; pubescenti-yillosa, foliis ovato-ob- longis crenatis rugosis petiolatis, pedunculis 2—4 axil- laribus unifloris aggregatis, corollis clavato-cylindri- cis basi superne bigibboso. Grsneria aggregata. Bot. Reg. t. 329. Gzsneria pendulina. Bot. Reg. t. 1032. pe ET Descr. Stem herbaceous, from one and a half to two feet high, branched, with opposite branches, and hairy. Leaves opposite, from two to four inches long, ovato- oblong, rather obtuse, wrinkled with the numerous anas- tomosing veins, downy, especially beneath, where it is pale and almost woolly, the nerves prominent, the margins cre- nulated: petiole semiterete, from half an inch to an inch long. Peduncles from two to four, springing from the axils of the leaves, and shorter than they, slender, hairy, Single-flowered. Calyx of five, deep, ovate, acumiate, ry segments, Corolla beautiful scarlet, an inch and a half long, tubular, but swelling upwards, pubescent ; the ‘mouth nearly regular, with two spreading lobes = ord the upper, and three, the lower lip. Stamens four, inserted at the base of the corolla, white. Filaments shorter than the corolla, curved. Anthers all united by their edges so as to form one mass. Pistil: Germen almost wholly supe- rior, ovate, pubescent, with four yellow glands at the base, of which the upper one is much the largest; Style filiform ; Stigma obtuse. This was raised in the Glasgow Botanic Garden from seeds which Mrs. Granam collected in Brazil, in the neigh- bourhood of Rio. It is well figured in the Botanical Re- gister*, where it is justly given as a previously undescribed species. It seems, however, to be very nearly allied to GesneriA hirsuta and hondensis of Humpotpt and Kuntu. In this genus (as in Groxin1a, which in many respects bears a great similarity to it) there are some species, among which is the present, that have the germen almost entirely free from any adherence with the calyx. * Since the above description was written, we find in the number of the Botanical Register for January, the same plant, as it appears, figured under the name of G. pendulina. Fig. 1, Anthers, 2, Pistil—Magnified. srt VIE ae Fue. by.SCartis Walworth Match.1.162]. ( 2726 ) “HABENARIA LEPTOCERAS. SLENDER-SPURRED HABENARIA, SEEK EKER EEK EEEREEEEREK Class and Order. | Gynanpria Monanpria. ( Nat. Ord.—OnrcuipeE&. ) Generic Character. Cor. ringens. Labellum basi subtus calcaratum. Glan- dule pollinis nude distincte (loculis pedicellorum adnatis vel solutis distinctis.) Br. : Specific Character, Hasenaria leptoceras; labello tripartito laciniis linearibus lateralibus minutis, cornu filiformi compresso germine _ duplo longiore, petalis ext. : valde concavis, int. semi- Sagittatis, anthera basi bicalcarata, calcaribus subtus | bituberculatis. Descr. Root? Stem a foot or a foot and a half high, rather stout, angular, leafy. Leaves erect, lanceolate, much carinated, striated, gradually passing upwards into bractew, which are as long as the germen, ovato-lanceolate, concave. Spike from six to eight inches long, of many rather remote greenish flowers. Outer petals or segments of the perianth ovate, green, remarkably convex, the late- ral ones obliquely twisted, spreading: the two inner ones Semisagittate, plain yellowish, applied to the inner margin of the galea. Lip yellow-green, of three linear segments, = the middle and large one is linear, shorter than the germen, curved back, the lateral ones small, dentiform. Spur twice as long as the germen, white, filiform, slender, compressed at the extremity. Anther ovate, yellow, lengthened as , he the base into two horizontal protruded, straight horns or spurs, which include, in a groove or furrow, the pedicels of the pollen masses, and are terminated by the brown gland. At their base beneath are two sessile yellowish glands. Pollen mass oblong, granulated: pedicel very long. Ger- men cylindrical, striated, and twisted. This singular species of Hapenaria came up in a pot of mould which we received, at the Glasgow garden, from the Horticultural Society, and which was marked as containing Neorria orchioides. It belongs to the true Hapenarta of Witipenow, of which that author described but two spe- cies, characterized by having two long spur-like processes from the base of the anther, which contain the lengthened pedicels of the pollen masses. From both those species it is abundantly distinct. The bud has a curious appearance, being much compressed laterally, and notched on one side : the cornu too is developed considerably before the expan- sion of the perianth. Flowered nit the stove, in the month of October, 1826. _ Fig. 1. Side view of a Flower. 2. Front view of the Helmet, Anther, and Lip. 3. Lateral Petal. 4. Anther. 5, Pollen mass.—Magnified. ere en > AprulTt3 27 wih 4 « S A & = ™~ a s -4 5 A > & ~~ 3 cS) ss BS I ™N ; oe Pret! Se, if te Lid aiaiecoti/ Pub. by § Curtis Walworth April 1 1827. —- WTI. det* ( 2727, 2728 ) Caryocar Nucirerum. Sovari, or Butrtrer Nout. EO Oe oe Os os Os 2 2 OO Os Os OR OR OO ORO Class and Order. MonapetpuraA Trrraeynia. ( Nat. Ord.—Raurzozotzz. De Cand. ) Generic Character. ' Calyx 5-partitus, demum laciniis deciduis. Stamina numerosissima, basi monadelpha. Pet. 5, crassiuscula.” Drupa, nucleis 4, aut abortu 1—3, reticulatis. Specific Character and Synonyms. Carvocar nuciferum ; foliis ternatis, foliolis elliptico-lan-_ -ceolatis obscure serratis epi calyce corollaque’ purpureis, antheris oblongis, drupa maxima. | Choad uciferum. Linn. Mant. p. 247. Willd. Sp. Pl. fae . Dp. Pers. Syn. Pl. v. 2. p. 84. Spreng. yst. Veget. v. 2. p. 627. De Cand. Prod. v. 1. p. monoine Poke Garin 98. 6,98. 1, 6 onexie tuberculosus. Smit. ib nad ulosa. . Ai 1 u ng avery consider-_ i Descr. Arborescent: the tree attaining a very cor able size: its branches, at least ne smaller ones, site, their bark smooth, dark grey, inelit ing to purple, the ; young shoots purple-green. Leaves also opposite, enclosed, when quite young, within two lanceolate, concave, deci- duous stipules, petiolate, ternate, the leaflets broadly lan- eo 2 alle oD : ceolate ceolate or elliptical, attenuated at the base, acuminated at the extremity, from four to six or eight inches long, quite glabrous on both sides, having a mid-rib and parallel ob- liquely transverse veins, the margins obscurely serrated. The inflorescence is produced in a terminal corymb of from two to eight flowers. The pedicels long, thick, pur- plish, glabrous, gradually enlarging upwards. Calyx two inches broad, cut to the very base into five broadly-ovate or rounded, obtuse, spreading lobes, of a purplish-brown colour and thick texture, with a scar or transverse mark near the extremity on the outside, concave, within pale purple towards the apex. Corolla of five very large ellip- tical concave petals, imbricating in the bud, of a deep purplish-brown colour, paler and redder where they have been protected by the outer ones; the inside is pale yel- lowish, streaked with purplish red. Stamens exceedingly numerous, hypogynous, united into one body at the base, the union reaches higher up from the base in the inside, than on the outside of this tube, thence separating into an infinite number of separate bundles of filaments, which are themselves united for about half their length, and which then divide into from sixteen to twenty slender, unequal, yellowish, distinct filaments, each terminated by an oblong, curved, two-celled, longitudinally-opening Anther. Pollen exactly spherical. The number of these stamens Mr. Guitvine has determined to exceed four thousand nine minated by four filiform Styles, about as long as the stamens, yellowish-green at the base, the rest reddish: the Stigmas simple, acute, Fruit an almost spherical, four- celled, four-seeded drupe ; measuring five or six inches in diameter ; but having, generally, one or more of the cells abortive,—the form of the entire fruit is altered in conse- quence ; and the extremity or scar of the styles is generally excentric._ The exterior surface is, when ripe, of a reddish- brown colour, os mottled with darker markings, like a russet apple ; the flesh is thick and yellowish. Each cell has a lining of a white astringent pulp, in which the large Nuts lie embedded ; affixed, as it appears, to a central axis : these are of a rounded subreniform figure, and rich brown colour, compressed, and even flattened to an almost sha edge on one side and truncated, where they are attache to the pericarp, and there likewise having a sulcus. The shell is closely embossed with tubercles, which are elon- gated towards the flattened edges, of a very hard aus so (so as to require a heavy blow with a hammer to break it) and thick substance ; this substance is filled with numerous linear transverse cavities. Each Nut has a single cell, in which is a glossy and shining, rich brown, solitary seed, attached to the truncated portion of the margin, nearly re- niform, or of the same shape as the nut, covered with a rather thick, smoothish, red-brown membrane or integu- ment, within which lies the almond, destitute of albumen. This is reniform, or subcylindrical, curved so as to be kidney-shaped, and is believed to constitute the radicle, subacute at one end, at the other having a curved atten- uated process, terminated by two small ovate cotyledons. The whole of this mass is greyish brown externally, within almost of a pure ivory white, the substance soft and fleshy, somewhat oily (whence the fruit is known by the name of Butter Nut), and of a very agreeable flavour. If we sometimes depart from the rule, to which the for- mer editors of the Botanical Magazine appear rigidly to have adhered, that no plant should be admitted into its pages, except it has been cultivated and brought to blos- som in our gardens ; it will only be in the rare imstances, where, if the plant has been introduced, we have little hope of seeing it produce flowers in this country ; or where the individual is not yet known to our collections, but is most worthy of being cultivated, either from its beauty, or from some useful property residing in it: in both these cases, none will be given but such delineations and descriptions as are taken from living plants, on the fidelity of which we can, with certainty, rely. é Already we have at our command an inestimable set of drawings of West Indian Plants, principally of such as are useful, from yielding articles of food or medicine, or which afford materials connected with commerce ; these are exe- cuted by the Rev. Lanspown Guinpine of the island of St. Vincent, with the greatest attention to accuracy : and we have another collection, from General Harpwicke, of designs, made under his directions, in the East Indies. The subjects of the annexed plates are taken from the drawings of our excellent friend, Mr. Guizp1ne, which were accompanied by specimens, both dried and in spirits, and by ample notes. These, we trust, have enabled us to com- pile a very satisfactory account of a plant, of which, aap a | serra = the nuts have long been known, no representation what- ever has been given of the flowers. In the fruit shops we are all familiar with a nut, known by the name of Souari, or Suwarrow (Auster spells the word Saouari), or Butter Nut. To the tree which pro- duces them, Lixnzus, in his Mantissa, seems to have given the appellation of Caryocar nuciferum, which has been adopted by WizipEenow and Dz Canpouz, by Persoon and Sprencet. Witpenow describes the species as having ternate leaves, and farther says, “ Calyx corollaque pur- purea, Drupa magnitudine capitis, Nuclei amygdali sapori?”’ Auster, under the name of Prxea butyrosa, Plantes de la Guiane, t. 238, has figured a plant evidently belonging to the genus Caryocar, only that the fruit is monospermous: the leaves are quinate. At p. 597 and t. 239 is represented his Pexea tuberculosa, where again the foliage is quinate, but downy beneath, and the nut is figured and described (for neither the flower nor the pericarp of the fruit were known to Auster) as so extremely similar to that of our present plant, that we can hardly persuade ourselves they are not the same. The almond is said to be white and good to eat ; its name among the natives is Tata Yous ; and the Savoarr of the Caribbees is declared by Auster, to be represented in his t. 240, which, though it has ternate, glabrous leaves, like those of the Caryocar nuciferum, bears a fruit of a totally different kind. 2 Wiupenow describes three species of Caryocar; the first is the C. nuciferum (Linn. Mant. being the only synonym) ; the second, C. b sum (Prxea butyrosa. Avs.) ; and the third, C. tomentosum (P. tuberculosa. Avsu.); and he mentions the Saovari of Auster as probably belonging to this genus. Sir J. E. Surra describes two species of the genus, the Carrocar butyrosum (Pexea. Avs.) and the C. tubercu- losum, and tefers them both to the Rurzoznotus of Gartn. To this latter, Sir J. E. Smrru refers C. tomentosum of Wittpenow, together with the C. nuciferum of Linn£vs, and the P. tuberculosa of Auster. De Canpoxte, like Witipenow, has kept the C. nuci- jferum of Linnzvs distinct from the rest, and characterized it “ foliis trifoliolatis, calyce corollaque purpureis, an- theris oblongis, drupis capitis humani magnitudine: with which arrangement we perfectly accord. Our plant has ternate leaves, glabrous on both sides, and is the tree that produces the nut, so commonly sold under the name of the Suwarrow, Suwarrow, or Butter Nut. Of this it has fallen to the lot of Mr. Guixpine to illustrate not only the flower, but the fruit, in a way, which, we trust, will prevent all further confusion. The tree is a native of the continent of South America, in the districts of Essequibo and Berbice, and the leaves, as well as nuts, have more than once been communicated to us from those countries, by C. S. Parker, Esq.*. It was, however, from a tree, imported into the island of St. Vin- cent’s, that the drawings here given and many others, which the limited nature of our work will not allow us to intro- duce, were made. We have confined ourselves to the more essential figures, selected from a series of four folio drawings. The flowers, Mr. Guitpine observes, may, occasionally, expand more than they are here represented ; but the tree being at a great distance from our friend’s residence, he had not the opportunity of frequent access to it. Lal * Mr. Parker writes us word “ of the Souari (or, by corruption, Suwarra Nut), I have only seen one kind, and that not often, in our ill- supplied market at George Town, Demerara. It is the kind I sent you, which I always took for the C. nuciferum. In its native woods I never ga- thered the Souari Nut but once, during a hasty excursion to the summit of the “ Blue Mountains,” on the left bank of the Essequibo river. When we had attained the summit of the ridge, perhaps six or eight hundred feet above the level of the sea (the highest ground I ever stood upon in the colony), I found first a Nut, and then a decayed Drupe upon the ground. The trees were very lofty which produced them, and, I think, I may safely say, that their stems grew perfectly straight, without a branch for seventy or eighty feet, like vast columns.” : a Tar. 2727. Fig. 1. A small terminal flower-bearing Branch; having few basse ca = with others), and from which most of the leaves are removed. At the letter a, is a scar whence a leaf has fallen. A peduncle “i seen, from which the corolla and stamens — dropped ; "eo Se me Flower, perhaps not quite so much expanded as when in State. 3. Calyx, with slcaee cut through transversely, to show the Ovules. —All of these are the natural size. 4. Portion of the Stamens, shewing their union at the base, and their mode of splitting into distinct bundles. 5. Front view of an Anther. 6. Back view of the same, to show the insertion of the Filaments. 7. Pollen —All magnified. , Tas. 2728. Ag ie i taining three Seeds, reduced to about one- third of its eet ey mee of the same, shewing the situation of the Seeds, and their intermediate pulpy envelope, similarly diminished. 3. Nut.—Natural size. 4. The same cut open to show the Seed. 5. The Embryo. 6. Seed laid open, to show the internal appearance of the Embryo. —All these of the natural size. Z al Pub. br S.Curtis. Walworth April Z.18 27. ( 2729 ) Maxitearra Parkert. Mr. Parker’s MAXILLARIA. KKK KEE KKK EERE REE Class and Order. GyNnaAnDRIA Monanpbri. ( Nat. Ord. —Orcuipea. ) Generic Character. Perianthium patens, resupinatum. Labellum cum pro- cessu unguiformi columne articulatum, trilobum. Foliola lateralia exteriora basibus cum processu column connata. Pollinia 4, basibus connata, glandulosa (vel 2. pedicellata, pedicello basi glanduloso). Herbe parasitice, bulbose, Americe meridionalis. Racemi (vel scapi uniflori), radi- cales. Lainpt. sot tors! Specific Character. Maxittaria Parkeri ; bulbo elliptico compresso rugoso monophyllo, folio lanceolato-lingulato coriaceo obscure Striato, basi in petiolo compresso attenuato, scapo unifloro bracteis imbricato, petalis interioribus lineari- lanceolatis, labello oblongo trilobo, lobis lateralibus incurvis, terminali patente undulato, intra lobos late- rales linea media longitudinali clavata. tit Descr. Parasitic: Bulb about the size of a pigeon’s ¢ e elliptical, compressed, somewhat wrinkled, and partially clothed with dry husky sheaths, terminated by a solitary often a foot long, and two, or two and a half inches ‘ A a Sects texture, vee, a —— agp rib, and obscurely marked with longitudinal lines, green, lanceolate, = between Satgoelane and strap-shaped, rather acute, attenuated at the base into a compressed fleshy petiole, which is grooved on the anterior edge. ? Scapes, one or two from the base of the bulb, bearing a moderately sized single flower, and clothed with large ternate, alternate, imbricating, equitant, compressed, broadly ovate, membranaceous scales or bractee: their colour is green, beautifully striated with purple at the base ; the upper one the largest, having its apex lying over the base of the back of the flower. Flower erect, or a little inclined : three outer petals erecto-patent, oblong, the two lateral ones decurrent at the base, but scarcely forming a spur ; yellow buff-colour, the two interior ones erect, linear-lan- ceolate, white, punctato-striated with purple on its lower half within, its lower inner margin adnate with the column. Labellum as long as the inner petals, erect, the sides invo- lute, three-lobed, beautifully and longitudinally veined with purple, except on the terminal lobe, which is ovate, crisped at the margin and spreading. Between the lateral lobes is a longitudinal elevated yellow line. Column semicylindrical, curved a little forward, deep brownish purple, yellow at the base. Stigma quadrangular, placed in the front just atthe apex. Anther operculiform, terminal, hemispherical. Pollen masses four, two smaller and two larger, elliptical or ovate, compressed, yellow, united by a semilunar, large, whitish gland, having a purple margin. This is a very pretty species of Maxillaria, and very distinct from any hitherto described. It was discovered by our friend Cuarzes S. Parker, Esq. in Demerara, and by him sent to the Liverpool Botanic Garden, where Mr. Suep- HERD informs us, it flowers readily (treated in the usual manner of the Parasitical Orchidez), and continues a long Fig. 1. A Blossom, of which the Petals or Segments of the Perianth are laid open to show the Column and Labellum. 2. Side view of the Labellum. 3. Summit of the Column from which the Anther-Case has been removed, showing the Stigma and Pollen-Masses. 4. An Anther, including its Pollen- Masses. 5. Front view of a Pollen-Mass. 6. Back view of ditto —All more or less magnified, Pub. by. 3 Cartis. Walworth April] 1827, | n Rj S 8 | ( 2730 ) NEOTTEA GRANDIFLORA. LARGE-FLOWERED NEOTTIA. Class and Order. GynanpRiA Monanpria, { Nat. Ord —Orcuwea. ) Generic Charaeter. Cor. ringens: petalis exterioribus anticis labello imberbi suppositis ; interioribus conniventibus. Colwmna aptera. Pollen farinaceum. Br. Specific Character and Synonym. Neorria grandiflora ; foliis ovato-lanceolatis sessilibus sub- carnosis immaculatis, scapo bracteato, petalis anticis decurrentibus labello semiinfero ecalcarato suppositis. Spiranrues grandiflora. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1043. Descr. Terrestrial, stemless. QLeaves ovato-lanceolate, sessile, bright green, having a few large semipellucid spots, springing from the crown of the root. They are six to eight inches long, concayo-carinate, with a central rib, and Several parallel obscure nerves ; the margin waved: the Substance is rather thick and fleshy, more succulent than in N. picta. Scape a foot or more high, having several brac- tee, ovate, or ovato-lanceolate, appressed, gradually be- coming smaller, and passing into the linear-lanceola bractee of this flower :—this scape is thick, succulent, pubescent, sulcated; at the extremity the flowers are ar- ranged in a lax spike, occupying about one-third of the Seape. The flowers are large, erect, the greater part of the perianth or petals declined almost at right angles ; so that the whole, especially in bud, has a strong resemblance to the head and neck of a bird: their colour is pale uni- form green, except the two inner petals and the labellum, which are pole and yellower: the whole flower too, is, ex- ternally, clothed with dense succulent white hairs, except the inner petals and the labellum : this pubescence is, how- ever, far more conspicuous on the germen than on the petals, and the apices of all the petals are alesse] : ee Stabrous glabrous. Upper petal shorter than the two lower ones, thick, fleshy, darkish green, united and incorporated with the two inner ones, of which latter, the margins alone are visible : they are thin and membranous, and the three, collectively, form a helmet over the essential parts of fruc- tification ;—the two lower petals (which in most orchideous plants occupy the side of the flower, but here the under side) are long, linear, lanceolate, remarkably decurrent at the base, at least twice the length of the upper petals, uniting, and then, still lower down, forming an adnate spur, best seen by a transverse section, fig. 9; where the lower part of the figure represents the space formed between the petals and the germen, containing only the base of the labellum. The labellum is long, the margins involute about the column, spathulate, the extremity spreading (but not reflexed), waved at the margin, longitudinally striated, the base slightly gibbous. Column erect, long, almost a. lindrical, having the stigma at the base full of honey-like juice, spreading at the upper part into an ovate acuminate horizontal extremity, flat at the top, and having affixed to its base, on the upper surface, the lanceolate two-celled anther. The pollen masses, two in number, white, farina- ceous, clavate, having a longitudinal rima, and fixed, by their base, to a rather large leaden-coloured gland, are de- posited by the anther-case on the top of the column (as at fig. 7.). Germen twisted at the base. — 2 : The present plant is a native of Brazil, and we were. :the-speciada by the Mesers.:Saemiaes, of en*. It bears much affinity to lute. The two are cultivated in the same stove by the Messrs. SHEPHERD, and are always found to maintain their respective characters. 3 * We had called this plant Nrorrta viridis, to distinguish it from the N. picta; but since our engraving and description weré completed, we find the same species to be figured in the last Number of the Botanical Register (for February, 1827), under the name which we have now adopted; and it is stated to be introduced to the Horticultural Society, in 1824, from Rio Jane- | iro, by Mr. Davi Doveuas. fe Fig. 1. Side view of the upper part of a Flower. 2, Front view of Flower. 3. Back view of ditto. 4. Flower deprived of its Petals. 5. © lumn. 6. Back yiew of the top of the Column, the Anther Case covering the — Pollen Masses. 7. Top of the Column, the Anther Case being removed. 8. Pollen Masses.—All more or less magnified. ee Oe Sd Pubby 8. Curtis Walworth. April 11827 2731 ( 2731 ) Hovurruynta corpata. Corpate Hovur- TUYNIA. Tee Class and Order. . TRranria TRIGYNIA. ( Nat. Ord.—Arowez ? ) Generic Character. Spatha tetraphylla. Spadix oblongus staminibus nudis epigynis tectus. Capsula unilocularis, polysperma. Re- ceptacula 3, parietalia. ae Specific Name and Synonyms. Hovrruyntia cordate. % Hovrruynia cordata. Thunb. Jap. p. 234. 1.26. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 2. p. 290. Wall. in Fl. Ind. ». 1. p. 360. £. pe iO. Potypara conchinchinensis. Lom. Coch. v. Descr. Root perennial, somewhat thick and. creeping, throwing out a few fibres. Stem from three or four inches to two or three feet high, according to Dr. Watticu, erect, mostly simple, zigzag. glabrous, in our specimens, bearing remote alternate leaves. Leaves cordato-acuminate, entire, glabrous, nerved, more or less deeply notched at the base: Petiole more than half as long as the leaf, furnished at the = with a membranaceous, brown, somewhat ciliated s¢i- _ Peduncle terminal, solitary, single-flowered. Spatha re- sembling a corolla, of four ovate, spreading, white elliptical leaflets, inserted immediately below the oblong spadix, which consists of several naked closely-placed flowers. Germen somewhat ovato-triangular, terminating in three recurved styles, with an opening (as in Resrpa) between _ the base of the styles. Stamens: Filaments white, inserted upon the angles, near the middle, of the germen. Anthers Sone So oblong, oblong, yellow, opening with two lateral cells. The cap- sule is scarcely altered in form from what it was in the state of the germen, except that the aperture between the styles is more enlarged: the styles and withered stamens remain. Within the one-celled capsule are three longitudinal pari- etal receptacles, bearing each a few elliptical brown seeds, acuminulated at both extremities, filled internally with an albumen, which is between waxy and corneous, except at one end, where the minute embryo is imbedded. Although the drawing in the possession of W. TownsEND Arron, Esq., from which the annexed figure was principally copied, represents but a small state of the plant; yet we are glad to have an opportunity of giving any representa- tion of so great a rarity, of which no good plate has yet been given, and which has been by no one well described, but by Dr. Wa ticu, in the Flora Indica, above quoted. That description, indeed, is most accurate in every respect. Tuunsere first detected the plant in Japan, where it is known by the name of Doku Dami, or Sjunjak, growing abundantly in ditches by way sides ; and it has since been found in very great plenty also in Nepal, by the Honorable Mr. Garpner, Dr. Gowan, and Dr. Watiicu. We have many dried specimens from the latter botanist, from which our dissections have been made ; and, from seeds sent by ‘the same individual, and from the same country, Nepal, plants have been raised by Mr. Arron at Kew, which blos- somed in the month of September, 1826. . In Cochinchina, Lovretro found it only in gardens. Fen rn Fig. 1. Single Flower. 2. Anther. 3. Capsule. 4. Capsule open to ee 5. Seed. 6. Section of ditto.—Mugni- cance 2752 Pubby S. Curtis Walworth. Aprit i £827. co Hee eee — F Tided* ‘thick, rounded, unbranched ? stems, erect. C2732.) ScmvoLa Kamnicii. Siuppy Biast INDIAN Scavora. : Jeb bobenbbe oobi Class and Order. 4 ‘ Penranpria Monoeynta. i ~ ( Nat. Ord.—Goopenoviz. ) Ae Generic Character. Corolla hine longitudinaliter fissa, geninany%e ealfalveti timbo inde secundo, 5-partito, laciniis alatis fodior nibs” Vanthevee libere. Stigmatis indusinm ciliatum. ei Td Specific Character and Synonyms Scavora Kenigii; ¢ ymis-glabris, floribus dichotomiarium pedicellatis, cokes 5-partito ovarium zquante, foliis obovatis apice subrepaniis utringue ramisque glaber- timis. Br. : — Keenigii. Vahl. Symb. v. 3. p. 36. Willd. Pl. v. 1. p. 956. Brown PvOer. Fr Nov. Holl. v. i‘, p. 580. EVOLA ce ‘ites _ . 2 Seine _ Descr. Apparently a succulent shrul sy pt with aves alter- nate, four to five inches long, obovate, and tapering at the into a very short footstalk, and at the point of inser- tion furnished with a tuft of white silky hairs: the surface ‘'Sscarcely nerved, the margin repando-crenate towards the extremity ; the substance thick and fleshy. — Cyme of about three lateral. flowers, opposite, subtended by opposite bractex, which have a tuft of white hairs in the inside, central flower pedicellate. Calyx superior, five- partite, the laciniz lanceolate. — Corolla with a tube slit open on the spect moe hed gee ey within ; limb unilateral, ee * | unilateral, of five spreading, winged, waved, and ciliated, white, obovate segments : each has a central line ; pubes- cent at their base, and this down, or these hairs, when closely examined, are found to originate on small scales, fig. 2. Stamens five; free, scarcely so long as the tube. Anthers oblong, two-celled. Germen inferior, obovate, furrowed. Style thick, longer than the stamens, green, hairy at the base. Stigma obtuse, surrounded by a cup- - shaped, strongly ciliated indusium. Berry ovate, about as large as a pea, two-seeded. For the opportunity of figuring this exceedingly rare plant, I am likewise indebted to the friendship of Mr. Arron. His drawing was made at the Royal Gardens at Kew, in August, 1826, from specimens raised from seed, sent in 1824, by Mr. Attan Cunninenam, from New Holland. It is a native of the sea shore in the tropical parts of that country, according to Mr. Brown ; and it was on the north coast that Mr. Cunninenam likewise detected it. I specimens from the Mauritius, which were gathered by Mr. Boser, and which differ from the figure here given only in having the Cymes compound, probably the effect of luxuriance. Scavona sericea and Sc. Plumieri of Linnazus have the same aspect as the present plant. The former has downy leaves, and the latter (a native of the West Indies, and also of the Cape), has the central floret always sessile. a Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Scale from the base of one of the Segments of the Flower. 3. Flower deprived of the Corolla —Magnified, siarnlenninienieteasiaisiaclapeati ee | 2733 | Sub, by SCnrtis, WalworthAprrl! 1827. —WAIZ, dal? — ( 2733 ) CAMPANULATA PrisMATocARPUS. ANGULAR- FRUITED Carpe CAMPANULA. KEKE EEEEEKEEERE EERE REESE Class and Order. PenTanpRria Monoeynia. ( Nat. Ord.—Campanutaces, ) Generic Character. Calyx tri- rarius 4-fidus. Corolla campanulata, 5-fida. Filamenta basi dilatata. Stigma 3, 2-lobum. Capsula 3, 2-locularis, sepius infera, foraminibus lateralibus aperiens, nunc apice supero valvato. Br. Specific Character and Synonyms. Campanuta Prismatocarpus ; capsulis linearibus bilocula- ribus, foliis lanceolatis laxe serratis glaberrimis caule decumbente. a} Campanuta Prismatocarpus. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed.1. v. 1. p. 224. ed. 2. v. 1. p.352. Willd. Sp. Pl. v.1. p. 913. Spreng. Syst. Veg. p. 737. 3 “ Prismarocarpus nitidus. L’Herit. Sert. Angl. 2. t. ” Fag ee 2 Descr. Shrubby, whole plant glabrous. | Stems pro- cumbent at the base, thence erect, reddish-brown, shining, scarcely branched. Leaves rather remote, patent, sessile, lanceolate, rigid, scarcely more than half an inch long, stiff and rigid, furnished with a mid-rib, the margins slight- ly revolute, spinuloso-dentate, the teeth distant, poimting Superior, five-partite, the leaflets linear-lanceolate, erect. | Corolla Corolla almost infundibuliform, white, quinquefid at the ex- tremity. Stamens united by the anthers. Pistil: Germen _wery long, linear, tetraangular: Style filiform. Stigma bifid. Capsule acutely quadrangular, two-celled, four-valvy- ed, the valves opening longitudinally. Dissepiment linear, membranaceous, at length free, thi, membranaceous, with. a central thickened rib, to which the seeds are attached on both sides. Seeds in two ranks, elliptical, plane, dotted. Introduced to the Royal Gardens, according to the Hor- tus Kewensis, by Mr. Masson, from the Cape of Good Hope, in 1787. It appears then to have been lost to our collec- tions for a number of years, until seeds were again sent to oe ge Gardens at Kew, from the Cape, by Mr. Bowie, in : Porter describes the corolla as rotate ; which, it as- suredly, is not, either in the Kew plant, or in dried spe- cimens we have in the Herbarium ;—on the contrary, it is an unusually long and narrow tube for the genus. The capsule is as long as narrow, and as regularly tetra- gonal as that of an Epilobium ; it splits from top to bottom ito four valves, and contains a dissepiment bearing two rows of seeds on each side. Pe o: Fig. 1. Flower and Bractee. 2. Stamens and Style. 3. Capsule: one of the Valves separated from the bottom to shew the Dissepiment bearing the Seeds. 4. Portion of the Dissepiment. 5. Seeds—Magnified. = Pe e. ‘in ae 273F ie Aki Sas —_ | > &.Curtis, Walworth. May, £. 1827. swear! - . ( 2734, 2735, 2736, 2737,2738 ) Loporcea SecueLttarum. Dovste, or SEYCHELLES-IsLAND, Cocoa-Not. SHRI bisik Class and Order. Dracra Monapetpuia. ( Nat. Ord.—Patm. ) Generic Character. Masc. Spadix basi spathaceus, sanieatedecle Amentum cylindraceo- -elongatum, squamatum intra substantiam flo- riferum. Flores in massam subreniformem arctissime distiche imbricati, numerosi. Calyx triphyllus. Corolla tripetala. Stamina numerosa, basi monadelpha. Fam. Spadix basi spathaceus, vaginato-squamosus ; squa- mis erosis, flores remotiusculos gerens. Calyx triphyllus. Corolla triphylla. Germen late ovatum, inferne triloculare. Stigma sessile, minutum, trifidum. . Drupa fibrosa, nuce bi- triloba, di- trisperma ? . Specific Character and Rynenyme: 4 Loporcea Sechellarum. L,. eer. Labill. in Gage Mus. v.9. p. uo, he + 8 pr st. Veg. v. 2 5 is L. Se a Porat Syn. PL. v. 2. p. 630. Cocos maldivica. Gmel. Syst. Nat. v.. 2. p. 569. wW ld. Sp. Pl. v. 4, p. 402. at Parmer de V’Isle Praslin, vulgairement appellé ¢ de Mer. Sonnerat Voy. de la Nouvelle Guinée, ‘ip. 4. eee, 4. , cc ‘ocus maldivicus. “Rumph. Hist. Amb, v. 6. p- 240. t. 81. Des ‘The Trunk of this ‘beautifil i rises COM emir to an elevation of a or saaty peek, , ane ometimes about a foot in diameter, with scarcely any difference in size to the very top, where it is crowned with a tuft of from twelve to twenty leaves ; these are very large ; the youngest rising from the centre, at first folded close, like a shut fan, and then clothed with a downy substance ; at length they expand into a broadly-ovate form, having a central rib, and beautiful regular plice or folds diverging from it; the margins more or less deeply cut, especially at the extremity. Some of these leaves have been measured, and found to be twenty feet long and ten or twelve feet wide, supported upon a petiole as long as the leaf itself: their more common size, however, is from eight to ten feet long, and five or six wide, which is about the dimension of the foliage produced by the oldest trees. The colour is a bright yellow green; the texture thin and dry, and when viewed under the microscope, is seen to be composed of a beautiful tissue of fine network, having quadrangular areole or meshes. The old leaves, when withered, hang down upon the stem, previously to falling off. | The male and female flowers are produced upon different trees (t. 2734.) ; each constituting a Spadix, which has sinall sheathing Spathas at the base. Spadix of the Male Plant from the axils of the leaves, amen- taceous (not unaptly compared to the closely imbricated Catkin of a willow), from two to four feet long (t. 2735), and from three to four inches in diameter in the thickest part, cylindrical, tapering however towards the extremity, closely covered on all sides with densely imbricated, semicircular, slightly convex scales, which so completely form a continua- tion of the substance of the spadix, as not to be separated but by force. When looking externally at these scales, a small aperture will be perceived, from which the stamens issue ; and this aperture, though near the base, is not in the centre of each scale, but constantly on one and the same side ; and as the scale laps over with that side the one next above it, so the aperture and the stamens will be found to pass through both (t. 2735. f. 2.). The origin of the sta- _ mens, indeed, is not, as in our amentaceous plants, imme- diately beneath the scales. We must make a transverse section through the whole (between fleshy and fibrous) substance of the spadix, and we shall find it to be every where filled with elliptical cavities, radiating from near the centre to the circumference, and on the circumference terminating at the apertures above mentioned. (See t where the cavities are the largest, the section has through the very middle of them, where smaller, either a very small or a very large portion has been cut away ; for, opposite to the apertures, the cavity is of the same size, or nearly so throughout.) Each cavity we find to be filled with a great number of flowers, about an inch long, but collected and united into a very closely imbricated, distichous, kidney-shaped mass (t. 2735. f. 4.), attached by its base, (a) to the innermost side of the cavity next the axis of the spadix. Only one flower opens at a time, beginning with the lowermost, which is the longest and next the aperture ; when that has discharged its office, the one above it becomes more elongated, expands, is protruded till the pollen is dispersed ; and so on, till the whole, haps fifty or sixty, have withered ; in which state they still gectante within the cavity, a mere mass of husky scales, if possible more closely compacted than before. Each flower is com- posed of six pieces, of which the three outer have been gene- rally considered a calyx, and the three inner, a corolla (t. 2735. f. 5, 6.): they are oblong, membranaceous, yellowish- brown; the outer ones rather larger and more angular than the inner. Stamens fifteen or twenty. Filaments united at the base into one body (t. 2735. f: 7.): Anthers linear, two-celled, opening longitudinally, each cell termi- nating in two globular heads. The Spadix has a short compressed footstalk, with a groove on one side. te _ Spadix of the Female Plant (t. 2736, f. 1.) also springing m the axil of the leaves, pendent, two to four feet long, thick and woolly, tortuose, clothed with large sheathing, red-brown scales, which are singularly fimbriated, or more §enerally erose at the margin, and support several, more or less distantly placed, female flowers of different ages, at _ the same time, and of various sizes: for, along with the -fully-formed ripe fruit is often seen the still unfertilized Sermen, in itself about the size of a hen’s egg, but enve- _ toped in the six leaves of the perianth, of so thick a nature, 88 to render the whole of the dimensions and form of a _ Moderate sized apple (t. 2736, f. 5.). The three outer and three inner leaves (or Calyx and Corolla) are almost emisphzerical and an inch thick at the base ; the outer ones the largest, their margins crenated ; but both remain and _icrease in size prodigiously with the fruit, so as then to be five or six inches in ‘hia Germen almost concealed by the Perianth ; broadly ovate, narrow at the base above the insertion of the Perianth ; and in that lower part only, ye exhibiting exhibiting an appearance of three cells (¢. 2737. f.1.): the whole upper part, a little above the letter a of f- 2, t. 2736, is a pulpy mass, traversed by longitudinal vessels. In other germens there is no trace of cells. The stigma is sessile (unless the great mass above the insertion of the ovules may be considered as a style), having a minute, three- lobed aperture. As the fruit advances to maturity, one or two of the cells become abortive, and the germen, rounded before, then appears depressed on one side. (A vertical section of an unripe fruit is given at f. 2, and a transverse section, at f. 3 of t. 2737, in both of which there appears to be but a single seed or nut.) Many, indeed, of the germens are wholly abortive. A single spadix ripens from five to six fruits, each as large as the largest melon, often a foot and a half in length, weigh- ing twenty, or twenty-five pounds, oval, rounded, or com- pressed on one side, and more or less acuminated, the base surrounded by the greatly enlarged Perianth (t. 2738, f. 1.). The external coat, or Pericarp, is formed by a thick enve- lope, or husk, which bears much resemblance to the coat of the common walnut, but is vastly thicker in proportion, having nearly the same form and colour, that is, a deep green. Before the fruit has attained its perfect maturity, the interior, near the base, is divided into two parts, and contains a substance like a white jelly (¢. 2737, f. 2, a), firm, transparent and sweet to the taste. A single Cocoa- nut holds, perhaps, three pints of this substance ; but if kept a few days, it turns sour, thick, and unpalatable, giving out a very disagreeable smell. One, two, or three, rarely four nuts are found within each pericarp. These nuts are a foot long, broadly ovate, or elliptical, at the base very obtuse, at the upper extremity notched into two or three, rarely four deep lobes, hemi- herical on one side, compressed on the other, of a dark brown almost black colour, and a very hard woody texture, marked externally with shallow furrows (¢. 2738, f. 2, 3.). This nut is divided in the middle by a dissepiment (two or three, probably, in those which are two or three lobed) of considerable thickness, but leaving a communication in the centre from which the Fane or infant plant eventually appears. The cavity is filled by the almond, which is ve hard, white, and corneous, so that it may be rasped wi a ox — with St a — iB eee welve months elapse, from the time of the appearance of the germen, before the fruits are fully ripe; aggre Se : ts ve _ the shell has decayed, but after the pericarp has fallen away. » elapses before the nt Po Sah: # ce have been known to hang three years on the tree before falling on the ground. The outer envelope rots away in a few days. It is from the sinus of the lobes, where there are many, coarse, rigid fibres (¢. 2738, f. 3.), that the Embryoor Germ is protruded ; and this takes place before It extends itself to a considerable distance from its par seed before it is separated, remaining attached to it by what appears a portion of the root or radicle; whilst the — outer extremity penetrates into t 1, and from a clet in the thickest part, near the middle, throws up the plum ie; as appears at the letter a of the same plate and figure. ‘he tree has generally it at the same or thirty years before it. | from. twenty to thirty ri time. s fruit. difficulty of for examina- was the more to be regretted, since, known plants, hardly any tribe has offered to m: D valuable properties as the Palms; or ch elegance and m: been stamped by y of form ; whence arrangement, but gr his system, ca a aloe: which has been remain a monument of for a long time has been the least perfectly known, and yet the most extensively celebrated, is, the subject of the pre- sent description, the Double Cocoa Nut, the Coco de Mer, Coco de Salomon, and Coco des Maldives of the French, the Cocos Maldivicus of Rumpuivus, and Nux Medica of Cuusivus. Until the discovery of the only spot in the world where the nuts grew, in the year 1743, they were solely known from having been found floating on the surface of the sea, in the Indian ocean, and near the Maldives islands, whence their French name was derived; and even in the time of Rumpuivus, the nut was spoken of as the “ mirum miraculum nature, quod princeps est omnium marinarum rerum, que rare habentur.’” The nut only was found floating, destitute of its husk, and mostly with the internal part decayed ; it was called “‘ Calappa Laut’ by the Dutch, and under that appellation Rumpnius has given an histo- rical account of it; but fabulous as it is, he tells us, that many other tales were related to him respecting it, which were too absurd for him to detail. The Double Cocoa Nut is not, he assures us, a terrestrial production, which may have fallen by accident into the sea and there become petrified, as Garcias ab Orta relates; but a fruit, probably growing itself im the sea, whose tree has been hitherto concealed from the eye of man. The Malay and Chinese sailors used to affirm, that it was borne upon a tree deep under water, which was similar to a Cocoa- nut tree, and was visible in placid bays, upon the coast of it instantly disappeared. The negro priests declared it to grow near the island of Java, with its leaves and branches Maldivian islands, it was death to any man to possess it : all that were found became the immediate property of the king, who. sold them at a very high price, or offered them as the most precious of regal gifis. ‘Their value was esti- — WJ Badelt — Pub by §.Cartis, Walworth. May 1, 1827 “apes but those nuts which measured as much in breadth as in length were the most esteemed ; and those which attained a foot in diameter were sold for one hundred and fifty crowns. Nay, some kings have been so greedy of obtain- ing these fruits, as to have given a loaded ship for a single one. The Chinese, as well as the natives of the Archipelago, are justly thought by Rumpuius to have set, perhaps, too high a value upon their medical properties, in considering them an antidote to all poisons. The principal virtue | resided in the meat or albumen, which lines the nut, and which is so hard and corneous, as to be preserved fora length of time after the embryo is destroyed. This sub- stance was triturated with water in vessels of porphyry, and, mingled with black and white, or red coral, ebony, and stags’ horns, was all drunk together. The Double Cocoa Nut was also thought serviceable in all inflammations of the body ; as a preservative against colic, apoplexy, epilepsy, paralysis, et id genus omne. The great men formed of the shell, which possesses fewer medicinal properties, precious vessels, cutting off a trans- verse slice, which constitutes the lid ; and in this they put their tobacco, betel, lime, and whatever else they masticate ; believing they can never then be contaminated by any thing noxious. Water kept in it is considered to preserve those who drink of it from every complaint. The discovery of the Seychelles Islands, and the know- ledge thence derived, that these nuts grew upon trees, as other Cocoa-nuts, soon reduced the value of this commodity ; and now, probably, by the Indians, as by the Europeans, it is only sought as a matter of curiosity, or for domestic purposes. The Botanical history of the tree, was, however, not the less a desideratum. The industrious Sonnerat ve a description of it, not a very scientific one, indeed, in his excellent Voyage 4 la Nouvelle Guinée, when he landed upon the Isle Praslin, or Isle des Palmiers, one of ie Seychelles. The Tree is represented in the ong oo is work, and again in the frontispiece, and the Fruit, nd sections of the Nut and the male Spadix, are the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh plates: he the tree into the Isle of France. Commerson MSS., under the name of Lodoicea, which 3 stly, La Bintarpiere, in the m d’Histoire Natu- of it, and figures, from specimens preserved in spirits ; together with a representa- tion of the tree, from a drawing made in the Seychelles Islands, by M. Liter. This is followed by an account of the uses of the Palm, communicated to the Museum of Natural History at Paris, by M. Queau-Quincy, Corres- pondant et Administrateur Genéral des Isles Seychelles. These accounts, in conjunction with some nuts that Mr. Barcray and myself received from our inestimable friend and correspondent, Cuartes TeLrair, Esq. of the Mauri- tius, only served to stimulate our curiosity ; and we re- quested Mr. Tetrair, to procure, if possible, either from the Palms that he informed us were cultivated in the Isle of France, or from the Seychelles Islands, such specimens as would enable us to publish more satisfactory delinea- tions than had yet appeared. The Isle of France Palms had not yet fructified; but Mr. Texrarr lost no time in begging his friend J. Harrison, Esq. of the Seychelles, to obtain the necessary specimens. With the utmost promp- titude and kindness, that gentleman devoted several days to visiting, with a dozen of blacks, the Isles of Praslin and Curieuse ; and in the midst of those little known islands, he not only made drawings from the living trees, but pro- cured and forwarded to us, through Mr. Trxrair, the Male and Female Spadices and Fruit, in different states, pre- served in spirits, with Leaves, a Seedling Plant, and even with a portion of the Trunk. All these, except the fully ripened fruit, arrived in safety. A perfect representation therefore, of the mature nut, is still wanting. _ : _ Much of the description of the plant here given has been communicated by Mr. Harrison ; and we have now to offer some further remarks, from the same valuable source. The Seychelles, or Mahé Islands, as they are sometimes called, lie to the N. East of Madagascar, in about 5° S. latitude, and 55° E. longitude. It 1s in this groupe only, that the Palm is found, and among them, on no others than the Isles of Praslin and Curieuse, and Round Island. These are within half a mile of each other, mountainous and rocky, and the soil poor. The common Cocoa nut (Cocos nucifera) occupies the sea coast; but all other parts are, or have been entirely covered with ‘‘ Cocos de Mer.” “ To behold these,”” says Mr. Harrison, “ growing in thousands, close to each other, the sexes intermingled ;—a numerous offspring starting up on all sides, sheltered by the parent plants ;—the old ones fallen into the sear and yellow leaf, and going fast to decay, to make room for the young —_ 2 Vins Hf. delé — Lub. by S Curtis Walworth. Mayl 1827. — — —— = ge Re se presents to the eye a picture so mild and pleasing, that: it is difficult not to look upon them as animated objects, ca- pable of enjoyment, and sensible of their condition.” A new leaf is formed upon the tree annually; and on falling away at the end of the year, it leaves a scar or ring : by these, it is estimated, that one hundred and thirty years are required palors the tree attains its full development. The foliage is largest and most beautiful in young plants ; the new leaf i is always formed in the centre, and it shoots out perpendicularly, folded close like a fan from the top, to the length of ten feet, or more. In this state, it is of a pale yellow colour, and is employed for making hats and bonnets; afterwards ‘it expands itself in all its beauty, and becomes green. ‘There is a space of about four inches be- tween the rings on the trunk. A’ Coco de Mer, planted on M. De Qurncy’s estate, on the Isle Mahé, is thirteen feet and a half high, has thirty-nine marks or rings, and was planted forty years ago ; it is a female plant ; but there being no male plant in the island, the fruit: never cori to maturity. The crown oe the trunk, ine the midst o f the leaves, is called. the cabb page, and is eat alike that of the true Cabbage (AREcA 01 slicate , and slightly ter heingall it and d of its soft | : ‘ous serves to make water troughs, as palisades for surrounding houses and wardens. lage ther of houses and nd even for . With a hundred leaves, a conceal dwelling be structed ; including even the partitions of. ments, the doors and windows. In the Isle Praslin, met of the cabins and warehouses are thus made. attached to the young leaves serves ‘ illows. and fibres of the petiole constitute The young foliawe, as before men- ent material for hats: for this pur- es only are taken, dried in the | strips, two or three lines in th, which are then plaited ; and scarcely any other Seychetfen for the head is worn by the inhabitants of the Seychel Out of the nut are made vessels of different forms and uses. When preserved whole, and perforated in one or two Places, the shell serves to carry water; and two of them are are suspended from opposite ends ofa stick. Some of these nuts hold six or eight pints. Ifdivided in two, between the lobes, each portion serves, according to the size and shape, for plates and dishes, or drinking cups; these being valua- ble from their great strength and durability: so that this kind of utensil, in the Seychelles Islands, bears the name of Vaisselle de V Isle Praslin. And such is the estimation in which these nuts are held by the negroes and poor people of other islands, that the sailors always try to obtain, and make them part of the cargo of their vessels. Amongst other articles, shaving dishes, black, beautifully polished, set in silver, and carved, are made from them. We have received from Mr. Texrair, at the Royal Glas- gow Botanical Garden, a living nut of this rare Palm; but, although all possible care was taken in its treatment, it did not vegetate with us. We feel confident, however, of possessing living plants in our stoves ere long, as Mr. Texrarr has promised us the nuts in an actual state of ger- mination ; which, with proper care on board of the ship, during the voyage, will reach us in safety *. * Since the above was printed, Mr. Barcuay and myself haye received accounts of the arrival, in the river, of Germinating nuts of this most valuable eee Reference to the Plates, 2734, 2735, 2736, 2737, 2738, Tas. 2734 represents the Male and Female Palm.—T. 2735, f. 1, Male Spadix, much diminished. 2. Scales, with Stamens protruded, natural size. 3. Section of the Male Spadix, ditto. 4. Cluster of Male Flowers; a. the point of attachment to the Cell. 5, Single Flower, in bud. 6. the same expanded, natural size. 7. Bundle of Stamens, slightly magnified. 8. Single Stamens, magnified—T. 2736. 1. Part of a Female Spadix. 2. Pistil. 3. One of the outer Segments of the Flower. 4. Inner Segment, all reduced in size, 5. Female Flower, natural size-—T. 2737. 1. Section of a Germen. "2, Vertical, and 3 Transverse Section of a young Drupe.—-T. 2738. 1. Drupe. 2. Nut. 3. Nut in a state of germination.—4il much reduced in size. Correa Se May/ 1827. Walworth Pub, by Ss Curlis —— (MM. Curtes. del.- ( 2739 ) SoLaANuM QuITENsE. ANGULAR-LEAVED DOWNY SOLANUM. KEK EERE EEK KEKE KEKE KEKE Class and Order. Penranpria Monoeynia. ( Nat. Ord.—Soxanacesz. ) Generic Character. . Cal. 5—10 partitus. Cor. subrotata, 4—10-fida. An- there conniventes apice poro gemino dehiscentes. Bacca 2, 3, 4-locularis, placentis septo adnatis. Semina glabra. Specific Character and Synonyms. Sotanum Quitense; inerme, caule suftruticoso, foliis sub- cordatis sinuato-angulatis utrinque tomentosis, racemis lateralibus brevissimis, hirsutissimis, bacca globosa. Soranum Quittoense. Lam. Ill. n. 2326. Encycl. Meth. v. 4: p. 285. Duznal. Solan. p. 143. Sotanum Quitense. Humb. et Kunth Nov. Gem. v. 3. p. 25. Syn. Pl. Gigr. v. 2. p. 162. Spreng. Syst. Veg. 2.1.9 679. , Sotanum Bening Ruiz et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 2. p. 36. t. 170. f- a. Sonanum amplissimo, anguloso, &c. Feuil. Per. Obs. v. 3. p. 61. t. 46. Sa Descr. Biennial: according to Ruiz and Pavon, six feet _ and more high, quite destitute of spines, rounded, greenish- brown, thick and succulent, densely hairy. Leaves: the lower, one and a half to two feet in length, cordato, sinu- ato-angulate, the angles callous at the tip, very downy, _ especially. beneath, and there remarkably so in the young leaves, purple, very veiny; the veins purple, very promi- nent beneith: Racemes exceedingly short, axillary, clo oa as well as the five-parted calyx, with very densely, crowded, soft hairs, drooping. Corolla large, pure white, purplish on the outside and there pubescent, rotate, almost two inches in diameter. Anthers very large, yellow, connivent, as long as, and con- cealing the style. Fruit a globose Berry, according to Flora Peruviana, of the size and colour of an orange, cover- ~ ed with a short down, at length glabrous, shining, fragrant. Soianum Quitense, the very noblest species of the genus we are acquainted with, we had lately the pleasure of seemg in the garden where the drawing was made in October, 1826, that of our friend R. Barcray, Esq., at Bury Hill, Surry : it was growing in the open air to the height of five or six feet, and with its noble leaves, large white flowers, the thick and beautiful purple down which clothes its racemes, calyx, and the underside of its young foliage, exhibiting a truly handsome appearance. Introduced by Mr. Barctay, from Peru, where it appears to be not uncommon, and where it is even cultivated in the gardens. The natives call the fruit Orange de Quito (Naranjitas de Quito); and some drops of the juice are mixed with the drink called Matte. This plant must prove a valuable addition to our gar- dens, treated as a hardy annual: probably, however, it will only ripen its fruit in the stove or greenhouse. Pub. by 8, Curtis,Walworth,May.l. 1827, WL. delt ( 2740 ) RuIPSALIS GRANDIFLORUS. LARGE-FLOWERED = Ruipsais. . Class and Order. F tthe -Icosanpria. MonoeyntA. ( Nat. Ord.—Cacru. ) Generic Character. Cal. superus, subquadrifidus. Corolla polypetala, una cum calyce persistens. Anthere rotundate. Stigma 3— 4-fidum, Bacca pellucida. Semina 12—20 intra pulpam nidulantia. Plante aphylle. Caules cylindracet nune fasciculatim puosi, obscure articulati. Flores parvt. Specific Character and Synonyms. | Rurpsauis grandiflorus ; parce ramosus, ramis suberectis ' subcalamiformibus nudis, spinulis minutissimis soli- _. tariis regulariter distantiusculis pallidis arcte appressis, 3 floribus numerosis vix uncialibus. Haw. - Ruursauis grandiflorus. Haw. Suppl. Pl. Succ. p. 83. ‘Haw. Rev. of Suce. Pl. p. 72. ; Cactus funalis. Salm. Dyck. Index Pl. Suce. in Hort. Dyck. 1822? Spreng. Syst. Veg.v.2. p.497. | I have not had the satisfaction of seeing this plant in flower myself, and my description is, necessarily, taken m the drawing, aided by Mr. Hawortn’s description, and a plant without flowers in our Botanic Garden. _ Probably, like the common R. parasiticus, it is a para- site upon the trunks of old trees. Its mode of growth is similar. The stem and branches are, however, much stouter, Searcely so regularly verticillate, and they have scattered dots upon them, as well as distantly placed, very minute 4 spinules : spinules : the extremities of the branches are very obtuse. he flowers are numerous, especially upon the ultimate ramuli, sessile, an inch across, and, according to the draw- ing, the Germen is covered with scales. The lowermost and shorter of these scales are supposed to constitute the calyx ; the upper interior ones the corolla; these are much the longest, and, as Mr. Haworru observes, become sud- denly longer, linear-oblong ; all of them pale yellow, with a brownish tinge on the outside: they spread out horizon- tally, or are even reflexed. Stamens very numerous: Fila- ments as long as the corolla, white: Anthers roundish, pale yellow: Style as long as the stamens, terminated by the four-rayed stigma. Introduced to the Royal Gardens of Kew, by Messrs. Bowre and Attan Cunnincuam, the King’s collectors, in 1816. It blossomed there in the early part of the summer of 1826, when the drawing was made which Mr. Arron has kindly allowed us to introduce in this place. The genus Ruipsauis has already been adopted in the present work, and also by us in the Exotic Flora, as dis- tinct from Cacrus: but, as we observed in the latter work, it is better characterized by habit, than by any essential marks in the fructification. The small number of divisions in the calyx and corolla, and the fewer stamens, we had formerly supposed to be useful points of discrimination ; but, in this plant, we find them to be inconstant. _ N. 2741: :4 am / Pub. by 8, Curtis Walworth 1 June LP27 — Rer. i. Gutilding del,-—— a> Digest ( 2741, 2742 ) CACTUS COCHINILLIFER. SPINELESS CocHINEAL Fic, EER KEKE KER EEE EEE KEEEE Class and Order. IcosANpRiA Monoeynia. ( Nat. Ord.—Cacrt, _ Div. Opuntiz. ) Generic Character. Cal. e squamis numerosis, imbricatis, superus. Pet. numerosa calyci inserta, interiora majora,. basi. coalita. Stigma multifidum. Bacea wnbilicata, unilocularis, po- lysperma. Semina intra pulpam nidulantia. _ Specific Character and Synonyms. -_ Cactus cochinillifer ; articulis obovatis compressis basi at- tenuatis inermibus, petalis conniventibus staminibus brevioribus. Be Py a fore Cactus cochinillifer.. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 670. Willd. Sp. Pl. v.2. p. 944. Ait. Hort. Kew, ed. 2.v. 3. p. 179. An- drews Repository, t. 533. Sprengel Syst. Veg. v. 2. p. 497 (non C. coccinellifer. De Cand. Plantes Grasses.). Opuntia cochinellifera, Haw. Syn. Pl. Succ. p. 192. Opuntia maxima, &c. Sloane Hist, Jam. v. 2. p. 152. t. 8. Ficus indica major levis, &e. Pluken. Alm. p. 146. t. 281. Tona mitior flore sanguineo cochinellifera. Dull. Elth. p. ars ® 2 is Descr. This Cacrus may almost be reckoned arbores- cent, for it grows to the height of nine feet. The lower and older parts of the stem and branches are cylindrical, or but slightly compressed, of a greyish ash colour, and woolly; the younger branches are every where proliferously jointed, their joints varying in size, from four to six inches, toa foot in length, oblong or obovate, more or less attenuated at the base, all of them much compressed, flattened, of a deep full-green colour, when young having several scat- tered, fleshy, curved, subulate leaves, scarcely half an inch long, which soon fall off, leaving a white scar. There are no spines. . The flowers, which are three inches or more long, appear in the joints at the extremities of the branches, and gene- rally at or near their superior margins. The base is occu- pied by the large, fleshy, obovate, truncated, reticulated, dark-green germen, whose areole constitute an oblong swelling or tubercle, tipped at the apex by a white scar, whence small leaf-like processes have fallen, and above which is a small fascicle of fine hairs or bristles. This has one cell filled with ovules, attached to a curved seedstalk. Calyx of many ovate or obovate, very acute, erect, greenish- red scales, gradually passing into the broader and larger, obtuse, very closely imbricated, connivent, bright rose- colored petals. Stamens much protruded, very numerous, rose-colored, their base sunk into the top of the Germen, forming a cylindrical mass, united below. Filaments veryslender. Anthers oblong, pale yellow. Style dilated - near the base, but again suddenly contracted at the very base, tapering upwards to the length of the stamens, and terminated by a cup-shaped sigma, cut into from five to eight yellow-green rays. After the falling away of the Calyx, Corolla, Stamens, Pistil, a considerable hollow remains _ onthe top of the germen, and this latter, scarcely increasing in size, or altering its form, becomes a Berry of a fine red colour within and without, having, im the centre, a number of nearly reniform, compressed seeds, enveloped in pulp. There are few tribes of plants that require illustration, by the aid of the pencil, more than the Cacrusgs ; they cannot be preserved in the Herbarium, nor so easily des- cribed in words, as many other plants. An idea, too, has been very generally current, that they are liable to much variation ; but from what we have ourselves seén of them in a state of cultivation, we think ourselves warranted in considering them to be tolerably constant to their character. With regard, too, to that icular species of Cactus, which nourishes the Cochineal Insect, much doubt has ex- isted ; and we believe it must be allowed, that our plant, which was named by Linnaus, and has been almost uni- versally called the C.: cochinillifer, is not that which pro- duces the best Mexican Cochineal ; nor are we prepared to say, say, of what part of South America it isa native. Linnaus speaks of it as indigenous to Jamaica and the warmer parts of the New world; but Stoanz, who gives a very tolerable figure of it, says, that the plants he saw, in Mr. Wortey’s plantation, were brought from the main Continent of Ame- riea, by a Spanish priest, and affirmed to be the species on which grew the Cochineal. We know our present subject to be the true C. cochinillifer of Linnaus, by his references to various figures, especially to that of Ditienrus, in the Hortus Elthamensis above quoted ; and that author considers it may be the same as the Nocheznopalli or Nopelnochetzli, aguy in Hernanpez ; except that, in the latter plant, the flowers are spreading, whilst in our’s, the petals are connivent. He does not say where it is indigenous. In the Chelsea garden accordin to Ray, it was cultivated prior to 1688, and was receiv from Barbadoes. Ux1oa, not upon his own authority, as it appears, but on that of well informed travellers, states, that the Cochineal Cactus has no spines, and a fruit imbued with a deep-red pulp. This is partly contradicted by Ciavicero, who says, “in Misteca, where I was for five years, I always saw the insect upon prickly Nopals. M. de Raynax imagines, that the colour of the Cochineal is to be ascribed to the red fig on which it lives; but that author has been misinformed ; for neither does the Cochineal feed upon the fruit, but only upon the leaf, which is perfectly green ; nor does that species of Nopal bear red, but white figs.” It is true, Cra- vicERo adds, “ it may be reared upon the species with a red fig ; but that is not the proper plant of the Cochineal.” De Canpotte, in his beautiful work entitled “ Plantes Grasses,” has given, as the Cactus Coceinellifer, the C. Tuna of Linnzus, a plant totally distinct from the Linnean cochi- nilifer, and whose flower is of a different structure. uierry de Menonvi..E, who so courageously ponte a — . “This circumstance is thus related by Dr. Bancrort, in his valuable “ Researches on the Philosophy of Permanent Colours.” In the month of January, 1777, M. Taizrry de Menonviurs left Port au Prince, in St. Do- mingo, for the purpose of procuring some of the living Cochineal Insects in Mexico, and bringing them away to be afterwards propagated in the French West India Islands ; an enterprize, for the expence of which, four thousand livres had been allotted by the French Government. He proceeded, by the Havannah, to la Vera Cruz, and was there informed, that the finest Cochineal Insects were produced at Guaxaca, distant about seventy leagues, Peipeins the Cochineal Insect and the Cacrus from Guaxaca, and transported them to St. Domingo, and who unquestionably had the best means of determining the kinds of Cacrtr, cul- tivated for the Insect, describes particularly three sorts, on which it may be reared and cultivated to advantage. 1. The Cactier Nopal ; upon which alone the Cochineal is reared in Mexico, both the fine and the common Cochineal (la Cochenille fine et sylvestre) although there are through- out the country, many other kinds of Cacrus. The two following, therefore, it is presumed, are employed in St. Domingo. 2. ‘The Cactier Splendide ; which may be used to equal mite with the former ; and 3. The Cacrier de Campéche. Of these, the first, as far as can be determined by de- scription, for the writer had never seen the flower or fruit, is the Cacrus Tuna of Linnazus; C. coccinellifer of De CANDOLLE. _ The second appears from the account to be very similar ‘to the former, but larger in its joints (some of them thirty inches long), and very glaucous. The third, the C. de Campéche, is, 1 think, without a doubt, our C. cochinillifer, for his whole description, and especially the flowers and fruit, entirely correspond ; and he ill health, he obtained permission to use the baths of the river Magdalena ; but instead of going thither, he proceeded, through various difficulties and dangers, as fast as possible, to Guaxaca; where, after making his obser- vations, and obtaining the requisite information, he affected to believe that the Cochineal Insects were highly useful in compounding an ointment for his pretended disorder (the gout), and therefore purchased a quantity of Nopals, covered with these Insects, of the fine or domestic breed, and putting them in boxes with other plants, for their better concealment, he found means to get them away as Botanic trifles, unworthy of notice, notwithstanding the prohibitions by which the Spanish Government had endeavoured to hinder their exportation ; and being afterwards driven by a violent storm into the bay of Campeachey, he there found and added to his collection a living Cacrus, of a species which was capable of nourishing the fine domesticated ineal ; after which, departing for St. Domingo, he arrived safe, with his acquisitions, on the twenty-fifth of September, in the same year, at Port au Prince. Though almost unaided, M. Tarerry de MeNonviL.e, there perse- vered in cultivating, not only the fine Cochineal (which he brought from Mexico) but also the Sylvestre, which he afterwards found wild in St. Do- mingo, and so successfully, that in 1789, there were more than four thousand plants in a single Nopalery, the produce having been ascertained by chymists to be equal in quality to that of Mexico. The political troubles in St Domingo. consequent upon the French Revolution, caused the total destruction of these plantations. ae sais __dieeeaaaaaanineae amperes he says of it, from his own experience, that it may be usefully employed for rearing the Cocuenitie sylvestre, and may even support a small quantity of the fine kind. The celebrated Humgotpr also, although he allows that it is the plant upon which the Cochineal has often been sent to Europe, asserts, that our Cactus cochinellifer is not the individual of the Mexican Nopaleries, which he makes a new species, under the name of C. Bonplandii ; and he quotes under it, with a mark of doubt, the Cactus Tuna of Linnzvs. _ At Rio de Janeiro, when that place was visited by the Chinese Embassy, under Lord Macarryey, there were con- siderable plantations of Cacrus, for rearing the Cochineal, which had some time previously been introduced into Brazil; and the plant, which is the Cactus Tuna, is represented on the twelfth plate of the Atlas of that work. I shall further, upon the subject of the kinds of Cacrus employed in rearing the Cochineal, only add, that my ex- cellent friend, the Rev. L. Guitpine, who sent me most splendid drawings of this particular Cactus, and from which most of the accompanying figures were executed, wrote me two years ago from St. Vincent, “I possess a consider- able nursery of this Cacrus inhabited by thousands of the true Coccus Cacti; and 1 do not despair of being able to ‘send to the Society of Arts a large quantity of dried insects, before the termination of the present year.” In the East Indies also, the Insect has been extensively propagated ; but we have not had the means of knowing whether suc- cessfully or otherwise. : ee j From all this, we think it may be inferred, that, in Mexico and Brazil, the Cacrus Tuna is the favorite food of the Cochineal ; and that in the West Indian Islands, where the C. Tuna is, perhaps, less frequent, the C. cochinillifer is em- ployed by the natives, and answers the purpose sufficiently well Mr. Guizpine, indeed, thinks it probable, that the C. co- chinilifer was introduced to St. Vincent’s, from Mexico; but. ahs nee ae led to this supposition, from the generally prevalent idea, that it is the species, on which the Cochineal of the Mexicans is reared. ie th - Like all its congeners, C. cochinilifer increases readily having the joints stuck into the ground ; and the plant loves dry and barren spots. If cultivated for the purpose f rearing the Coccus, it must be defended, at least in the rainy island of St. Vincent, from storms and winds, by sheds placed to windward. It there blossoms all the year. a2 The flowers, from which some of the dissections here given were drawn, were produced in the stove of the Glasgow Botanic Garden, in September, 1826. The Cochineal Insect, which feeds upon the kinds of Cactus just mentioned, is too well known to need a parti- cular description here; as are also its valuable properties in producing the dye, which bears its name, and carmine. It is the Coccus Cacti of Linnzvus, a small Insect of the order tera, having a general appearance not very dissi- milar to that of the Mealbug of our gardens, and equally covered, with a white powdery substance. The male is winged. It is originally a native of Mexico, and was culti- vated for its precious dye, long before the conquest of that country; and these plantations, called Nopaleros, are most extensive in the Misteca and Oaxaca: the latter district alone has exported, according to Humsoxpr, upon the average, 32,000 arobas annually, estimated at 2,400,000 piastres, above £500,000 sterling. A representation of a Mexican Nopalery, is given in Stoane’s Jamaica, vol. 1, t.9, from a drawing, made at Guaxaca, by an Indian : that author, however, particularly states, that though the plant be a kind of prickly pear, it has no thorns. In these small plantations or enclosures, they cultivate, either the fine sort (Grana fina of the Spaniards) or the common kind ( Grana sylvestre), which differ, by the first having a finer quality, and more powdery covering, ‘whilst the latter, less valuable in its produce, has a cottony covering,: but whether or not these two insects be specifically distinct, has not heen determined. The placmg of the females, when big with young, upon the Cacrus, is called the sowing. The proprietor of a Nopalery buys in April or May, the branches or joints of the Tunas de Castilla (Cactus Tuna ?); which are sold im the markets of Oaxaca, at about three francs a hundred, loaded with young Cochineals. ( Semilla). These are kept in cellars for twenty days, when they are exposed to the air, suspended under a shed. So rapid then is the growth of the insect, that by August or September, the females are big with young, and ready for the sowing, which is done m small nests, made of the fibrous parts of the foliage ofa Tillandsia, called Paxtle. In four months from the time of ‘sowing, the harvest commetices. The insects are brushed off, with a squirrel’s or deer’s tail, by women, who sit during this operation, for whole hours, at one Nopal plant ; so that, were it not for the extreme cheapness of labour in that country, andthe Getiiaeammentiillien” ded country, Humpotpr assures us, that the rearing of Cochi- neal, would prove an unprofitable employment. After being gathered, the insects are killed by boiling water ; or by exposing them in heaps to the sun; or by means of the vapour baths of the Mexicans (temazcalli) ; and when dry, they are fit for exportation. By the latter method, the powdery substance is preserved, which increases the value of the insects in commerce. Doctor Bancrorr has estimated the annual consumption of Cochineal in Great Britain only, at about seven hundred and fifty bags, or 150,000 tbs., worth £275,000, “ a vast amount,’’ as the authors of the introduction to Entomol observe, “ for so small a creature, and well calculated to shew us the absurdity of despising any animals, on account of their minuteness.” According to the same writers, the only kind of Cochineal that has been conveyed to the East Indies, is the Sylvestre from Brazil ; and the Court of Directors of the East India Company offered a reward of £6,000 to any person who should introduce the more valu- able sort. | Since our plate and description of this plant were com- pleted for publication, unfortunately, too late to render that justice to them which the subject required, we have been most obligingly favoured by W. T. Arron, Esq. with a drawing and specimens of the Insects, from the Royal Gar- dens at Kew; which we have added to our plate. Their introduction to the Royal Gardens was in the year 1814, from Martinico, by Mon. Casretneau d’Auros, late super- intendent of the Botanic Garden on that island. —_.. Tas. 2741, A. entire plant, much reduced. 3 Tap. 2742, B. f. 1. Section of the Flower, tore wg) p> mg magnified. 3. Ovule ditto. 4, Ripe Fruit, and 5, Section » an 6, Seed from ditto, natural size. 7. Seed, magnified. 8. Male Cochineal Insect (Coccus Cacti) natural size. 9. Two of the same, magnified. 10. Female Insect, natural size. 11. Two of the same, magnified. ( 2743.) CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA. LANCE- LEAVED CUNNINGHAMIA. : Class and Order. MonezciA TRIANDRIA. ( Nat. Ord.—Conirere. ) Generic Character. Cunnincuamia. Br. MSS. non Willd. Rich. Masc. Ament. < ovatum, squamis. dense imbricatis, unguiculatis, dorso tri-” ! andris, antheris 1-locularibus dependentibus. —Famn. Ament. — subovatum, squamis imbricatis, extus bracteola adnata mu- — nitis, intus 3-floris; floribus.inversis. Frucr.:- Strobili — ovati; bracteole dense imbricate, dure, squamis. majores, basi pericarpia, tria compressiuscula, subcoriacea, in alam — brevem a lateribus desinentia. foventes, Embryo cylindri- — cus, fere longitudine endospermii, 2-cotyledoncus;: el am donibus obtusis. a Arbor, foliis solitariis, sparsis, sessilibus;, angusto anceo- Dos latis, eke et a Ne ou nione 2a cd oe Y Specific Character tbe Synonyms. CunnincHaMrA, sinensis. CuNNINGHAMIA sinensis. | Smittlin Recs | Pas Abies. gr Cock, v: 22 pT. : 1? Baan ae. amg Phun. Anat. 1 t 191 fh. eink (Don A thee, as it en appear, of wibudgsble's size, lanceolate ex cylindrical brane es-and numerous linear- ate, +f, caspidele, igi leaves, scattered, astotheirin- — on, but more. meee paghishons in direction, slightly | tapering tapering at the base, sessile, and there obliquely twisted, acuminate at the upper extremity, the margin finely spi- nulosely serrate, the upper surface dark, shining green, with two depressed longitudinal lines, the under very glau- cous, except on the midrib and at the margin. Male Catkins at the extremity of the younger branches, sur- rounded at the base by several green, obtuse, imbricated scales, themselves formed of a number of triangular, brown, serrulated, peltate scales, bearing on their lower margin three or four pendent, oval, one-celled anthers, opening internally with a longitudinal fissure: Pollen yellow, glo- bular. The fruit is, according to Ricuarp, an ovate Cone, whose scales are coriaceous, reddish, somewhat triangular, shortly unguiculated, the margin minutely toothed, having, within, the floriferous scale, which is free at the top and denticulated, immediately beneath which, the three peri- carps are seen pendent, obovate, compressed, fixed near the upper extremity, which is truncated, while the base is emarginate, the margin alate. Albumen formed like the seed, enclosing a nearly cylindrical dicotyledonous Embryo, its radicle pointing downwards. It was our good fortune to have, in the stove of the Botanic Garden of Glasgow, a plant of the CunnincHAmM1A, lanceolata bearing its male flower in the winter of 1826—7: and thus, by the aid of Ricuarn’s figures, for the female part of the fructification, to offer, we trust, a satisfactory delineation of this rare plant. It was introduced from China to the Royal Gardens at Kew, in 1804, and, by Mr. Arron, kindly giventous. © * Mr. Lamserr has published a splendid figure of it from dried DA agape = ae but the male flowers he had never seen, and only a very young male amentum seems to have been known to Ricuarp. Mr. Sauissury called the genus Betis, a name that has been considered too nearly allied to Bexus, and hence originated that of CunnincHamia, given by Mr. Brown, to commemorate the merits of Mr. James Cunnine- HAM, “ an excellent observer in his time, by whom this plant was discovered ; and in honour of Mr. Attan CunnincHAM, _ the very deserving Botanist who accompanied Mr. Ox.ey - in his first expedition into the interior of New South Wales, and Capt. Kine in all his Voyages of Survey of the Coast of Fig. 1. Scale of the Male Flower, with three, and fig. 2 ditto, with four Anthers. 3. Cone. 4. Scale of ditto, with three Seeds. 5. Section of # Seed, ~All but fig.3 magnified. Fig. 3, 4, and 5 from Richard. — y 8 ‘ ; & ‘ 3 : A S © . z PO ba - MP Benwtck. a ( 2744) DiantTuus CARYOPHYLLUS. VARIETIES OF PICOTEES. seokobokeskeakakbookeokeakeskabeobcobcokskeake shake Class and Order. | DecanpriA Monoeynia. ( Nat. Ord.—CanryoruyLLez. ) Generic Character. © Cal. cylindricus, 1-phyllus: basi squamis 4, Petala 5, unguiculata. Caps. cylindrica 1-locularis. Specific Character and Synonyms : Diantuus Caryophyllus ; caule ramoso, floribus solitariis, -squamis calycinis brevissimis ovatis submucronatis, petalis latissimis imberbibus, foliis lineari-subulatis canaliculatis glaucis. D.C. (a.) flore simplici. Hngl. Bot. t. 214. (8.) flore pleno. Sime ff petalis fulvis, apice plumbeo-maculatis. Close-House . Carnation, fo 1. NU I petalis lurido-purpureis. Mrs, Bewicke’s Carnation, Mrs. Bewicxe, of Close-House, Northumberland, hay- ing imported a considerable number of rare Carnations from Brussels, was kind enough to send us drawings of a variety of them, from which we have selected the two given in the annexed plate, as the most unlike any that we have hitherto seen. af If we occasionally trespass on the department of the Florist, we hope our readers will excuse us. In this in- Stance, the singular display of unusual colours amongst Picotees tempted us to select those here represented from a number of others. £ : The Picotee is a term, used amongst Florists, for those : varieties varieties of the Carnation which have their colours like a fringe round each petal, instead of distinct stripes running through from the apex to the base: they are of more mo- dern culture than the Carnation; and as regards those with yellow grounds, are more tender, almost requiring a greenhouse treatment during the winter. Their introduc- tion to this country was from Italy ; but whether the pro- duce of that country, or from whence originally obtained, Florists do not seem to know. Their excellence consists in strongly marked colours on a white or yellow ground; and if several colours unite in the same flower the better ; itis also a perfection to obtain them rose-leayed ; i. e. free from the jagged edging of the petals. he singular colours of those introduced by Mrs. Bew- IckE forms a new feature and object of pursuit for the Florist ; they were obtained with some difficulty by her from Brussels, where they were considered rare, and flow- ered with her, at Close-House, near Newcastle-on-Tyne, in - the summer of 1826. Her gardener treated them exactly in the same manner as the other Carnations in pots, and kept them in the open air. A rich compost of rotten manure and good loam, well mixed by turning it two or three times in the winter, for spring potting, is the best for all kinds of Carnations. C. Pub by 8 Curt J ( 2745 ) ‘CAMELLIA JAPONICA, flore simplici, albo. SINGLE WHITE-FLOWERED. CAMELLIA, or J APAN-ROSE. Class and Obie. 7 > ~~ MonaveLrnia PoLyAnpDRIA. ( Nat, Ord.—Cametiiex. =B-C. } Cal. imbricatus. Stam. basi polyadelpha aut monadel- pha. Anthere ellipsoidee. Capsula valvis medio septi- feris, axim triquetrum liberum post dehiscentiam relin- quentibus.” D. C. Specific Character and Synonyms. Came. japonica ; foliis ovatis acuminatis acute serratis, floribus terminalibus subsolitariis. D. C. Var. Flore albo simplici. S$. Curtis, Monogr. of Camel- ha cum Ie. Bot. Reg. t. 353. Descr. The single white Camexuia possesses the same claims to our admiration, as so many of the other varieties of the species, which promises to be as sportive, when raised from seed, as the Roses themselves. The Plant in ques- tion is supposed to be the produce of seed from the striped Camexuia, and raised by Mr. Rotxinson, of Tooting. Our readers are referred to Mr. Samuet Curtis’s work above quoted, for the most splendid figures of the different varieties of Camexuia, and fora detailed history of them, with an account of their mode of treatment. That author justly remarks, “ that they possess good natural constitu~ tions to bear the variety of treatment they meet with ; for they are obliged to submit to all temperatures, from that of the open air, to the heat of the Pine stove. As to soil they grow best in about one-third of good bog earth, and two-thirds of rich sandy loam.” % It was our tention, in order to complete the Botanical character of the genus, to have added to the accompanying late, figures of the fruit and seed, which are exceedingly fiosckintlind and, of which, we know not that a good repre- sentation has been given. For this purpose we are in possession of a beautiful drawing, recently made, by Miss C. Curtis ; but each of the two fruits (of the Warartan CameEt1i,) being as large as a moderate sized apricot, they will, together with the seeds, occupy more space than we can here afford; and as we are in expectation of soon figuring two new kinds of Camexii, from Mrs. Pater of Bromley (one supposed to be the finest sort yet known, var. Rawesiana), we shall take that opportunity of intro- ducing the fruit. Fig. 1. Portion of the Stamens, shewing how they are united at the base. 2. Front view of a Stamen. 3. Back view of ditto. 4. Pistil. 5. Section of the Germen,—All more or less magnified. ——— “Tite cee a, Pub. by § Curtis Walworth June il Jé27 — PIE det ( 2746 ) VW ‘ rf PLEUROTHALLIS FOLIOSA. LEAFY FRAGRANT PLEUROTHALLIS. Fi . % ar # i ip meen bd, 4 Class and Order. — 4 GynanpriA Monanpria. | ( Nat. Ord.—Orcuiwez. Div. IV. Anthera terminalis mo- bilis decidua; Masse pollinis demum cereacee. Br. ) Generic Character. ; ~ Labellum articulatim connexum-cum basi simplici vel brevissime producta columnz. Petala 2 antica exteriorum inferne connata. Masse pollinis 2, exsulee. Br. ‘ Specific Character. __ _ Prevrotnatus foliosa ; bulbo oblongo compresso basi ~ apiceque folioso, scapis multifloris, petalis angusto- ~. Janceolatis patentissimis, labello ovato reflexo basi ~. longitudinaliter bituberculato membranisque duabus Descr. Parasitic. Roots thick, fleshy, whitish, mostly _ simple. Bulb about four inches long, oblong, compressed, obscurely striated, green, having a few distichous, sheathing leaves at the base, and two linear-lanceolate acute ones at the top, of a coriaceous, rather than membranaceous tex- _ ture. Scapes two, springing from within the radical leaves, ~-one on each side the narrow edge of the bulb ; 6—8 inches _ long, nearly erect, compressed, having several sheathing : scales, which pass upwards into membranous, lanceolate _ bractee, as long as the germen. Flowers numerous, yellow, very fragrant. Petals spreading horizontally, lan- ceolate, acute, waved, the two lower ones united at the : Lip standimg forward, ovate, acute, entire, its upper half reflexed ; its lower, furnished with two rie fj \ “©. longitudinal “ um ee # —. . F “ ™ ao # © ? - ss es 2A. J : * = fi £ longitudinal tubercles, which, at the very base, rise into two erect membranes, embracing the lower part of the column. Column about half as long as the petals, semi- terete, yellow, with a bright-red mark below the stigma. The Anther-cases had all fallen from our plant. Pollen Masses obovate, waxy, with a depression at the back, fixed to a linear, white footstalk, having a reddish gland at the base. Germen linear, clavate, not twisted. Communicated from the Dublin College Botanic Garden, by J. T. Mackay, Esq. who received it, in 1825, from Brazil. It flowered in the month of February (1827), and yields so delightful a fragrance (resembling, as it appears to us, that of the Cowslip), as to be well worthy of cultivation in every stove. The whitish, membranous bractee remain after the flowers have fallen, and give a singular appear- ance to the-old scapes. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Lip. 3. Flower from which the Lip has been re- moved. 4, Superior side of a Pollen Mass. 5, Inferior ditto.—All more or less magnified. ( 2747 ) ACACIA MUCRONATA. Mucronatrep ACACIA. KEE KEKE EEE EEE EK EEKE Class and Order. Potyeamia Monaccra. ( Nat. Ord.—Leceuminos«. ) Generic Character. Flores polygami. Cal. 4—5-dentatus. Petala 4—5, nunc libera, nunc in corollam, 4—5-fidam coalita. Stam. numero varia, 1O—200. Legumen continuum. De Cand. Specific Character and Synonyms. Acacia mucronata; petiolis lineari-spathulatis apice ob- tusis oblique mucronatis subtrinerviis integerrimis glabris, spicis axillaribus solitariis vel binis, calyce brevi corollaque quadrifidis. Acacia mucronata. ‘“ Willd. Enum. Suppl. p. 68.” Wend- land, Diss. de Ac. Aph. p. 46. t. 12. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 454. Spreng. Syst. Veget.v. 3. p. 136. Descr. A twiggy shrub, which, in our collection, has_ reached to the height of four or five feet, with very nume- Yous branches, the older ones brown, the rest greenish. Leafstalk:s alternate, entirely glabrous, 2—4 inches long, linear-spathulate, slightly falcate, much attenuated at the base, the extremity obtuse, furnished with a short oblique mucro: the margins every where entire, the surface three- nerved, the two lateral nerves the most obsolete, all connect- ed by lesser oblique nerves or veins. Spikes of flowers an meh or more long, one, or frequently two from the axils of the leaves. Calyx very short and small, four-toothed, yellowish-green, subtended by a minute bractea. Corolla deeply four-cleft (or of four equal, ovate petals united at the base) yellow. Stamens very numerous, united at the base. Filaments very delicate, flexuose, longer than the “orolla, pale yellow: Anthers small, roundish, deep yellow. Pistil often present in the same flower with the stamens. Germen ovate, pubescent. Style long, curved, filiform, glabrous, as well as the simple style. Acacia mucronata appears to have been first described by Wiupenow in his Enumeratio: and Wenptanp has given a good figure of it in his useful Commentatio de Acaciis Aphylilis. Our plant, in the Glasgow Royal Botanic Garden, was raised from seeds, sent some years ago to Mr. Murray, by Mr. Fraser, from New Holland. It flowers during the early Spring months. Fig. 1. Calyx and Corolla. 2. Stamens. 3. Pistil. 4, Leaf—More or less magnified. yy v YU, » Watworth, Tufy. (ES, hy Pub by J” Cnr ~ WSAdel* - ( 2748 ) ZYGOPETALON Mackatr. Mr. Mackay’s Z.YGOPETALON. | Class and Order. ( Nat. Ord.—Orcuipex. Div. IV. Anthera terminalis mo- bilis decidua ; Masse pollinis demum cereacee. Br.) Generic Character. Petala xqualia, subsecunda, erecto-patentia, basi con- nata. Labellum explanatum apice emarginatum, disco tuberculo magno; basi inferiore obtuse calcarato ; Colum- na aptera. Anthera ovata, compressa, calceiforme, disco subtus affixa: loculis duobus subbivalvibus. Masse pol- linis due, ad basin ineequaliter bilobe, basi glandulose. Specific Character. Zyeoretaton Mackaii. a large convex, somewhat, horse-shoe shaped, fleshy éwber- cle; and the base itself, articulated upon the base of the column, runs down into an obtuse whitish spur. Column semiterete, about half as long as the petals, yellow-green, marked with lines and spots of purple. Stigma convex. Anther terminal, ovate, yellowish-white, remarkably com- pressed, almost exactly slipper-shaped, and fixed by a minute point, near the centre of the disc below, within two celled, cells sub-two-valved. Pollen masses, two, large, ellow, with each of them a small lobe or pollen mass hind ; so that they might be said to be four; and these fixed to a large reddish giand. Germen linear, clavate, green, not twisted. = This was received in February, 1827, along with the Fragrant PLEUROTHALLIs, given in the preceding number, from Mr. Mackay, of the Dublin College Botanic Garden, and was by him imported from Brazil. It is a plant of great beauty, and may be numbered amongst the most shewy of the highly interesting family of Orchideous plants. It is so unlike in the structure of its flower to any describ- ed plant, that I have no hesitation, in constituting of it a new genus. Besides the union of the five petals at the base (whence I have derived the generic appellation), the Anther will be found to be of a curious structure. Even when viewed from the under side, the pollen masses are concealed partly by the peculiar form of the Anther-case itself, and partly by the smgular nature of the cells. The noble specimen here figured was cultivated in the stove, in peat earth. — Fig. 1. Back view of an Anther removed from the top of the column at f.2. 3. Under side of the Anther, including the Pollen Masses, 4. Ditto from which the Pollen Masses are removed. 5, Back view of the Pollen Masses. 6. Under side of ditto —All magnified. = W7i-det* — Pub by. 8.Curtis Walworth Jatv. £1827, os ( 2749, 2750 ) CARYOPHYLLUS AROMATICUS. CLOVE SPICE. Class and Order. Icosanpr1a Monoeynia. : ( Nat. Ord.—Myrracez. ) Generic Character. Cal. 4-partitus superus, persistens. Pet. 4. Germen oblongo-cylindraceum, biloculare, ovulis plurimis. Stylus subulatus, glandula elevata quadrangulari cinctus. Bacca elliptica, (abortione) monosperma. Cotyledones crasse. Specific Name dea Synonyms. Caryopuyiius aromaticus. 164 Caryoruyiius aromatious. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 735. Gert. de Fruct. v.1. p. 167. ¢. 33. Lam. Dict. v. 2. p.718. Ilustr. t. 417. Smith in Rees Cycl. Pers. Syn. Pl. v. 2. p. 30. Fadl : * Eneenta caryophyllata. “Thunb. Diss. de Caryoph. arom. p- 1.) Willd. Sp. Pl. v.2.p.965. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. ae 2. v. 3. p. 188. “ Syet. V ‘ ."s -Myrrus Caryophyllus. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 485. : Cninabieibon:: ump Herb. Amb. v. 2. p. 1. t.1. 2. 3. Caryorny.ivs aromaticus, &c. Clusius Exot. p. 15. et Ic. - p.16. Pluk. Alm. p. 88. t. 155. f.1. “2 ; LeGeroriz. Sonnerat Voy. dla Nouv. Guin. p. 196. ¢. 119. Le raux Gerorte. Sonnerat Voy. é la Nouv. Guin. p. 197. ae _ _Descr. A moderately sized Tree, whose outline or cir- _ cumscription is somewhat conical or pyramidal, bearing _ humerous opposite branches which are more or less virgate. Whole plant every where glabrous. Leaves opposite and _ Gecussate, persistent, somewhat coriaceous and shining, ~ - Tanutely punctated, about four inches long, eee er “f sf) Cazes ate, late, more or less acute, quite entire, pale beneath, tapering gradually at the base into a slender footstalk, which is almost two incheslong. Panicles short, terminal, of many flowers, and always trichotomously divided, jointed at every division. Peduncles terete, green. Calyx of four ovate, concave segments, erecto-patent, placed upon the top of the germen, and together with it, is first green and then red, coriaceous. Petals four, larger than the calyx, imbricated into a globe in bud, at length spreading, roundish, concave, yellowish-red, very soon caducous. In the centre of the calyx, and occupying the top of the germen, is a quadrangular elevated line or gland, surrounding, but not embracing the base of the shortish, obtusely subulate Style. Around this gland, immediately within the petals, the Stamens are inserted; but, as their insertion does not extend to the angles of the gland, they appear to be collect- ed into four bundles, numerous. Filaments much longer than the petals, yellow. Anthers ovato-cordate, yellow, two-celled. Germen oblong, or almost cylindrical, having, in the upper part, two-celled, with many small ovules in- each cell, attached to the sides ofthe dissepiment. Ali these become abortive ; or one proves fertile, and by its great enlargement, destroys the appearance of the rest of the lang and of the second cell ; so that the fruit which forms a rather large elliptical purple berry is only one-seeded : this is of the same ape - the berry; its i rel ent thin, and of a soft texture. Embryo likewise elliptical, large, greenish, fleshy, dotted. Cotyledons unequal, sinuose ; the larger one partly enveloping the smaller, including the superior radicle. ” Almost every part of the plant is covered with minute dots or glands, which contain the essential oil, that gives the aromatic odour to it. These abound, particularly in the interior of the subtance of the germen, near the epi- dermis. The Clove was introduced into the Royal Gardens at Kew, in 1797, by the Right Honourable Sir Joserpn Banxs. Its native country is the Molluccas ; but from its value as a spice, its cultivation has extended to the West, as well as to the East Indies; and we must endeavour to lay before our readers some details respecting a plant, of such import- ance, that it was once the staple commodity of some of the East India Islands, particularly Amboyna. It is not easy to determine when the Clove was first known to Europeans. J. Bavuurn tells us, that the —_ tan (Eres ana oe. ee Np N. 2750. ge ae" July, 2.1827 S Curtis. Walwerth Puh. by, tants of the Molluccas were scarcely acquainted with its value, till some Chinese vessels visited their country, and transported many plants into China, and that they were thus the means of distributing them into other districts of India, into Persia, and Arabia. Sir James Smrra (in Rexs’s Cyclopedia) suspects, that it was brought into Greece from Arabia, and that the first distinct mention of it is made by Pautus Qernera, a Greek physician of the seventh century, when it was used in food and in medicine ; and the same author supposes it was the Carunrex of Seraprron, and the CuarumFe bellum of Avicenna, two Arabian physicians. The Molucca Isles were discovered by the Portuguese in 1511; and from that time, or very soon after, it may be imagined, the Cloves came into common use in Europe. But the Dutch, after driving the Portuguese from the Spice Islands, strove to take the monopoly of all the spices into their own hands; and, for this purpose, after vainly endeavouring to destroy the Cloves in the neighbouring islands, they concentrated their cultivation in Amboyna and a few smaller islands in the vicinity, where, indeed, they had been introduced, even before the conquest of the Portuguese, by the Cerammers of Cambello, who brought some mother-cloves (seed) secretly in hollow bamboos— Machian. The conduct of the Dutch, in all that con- ; their trade in the East Indies, has fixed an sr gm ; disgrace u eir country. When the natives of Cam- bello shewed their corner one the Dutch, the trees of Cloves they had cultivated secretly for so many years, behind the hill of Massili, they were rewarded for their openness by the destruction of all their Clove trees, and the deprivation of the fruits of their industry and exertion. And when the natives came to make reprisals, by attacking the forts of the Dutch, such enmity, on their part, is called by their European tyrants, a wicked spirit of disobedience, and an unjust and cruel lust of blood and warfare : so that their great historian Vatentvn has said, “ it would have been better, if, instead of extirpating their trees alone, we had, at e same time, exterminated this revengeful and sanguinary nation*.’’ 5 A military Officer, a civil servant belonging to the Dutch, with European attendants, and twenty or thirty Buggness soldiers, * See Sravorrnvs’s Travels for a most valuable account of the Dutch trade and possessions in the East Indies. B soldiers, are sent to the other islands annually, with axes, to destroy the Clove trees : thus, as the Abbé Raynar ob- serves, maintaining a perpetual struggle with the liberality of nature. In the Molucca Islands, having subdued the princes by force of arms, they made conditions with them, princi- pally with reference to the Clove trade ; compelling them, at first, not to sell any of the Cloves, produced in their respective dominions, to any other nation, and afterwards to destroy all the Clove trees which grew in their territories, for which they were to receive indemnity in money. Thus did they, for a time, keep exclusive possession of this trade, and were enabled, at pleasure, to raise and Jower the price ; committing to the flames such overstock spice, as they could not sell on their own terms. They also reduced the quantity of bearing trees in their own ion, to five hundred thousand Cloves ; which yield, upon the av e, at least a million of pounds per annum. One of the largest sales ever made in Holland, was (in 1714) 435,427 Ibs. ; but in, 1758, 200,000 tbs., in 1778, 234,271 tbs., and in 1738, 400,000 tbs.; whilst in the Indies, about 150,000 lbs. or 200,000 lbs. according to the English Editor of Sravorinus’s travels, were disposed of ; 80 that a great superfluity must still always have remained in the hands of the monopolizers. A better state of thigs now exists, and the Clove is cul- tivated wherever human industry has carried it to.a suitable soil and climate ; and numerous other countries possess this yrecious vegetable. The French introduced it to their islands of Mauritius and Bourbon, through the medium of M. Porvre their intendant of those islands, who sent two vessels in 1769, to the kings of Gueby and Patany; to pro- cure the Clove and other valuable spices ; and they have been found to succeed so well, that in the year 1802, when Mr. Bory pe Sr. Vincent was in the Mauritius, he visited the individual tree which was first planted by the philan- thropist Porvre; saw it loaded with Cloves; and ascertained _ that it had, in some years, alone produced the extraordinary quantity of 125 lbs. of this spice : whereas, the average Siero in Amboyna, is 2 or 2}. lbs. perannum. It requires five thousand Cloves to weigh a pound ; consequently, here were 625,000 flowers upon this single tree (independent of others, which were, perhaps, left for seed); ‘‘a fact,” sayS Bory ve Sr. Vincent, “ which would appear incredible, were we not to mention, that this beautiful tree is at least forty feet high, throwing out innumerable branches, 5” Sarge o of which, fallmg down on all sides, form a pyramid of ver- dure’. In 1791, M. Huserr, the proprietor of the original Spice estate, of the former intendant, M. Poivrr, gave a Jéte champétre there in honour of the extended cultivation of the spice trees ; whilst the festivals, annually held by the Dutch in Amboyna, were instituted in commemoration of their destruction in all the surrounding islands. ; Another French gentleman, M. Céré, sent plants from the Mauritius to Cayenne, about the year 1779; and, in 1792, the plantations there contained 2500 trees, which bore Cloves equal to those of the East Indies, and which fetched a higher price in France, than those from the Mo- luccas. Others were sent to Martinique, and the French West India Islands; so that the former furnished the London market, in 1797, with 350 lbs., and in the following year with 200 lbs.; at which time St. Kitts sent 2981 Ibs... From Martinique, the Clove tree was introduced to our Island of St. Vincent ;. and by the great care and attention of Dr. Anperson, the superintendent of the Botanic Garden, it is brought to perfection*. ‘ About April,” says Mr. Guitpine, in his notes which accompanied his beautiful drawings of this plant, “the tree is covered with its lovely blossoms, the greater part of which, prove abortive, and falling to the ground, are collected, and dried for sale. The Berries which remain on the tree, gradually enlarge their calyx and develop the seed, and are gathered under the trees about July, having turned to a blackish purple, and lost all their value as a spice. The seeds require to set out immediately and planted near the surface, as they vegetate rapidly. The young plants are tender, and should be placed if possible, where it is intended they should remain. The Clove was once cultivated to a great extent in Domi- Nique : in our own island, the trees which are little valued, produce annually upwards of a million of seed, besides the abortive fruit, which is dried as a spice. The colonists, Supposing from our overgrown. trade in India, that it can Never become an article of commerce, neglect even to plant the Clove in their hedges ; although it, as wellas the Cinnamon and many other plants, which any overwhelm- ing change in our Eastern possessions might render in- Valuable, would grow without any expence.” 7 - ee _—_— - Wee the history of its introduction, and of its culture, by Dr. ANDERSON, in the Rey. Lanspown Guiipine's “ account of the Botanic Garden in the Island of St Vincent.” In Trinidad too, the Clove is extensively cultivated ; and it cannot be doubted, but that with the present enlightened and truly scientific governor, Sir Ratpn Wooprorp, it will there, if it can in any of our West India possessions, be rendered a profitable article of commerce. I have received from a French gentleman of that island, M. Brearrer, several of the Berries or Matrices (mother cloves) as they are called, for our Botanic Garden ; but, as has just been observed by Mr. Guitpine, they must be planted as soon as gathered, or the essential oil escapes, which, perhaps, nourishes the Embryo, and-its vegetative property is de- stroyed. The Clove of merchandize is the unexpanded flower ; the corolla forming a ball or sphere on the top, between the teeth of the calyx ; thus, with the narrow base or germen tapering downwards, giving the appearance of a nail; a similarity, indeed, much more striking in the dry, than in the fresh state of the bud. Hence, as Sir James informs us, “ the Dutch call it Naghel ; the Spaniards, Clavo ; the Italians, Chiodo ; and the French, Clou, from which the English Clove is evidently derived.” The uses of Cloves are sufficiently known, particularly in domestic economy, as a Seasoning in various dishes, and to give flavor to wines and spirits. In medicine, they are esteemed tonic and ex- hilirating, powerfully stimulating on the muscular fibres, but dangerous to bilious persons, and those of a sanguine temperament. These properties, their acrid and burning — taste, -on the essential oil, which is procured by distillation, and is hot and caustic, and therefore employed in the curing of the tooth ache and other maladies, and by perfumers. The Cloves are gathered by the hand; or beaten with reeds, so as to fall upon cloths placed under the tree ; and dried by fire, or, what is better, in the Sun. The fully- formed Berries are preserved in sugar, and eaten after dinner to promote digestion. Tas. 2740, A. Flowering Branch of Caryopnyiivs aromaticus. Tas. 2750, B. f. 1. Vertical Section of a Flower. 2. Front view of the top of the Germen, seen within the Calyx. 3. Inner view of a Petal, 4, Outer view of ditto. 5, Front view, and 6, Back view of a Stamen. 7. Section, of the Germen, magnified. 8. Cluster of Fruits, natural size. 9. Section of @ Berry, made transyersely above the middle. 10. Vertical Section. 11.The Embryo. 12. Embryo, with the Cotyledons laid open.—Magnified. — WIE del? — _— Swanse.— : Pub, by §. Curtis, Walworth. July 2.189%. ( 2751, 2752). TELFAIRIA PEDATA. PEDATE TELrArRia. Class and Order. ‘3 Dixcia Penranpria. © ( Nat. Ord.—Cucursrracea. Juss. Nuanpironea. Aug. St. Hil. ) Generic Character. Texramra. Hook. Masc. Cal. campanulatus, profunde quinquefidus. Petala 5, fimbriata. Stam. 5, lobis anthere distinctis. _ Fam. Cal. superus, minimus, 5-dentatus. Petala 5, fimbriata. Germencylindraceum sulcatum. Stylus brevis. Stigma quinquelobum. Fructus: Bacca maxima oblonga, profunde sulcata, quinque—6-locularis, loculis pulpo reple- tis. Semina magna orbiculari-compressa tuberculata, tu- nica coriacea, e vasis reticulatis, tecta, seriatim disposita, horizontalia. of ROPES Specific Name and Synonyms. Tetrareia pedata. ; Preuitiea pedata. Smith in Botanical Magazine, Old _ Series. t. 2681. (fcem.) dak: Jourrea africana. Bojer MSS. ‘Descr. After the excellent figure and description of the female of this plant, given in a former number of the present work, I need only confine myself to an account of the Male flowers and of the fruit, im order to render our : description complete, of this highly interesting vegetable ; and this I am able to do, from having received from Mr. Tetrarr, dried specimens of the flower; a fully formed, but Scarcely ripe fruit, in spirits ; several ripe seeds ; and a beau- Uful series of drawings, from the pencil of Mrs. Texrarr. hese drawings were all made in 1826, from plants, culti- vated at Bois Chery, one of Mr. Texrarr’s estates in the Mauritius. Na . ae The female flowers are produced solitary, as figured and described, at t. 2681. The male, on the other hand, pro- duces, upon an axillary peduncle (between the point of insertion of the lateral tendril and the leaf,) of six or eight inches in length, a receme of six or eight large flowers, each upon a pedicle, often bracteated, an inch or more long. Here, too, the Calyx is large, campanulate, downy, nerved, cut into five deep ovate or ovato-lanceolate, very deeply inciso-serrate segments, almost half as long as the flower. Corolla of five petals, very similar, as far as I can judge from the dried specimens, and from the drawing, to those of the female. Stamens five, and (apparently) dis- tinct; but I am not able to determine clearly that point, nor that of their exact insertion. Filaments cuneate, taper- ing downwards ; the broad upper part separates the two linear oblong cells of the ‘anther, which open with a longi- tudinal fissure, and, as well as the pollen, are yellow. The fruit constitutes an enormous Berry or Pepo, from one and a half, to three feet in length, and often eight inches across, oblong, always green, having from ten to twelve deep furrows, the prominences rounded, the bottoms of the furrows rough, with minute elevated points, as is the concave part where the stalk is inserted: the apex is acute, or shortly acuminated, and near the base is a con- traction ; so that the very base forms a dilated, furrowed apophysis. There are five cells, each cell filled with a dense fleshy pulp, in which the seeds are imbedded hori- zontally in a longitudinal series. Each seed is the size of that of a very large kidney bean, between orbicular and cordate, much compressed, even a little concave on one side, and firmly enclosed in a beautiful, yellowish-brown, but tough and almost coriaceous, reticulated mass of ves- sels quite distinct from the seed itself, whose integument is hard and thick, yellow-brown, on both sides marked near the margin with an elevated line, and in the disc, or centre, it is prettily embossed with many serpentine lines. Although the outside of this be brownish, the inside (or that next the almond) is a deep and almost bright yellow; and the intermediate part is arfine black. The whole in- ternal cavity is occupied by the Embryo, except a thin nembranaceous, brownish covering, adhering to it, which, perhaps, may be considered as Albumen. Cotyledons two, of the same shape as the seed, pure white, fleshy, and ther oily. Radicle inferior, small, conical. The genus Feuinzza of Linnaus, was instituted by PrLuMiER tt POU Ei. de: Pub bp $.Certis, Walworth ’, L827. Piumier, under the name of Nuanpiroga, and figured by the latter author, but in so imperfect a manner, that, with the incomplete materials of our plant, possessed by Sir James Smiru, it is not surprising he should have referred it to Fevittza. A much more satisfactory representation of a Fruita, and probably too, the very same species as the F. cordifolia of Linn. (and Prom. Ic. t. 209.) is given in the “« Nouveau Dict. d’Hist. Nat.”; and now, being in pos- session of the male, as well as female flowers, and the perfect fruit, I have no hesitation in pronouncing it quite distinct from Frvitiaa, as well as from every other of the family, to which it belongs; and it is no less my own wish, than that of Mr. Barciay, that it should bear the name of our mutual and excellent friend, through whose means it has been introduced to this country, Cuartes Tenrair, Esq. of the Mauritius. I need only give the generic character of Frurima, as laid down in the Nouv. Dict. v. 16. p. 500, to shew how the two genera differ. Flowers dicecious: Mate, witha campanulate calyx, 5-cleft, monopetalous, rotate, five-lobed corolla, closed with a double star, five fertile stamens, and as many sterile ones: Frmaxe, Cal. and Cor. as in the male. Germen half inferior, surmounted by five styles, -andas many stigmas. Fruit, a large, spherical, three-celled, many-seeded Berry, envelloped in a hard bark. Both the ovules and the seeds are erect, and all the species are natives of South America. ‘The first information I had of this present plant was from Mr. Texrair, who sent me, in the latter end of the year 1825, asketch of the fruit with the following note. “| most earnestly hope, that Bury Hill will have the honour of flowering the seed I have sent, of an extraordinary climb- ing plant, which is hitherto nameless. It was brought here (to the Mauritius) from Pemba, near the shores of Zan- zibar, on the eastern coast of Africa, by Mr. Boser, and is dicecious. The fruit is three feet long, and eight or ten inches in diameter, full of seeds as large as Chesnuts (two hundred and sixty-four in one fruit) which are as excellent as almonds, and have a very agreeable flavour ; and when pressed, they yield an abundance of oil, equal to that of the finest Olives. It is a perennial plant, and grows at the margins of the forests; enveloping the trees with its branches; while its trunk is frequently seen with a cireum- ference of eighteen inches. I have distributed the seeds over this island and Bourbon, and have sent some to New £ Sy Holland Holland, and even to Otaheite and New Zealand, to the Missionaries. Mr. Boser has made a sketch of the fruit which I have attached to this letter. The seeds that I planted here, have produced stems which are thirty feet high, and they were put into the ground at the same time I sent the first seeds to Mr. Barctay.” Mr. Barctay’s plants flowered, as well as Mr. Trtratr’s, in 1826; and one of them has flourished to such a degree, that, by this time, it would more than have filled a large stove at Bury Hill, were not the pruning knife constantly employed. A plant, therefore, so easy of cultivation, must soon become common in climates, that are at all favorable to its growth : and, thus will Mr. Tztraie have the honour of giving a most useful vegetable to mankind at large, as well as a name to a new dant very beautiful plant*. * Since the above was printed, and too late to be inserted, M. Boser has obligingly sent to me an ample description, which he made, of this plant, from the living plant at Zanzibar: this goes to confirm the opinion, of the plant constituting a new genus, which he himself has called Joxirrea africana, in his own MSS. [I trust he will still further concur with us in dedicating it to his patron and friend, Mr. Te.rarr. Its name among the Indians of Zanzi- bar is Koumé. ee notte ean nara Tas. 2751. A. f. 1. Raceme of Male Flowers, natural size. 2. A Fruit, se, sage | Tas. 2752, B. f. 1. Transverse Section of the Fruit. 2. Longitudinal Sec- tion of ditto, much reduced. 3. Seed with its vascular envelope. 4. Seed deprived of its envelope. 5. Section to shew the different colours of the Integument and the Cotyledons, Embryo, and Radicle. 6. Embryo taken from the Seed, and with its immediate membranous covering removed.— Natural size. : hh ——~ Well dal? — Pub by §. Curtis, Walworth. July. 1. 7887. — swande — ( 2753 ) SIDA PULCHELLA. DELICATE WHITE- FLOWERED Sia, | sieleiiiaihiiiaianiaiaiatall Class and Order. : MonapeLpHia Ponvanoara. ( Nat. Ord—Manvacea. D. C. ) Generic Character. Calyx nudus, 5-fidus, sepe angulatus. Stylus apice multifidus. Tei 5—30 circa axim verticillata, plus minusve inter se coalite, 1 laclarees mono aut polysper- me, apice mutica aut aristate. D.C Specific Chayader and Synonyms. Siva pulchella ; toto pubescenti-stellata, i foliis. cone ovato-lanceolatis. grosse inaequaliter crenatis subtus tomentosis, racemis axillaribus paucifloris petiolo bre- as ave (longioribus. D.C.), capsulis 5 (biaristatis. C. Sipa soa alg « Bonpl. Nav. t.2.” Willd. Enum. p.72A. De. Cand. Prodr.v. 1. p. 468. Sia ramosa. (Soreme: yet, Vegel. v3. P. 115? ; — 3 Dilsosi: Mhnefiby, Maite Silk foct high, branched - the branches rounded, the older ones glabrous, the rest, and, indeed, almost the entire plant clothed with densely ubescence *. Leaves rather remote, cat ~ ge 2 date at the base, ovato-lanceolate, doubly ong deeply. cordate a :, a ay eeo). ak and te at th coarsely crenate at the mar Seas, copedally green above, paler and almost tot m the older ea wes @ 15 terete, slender, an eres eer —_—., es * T have Aebira the stems and leaves to become quite glabrous, when the Plant has been cultivated in the open border. half to two inches long, having two linear or almost seta- ceous stipules at the base. Racemes few flowered, from two to three on a peduncle, having one or two rather large stellato-pubescent bractee, and a smaller glabrous one at the base of each pedicel. Calyx (as well as the peduncle and pedicels) glabrous, smooth, subcampanulate, quinque- fid, the segments subulate, erecto-patent. Petals five, pure white, ovato-lanceolate, somewhat unguiculate, and united by the marginal hairs of these claws, as well as by the base of the cylindrical column or tube of the stamens : this tube separates into many short branching filaments, each branch bearing a yellow, kidney-shaped, one-celled Anther. Ger- men of five angles, small, roundish, tipped with five short, filiform styles, much shorter than the staminal tube. Seeds of this singular species of Sma were received by > Mr. Murray, at the Glasgow Botanic Garden, both from Mr. Fraser, at New Holland, and from a correspondent in Van Dieman’s Island. Plants of it were placed in a shel- tered situation in the open air, and have survived two winters, one of which has been very severe. The flowers, however, were produced in the greenhouse, in the month of March. I have not the opportunity of consulting Bonpianp’s plants of the garden of Malmaison, where the present species is figured ; and, although Dre Canpotte’s character accords in most of the essential particulars ; yet it must be allowed, that it differs in the relative length of the raceme with the petiole; which, however, may be a variable circum- stance, and, I suspect, too, in the biaristate capsules: for, although I have no ripe capsules to examine, by which I might set the matter at rest; yet, I think, if present in the capsule, the aristea would be apparent in the state of the germen. _ Sprencer unites the S. pulchella of Witty. with the S. ramosa of CavaniLLEs, and says it is a native of Peru; whilst Dr Canpotte gives Senegal as the native country of S. ramosa. . Labellum explanatum, lobatum, basi bituberculatum. Petala patentia (2 antica nunc connata). Colwmna alata. Masse pollinis 2, postice bilobe ; medio affixe {processu communi stigmatis. Br. Specific Character. Oncip1um pulchellum ; floribus racemosis secundis, petalis ovalibus subunguiculatis, duobus anticis connatis _ lineari-spathulatis, labello quadrilobo, lobis rotunda-- __ tis equalibus, foliis acute carinato-triquetris. = Descr. Parasitic. Roots flexuose, whitish, branched. White, with two delicate, rose-coloured, obovate, spreading, } slightly slightly reflexed wings. Anther-case ovate, acute, white. Pollen masses two, ovate, two-lobed at the back, fixed to a linear, white pedicel, which has a small gland at the base. A native of Demerara, where it was discovered growing upon trees, by C. S. Parker, Esq. and from plants sent by him to the Liverpool Botanic Garden, which flowered in June, 1827, the accompanying figure was taken.: _ The absence of the bright yellow of the blossoms of many Oncrp1a, is compensated in this by great delicacy ; the ground of the flower being pure white. There are a few orange-coloured spots near the base of the large, four lobed lip, and the wings of the column are rose-coloured. In habit it approaches the Ionrp1um of Exotic Flora (Ionop-: sis of Kuntu.). & Fig. 1. Back view of a Flower. 2. Front view of ditto. 3. Column and base of the Lip. 4. Column, from which one Wing and the Anther-case have ma 5. Anther-case. 6, Pollen Mass.—All more or less mag- nified. : SC 27/4 +) SCILLA EscuULENTA. 8. fl. albo. Escunent Squitx or Camass; white-flowered variety. Class and Order. | ¥ Hexanpria Monoeynia. ( Nat. Ord.—Aspuovetes. ) Generic Character. Cor. 6-petala, patens, decidua. Flam. filiformia, peta- lorum basi adnexa. . Speeifie C tastes and Synonyms. Scitta esculenta ; bulbosa, seapo foliis linearibus carinatis longiore, petalis lineari-oblongis basi contractis, 5 subascendentibus, infimo deflexo. (a.) flore ceruleo. Scinza esculenta. Gawler in Bot. Mag. t. 1574. Puataneium esculentum. Nutt. in Fraser. Cat. 1813. Nutt. Gen. of N. Am. Pl.v.1.p.219. Puataneirum Quamash. Pursh. Fl. N. Am. v. 1. p. 226. Anruericum esculentum. Spreng. — a ee v. 2. p. SA. (8) flore albo. ¢. ei ‘ } ps: ae aimee hick: Bulb ofuted siveea with a teow liek. Pieiee eight to ten inches, or almost a foot long, linear, grooved, somewhat carinated, rather acute, attenuated at the base, bluish green. Scape perfectly naked, from a foot toa foot and a half, and even, in the wild specimens, two feet high, rounded, terminate by a raceme of from ten to “xn i dshewy. Pe short, horizo’ ar subulate bractea, longer than tk Corolla of six ne an inch long, slightly i efore expansion, and then form- ing a clavate bi t on the upper side, but gibbous ' iY @ pure white, spreading horizon- es tally tally, but not equally, for the five upper petals are more inclined upwards, and stand nearer to each other than the lower one, which is deflexed, and, as it were, apart from the rest: each is linear-oblong, somewhat concave, a little keeled on the back, faintly striated, at the base a little waved, and contracted into a sort of claw or unguis, and there having the sides conduplicate. The petals remain, as well as the stamens, till the fruit advances to maturity. Filaments as long as the corolla, slender, white, inserted into the base of the petals. Anthers versatile, oblong, yellow. Germen obtusely trigonal, roundish, three-celled ; ovules placed in two rows, in the centre, in the internal angle of each cell. Style filiform, as long as the stamens. Stigma minutely and unequally trifid. The ripe fruit I have not seen. I have given a description of this interesting and very desirable plant, because, although the blue-flowered state of it is already published at tab. 1574 of this. work, yet, in the shape and size of those blossoms, there is a con- siderable difference from those here figured. Our blue and white-flowered varieties agree in every thing excepting colour. It will be at once seen by Mr. Gawter’s figure, that the flowers there are not half so large as these; nor is the irregularity of the petals there observed, which is so striking in our plant, and is indicated even in the bud : so that, probably, this irregularity, taken in conjunction with the peresiget corolla, will, at some future time, when we. shall be better acquainted with the fruit, cause this plant to be separated from Scizxa, no less than from PHaLaANGIuM. and AnrHericum, with which it has, by some authors, been placed. | Our roots were brought from the shores of the Columbia, on the North-west coast of America, by Dr. ScouLer, in 1826, and being planted in a border, and covered with a frame, the flowers, both blue and white, were produced in May, 1826. Two blossoms only seemed to be in perfection at a time, and those continued but for one day, when two more expanded, and so on in succession. _ " The roots are eaten by various Indians on the North-. west coast of America: and a kind of cake, which Dr. Scouter met with among the natives of the Columbia, is. supposed to be made of them. Fig. 1. Petal and Ditinke. 2. Back view of “ ee 3. Pistil. 4 Section of the Germen.—Magnified. ie gas . Sw anse: P2b. By J: Curtis. Walworth, Oct?” L887. AG Fai? p > ( 2775.) CALCEOLARIA PURPUREA. PURPLE-FLOWERED SLIPPER WORT. Class and Order. : Dianpria Monocynia. ( Nat. Ord.—Scropuuarina. ) Generic Character. Cal. 4-partitus. Cor. bilabiata, labium inferius inflatum, calceiforme. Caps. semi-bivalvis, valvulis bifidis. Specific Character. CaLcEOLARIA purpurea; herbacea, caulibus erectis ramosis, foliis venoso-rugosis hispidis, radicalibus cuneato-spa- thulatis serratis postice integerrimis subacutis, cau- linis cordatis superioribus minoribus integerrimis, co- rymbis terminalibus multifloris. Graham. CatceoLaria purpurea. Graham MSS. Descr. Stems in our plants, many from the same root, erect, pubescent. Root-leaves spathulato-cuneate, somewhat acute, with a strong middle rib, veined, wrinkled, with a few long, scattered hairs on the surface. Stem-leaves cor- date, broad, decussating, more entire than the root-leaves, uppermost pair nearly smooth, and quite entire. Corymbs terminal: bractee two, ovate, at the base of the corymb. Pedicels numerous, slightly bent, filiform. Calyx: segments ovate, pubescent. Corolla rather small, of an uniform reddish-violet colour, upper lip nearly half the size of the lower, which is doubly furrowed. Graham MSS. The seeds were received, both at the Edinburgh and Glasgow Botanic Gardens, in December, 1826, from Mr. CruicxsHAnxs, who collected them in the Cordillera. The habit of the plant is quite that of the CaLcroxaria corym- bosa, next which it should be placed, and it seems to require the same treatment. It flowered at the iaolargs Bev! tanic — Botanic Garden, in the beginning of August, 1827. Gra- ham MSS. Mr. CrurcxsHanxs has been so obliging as to send me, besides the seeds of this curious Catceoraria, beautifully dried specimens, gathered below Los Ojos del Aqua, a high pass in the Cordilleras, on the route from St. Jago de Chili, to Mendoza. In these, the hairs are all glandular, and in the upper part of the stem glutinous. The leaves are variable, more or less cordate on the stem; more or less decidedly tapering into a footstalk at the root ; and more or less istinctly toothed, sometimes even almost laciniated, at the margin. The flowers are greatly smaller than in C. corymbosa, the upper lip quite entire, the lower one not pendent, but standing out horizontally, so as almost to close the mouth. Fig. 1. Back view of a Flower. 2, Front view of ditto. 3. Stamens. 4. Pistil—All but fig. 1, more or less magnified. ie, ee Aye sa le ean ee GESNERIA VERTICILLATA. VERTICILLATE) GESNERIA. Class and Order. — _. Diprnamia ANGIosPERMIA. st ( Nat. Ord.—Gesnerizz. ) . z: "i Generic Character. Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. tubuloso-campanulata, limbo $. Stigma bilobum. Capsula monolocularis, bivalvis, placen- tis parietalibus bilamellatis. Spreng. — Specific Character. Gesneria verticillata ; herbacea foliis verticillatis quaternis ovatis serratis pubescenti-mollibus petiolatis, pedun- culis terminalibus unifloris, floribus nutantibus infun- dibuliformi-cylindraceis, ore quinquefido subzquali, laciniis extus basi 5-tuberculatis. ; Descr. Stem about a foot high, subcylindrical, green, pubescent, somewhat tuberous at the base, simple. Leaves in two(or more ?) distant whorls, each of four lea aves, which are spreading, or reflexed, ovate approaching to cordate, petiolated, dark green, clothed with a soft pubescence, much veined, midrib at the base, and on the under side, as ~ well as the lateral nerves, wholly red, the margin strongly serrated, the extremities of the older leaves very coarsely and doubly so. Petioles about one-third of the length of the leaves (those of the upper whorl much less so, thick, red, pubescent, grooved above. Peduneles two (or more ?) from the extremity of the stem, and from the centre of the upper whorl of leaves, three to four inches long, red, single- flowered, below erect, then pendent, slender, pubescent. Flower altogether drooping. Calyx half superior, of five = teeth teeth, erect, lanceolate, green. Corolla between two and three inches long, tubular, somewhat funnel-shaped, the base having five vesicular swellings, throughout pubes- cent; the colour is reddish, inclining to purple, with several longitudinal series of brown streaks towards the extremity. The mouth is cut into five obtuse short lobes, nearly equal, scarcely spreading, the two upper the smaller, standing close together, and, as it were, forming the superior lip; on the outside, at the sinus of each lobe, is a rounded tubercle. Stamens four: the Anthers united into one body, bearing much white pollen. Pistil : Germen half inferior, the upper part gradually tapering into the filiform style, as jong as the corolla. Stigma obtuse. At the base of the germen, on the upper side, are two large yellow glands. This very beautiful and graceful Gusneria is distin- guished by many points from the hitherto described species of the genus. It was kindly communicated from the rich collection of Mrs. Arnotp Harrison of Aighburgh, having been sent to her, by her brother, Wit11am Harrison, Esq. from the hills about Rio de Janeiro. It of course requires the heat of the stove, and is a plant in every way deserv- ing of more extended cultivation. Fig. 1. Summit of a Flower, shewing the Stamens and top of the Sty!e. 2. Base of the Corolla. 3. Base of the Germen, Calyx, and Glands (two of the — of the Calyx being cut away to shew the Glands).—Slightly magne ee 4.2777. // WOTEL Lub. Er XS Curtis WalworthiNor 1182 7, e La APE SO. (947 5 Juss BARBACENIA PURPUREA. PuURPLE=-FLOWERED BARBACENIA. KER KK EEK EEE EEK EERE EK Class and Order. Hexanpria Monoeynta. ( Nat. Ord—Hazmoporez. Br. ) Generic Character. Perianthium corollinum, ovario adnatum, infundibuli- forme, sexfidum. Filamenta bifida, antheras dorso affixas in divisione (non semper) gerentia. Capsula trilocularis, polysperma. Mart. Specific Character. Barpacenia purpurea ; foliis lineari-acuminatis carinatis spinuloso-serratis, scapo foliis longiore, ovario elon- gato lineatim tuberculato, antheris basi filamentorum, affixis. Descr. Caudex scarcely any, divided in a dichotomous manner, bearing a few striated, brownish scales, and nume- rous, linear, somewhat spirally inserted, acuminated, flexu- ose and slightly twisted, carinated, striated, rigid leaves ; their margins are beset with many, but rather distantly placed, minute, spinous teeth, pointmg upwards; the bases are sheathing. Scape much longer than the leaves, obtusely trigonal, scabrous upwards, single-flowered. Flower erect, moderately large, of a beautiful purple colour. Peta/s six, united into a tube at the base, lanceolate, the three outer narrower, reflexed, much acuminated, obscurely striated, the three inner broader, waved, more erect, acute, veined ; at the mouth of the tube, are six broadly linear, petaloid, bifid, purple filaments, opposite the petals, at the base of which, by the lower part of its back, is fixed the linear, erect: Anther, two celled, enclosing a white pollen, shorter ‘than the filaments. Pistil: Germen inferior, oblong or subclavate, greenish, with six lines of purplish tubercles, and scabrous, with minute elevated dots between them. A transverse section of this germen, shews three cells, essa : | large large cordate perforated dissepiments, and between, in each cell, two vertical plates, covered at their margins, the whole way down, with numerous oblong ovules. Style reaching as high as the anthers, acuminated, trigonal, purple, having below the point three oblong, white glands, which repre- sent the stigmata. BarBaceniA was so named by Vanpexu, in honour of Bargacena, a governor of Minas Geraes, in Brazil. The species, however, of that author seems to be very imper- fectly known. Drs. Sprx and Martius discovered twelve species during their travels in Brazil, inhabiting mountains of micaceous schist and other primitive rocks, in dry barren places, at an elevation of from one thousand to five thou- sand five hundred feet above the level of the sea, and between the fourteenth and twenty-third parallels of south latitude. Although a smaller race of plants, they seem in to be very nearly allied to the VeLuosim, which in- habit similar places in Brazil, and which by their curiously branched and spreading trunks with terminal tufts of leaves (not much unlike some of the Axozs, especially the A. di- chotoma,) and liliaceous flowers, give a peculiar aspect to their native districts. Of the twelve species of BarpacEnts known to M. M. Sprx and Marrivus, six only are yet de- scribed by them in the Nova Genera et Species Planta- rum Brasiliensium. With none of those species does the present one accord, and which, I believe, is the first that has ever been known in a state of cultivation. The seeds were gathered from a bundle of Brazilian moss by the Honorable and Reverend Wituiam Herserr of Spofforth ; and some young plants being sent to Lord Mimron’s col- lection at Wentworth House, they were there brought to flower under Mr. Cooper’s judicious management, when a beautiful specimen was communicated to me in the month of August, 1827. ‘The caudex or stem, Mr. Coorzr observes, is very short, and, probably, only arises from the old leaves falling away from the lower part of the plant. At present the young plant bears few flowers ; but an old plant, with its nume- rous blossoms, which, it would no doubt produce, of a deep and lively purple colour, must have a very beautiful effect ; and, it will be acknowledged to be a most valuable and interesting addition to our stoves. : it is to be increased by dividing the plant, and it like- wise promises to ripen its seeds. ———————— Fig. 1. Flower cut open, 2. Stamen. 3. Back view of the Anther. 4. Style and Stigma. 5, Section of the Germen,—Al more or less magnified. SS - a enn tone ciel ae —_ = ————————a—————== a ee — Zé vel ldé/. Me. Kalworth ELS. a, WT. Zael? HELIANTHUS PUBESCENS. ILLINOIS SuN- FLOWER. Class and Order. gp SYNGENESIA PotyGaMra F'RUsTRANEA. (Nat. Ord —Composire. y Gehiric Character.” Involucrum. Arteiatint, squamis subsquarrosis. Rec, oe ~Pappus diphyllus. Spreng. pet ifc Character and Synonyms. Ply HituxstasaDcon ; foliis oppositis sessilibus semi- amplexicaulibus ovato-lanceolatis crenato-serratis hir- sutiusculis supra asperis subtus pubescenti-scabris, caule piloso scabro, squamis involucri lineari-lanceo- latis pubescentibus ciliatis. Hewantuus pubescens. Vahl Symb. v. 2. p. 92? Willd. . Pl. v. 3. p. 3240? Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 5. p. 127. Pursh "rl N. Amv. 2. p. 570. Elhott Sketch we tts #2 of S. Carol. and Geos. v. We - % Bot. t. 524. r st. Veget. v > Ninoliiehs lane on 7A cyohie: Sh ‘st Willd. Sp. Re eee "9940. Pursh Fl, .N. Am. v. 2. p. 572. Te Sketeh ke wae of 8. Carol. and Georg. v. 2. p. A Hexranravs canescens. \ Mich. Fl. Bor. Am, ». 2, p. 140. cee ise tome Mich. Fh; Bor. Am. v. 2. * M41. Ceenin Disch. Lonnie 16 alee plat, the bess rising to the height ea ‘scabrous, with shortish rigid hairs below, above more tomentose and less rough, divided at the summit i into a panicle-of flowers. Leaves opposite, ex- -_ the uppermost ones, where they seem rather to take — of bractez, ovato-lanceolate, sessile, semiamplex- at the base, and _— connate, the largest as pe as the human hand, the upper ones gradually smaller, ra- ther indistinctly crenato-serrate at the margin, every where clothed with short hairs, which, on the upper side, are more scattered, rigid, tuberculated at the base, and occasioning that side to be very scabrous to the touch; the under side is far less rough, and the hairs are closer set and softer, and give a tomentose or rather pubescent character ; two of the lateral nerves, especially in the lower leaves, are longer than the rest, but they do not spring from the base, and the term “ folia triplinervia” can hardly with propriety be ap- plied to them. The whole texture of the leaves is thickish and rigid; the colour a full green, paler beneath. Flowers . terminal in panicles, large, handsome. Peduncles three to six inches long, with alternate, lanceolate, nearly entire leaves, or bracterx. Involucre of many imbricated, subu- late, or linear-lanceolate, very dark coloured, almost black scales ; two or three of the outer lax and spreading, slightly downy, the margins more so, and ciliated. Florets of the Ray sixteen to eighteen, ligulate, striated, bi-tridentate at the extremity : their germen abortive, destitute of pappus. Florets of the centre very numerous, tubular, deep yellow, brown on the outside. Pappus of two, chaffy, subulate scales. Receptacle with linear, chaffy scales, as long as the florets, and carinated, pubescent at the back, near the top. According to the author of the Botanical Register, this plant is the true Hex, pubescens of Hort. Kew. and of Pursu ; and it may be that of Winipenow ; but the cha- racters in none agree satisfactorily with our plant. It is perhaps very variable; and hence, have arisen the appear- ances which have given origin to the supposed species H. mollis, canescens, and tomentosus, which Mr. Gawter has, perhaps, justly enough referred to our plant. It appears to be common in the Southern states of N. America, in S. Carolina and Georgia, in the Illinois coun- try, Kentucky, and Tenessee; and, indeed, in dry seasons, in the swamps throughout Pensylvania and Virginia. {t deserves a place, from its large showy flowers, in every garden, being perfectly hardy. Seeds were sent by Mr. Nurrauz from N. America to Mr. Barcxay at Bury Hill, in whose age they produced flowers, in the autumn of 1825. From those plants.our drawing and description were made. Fig. 1. Floret of the Ray. 2. Floret of the Dise. 3. Scalé of the Recep- tacle.— Magnified, F | mie ei —— elt Lao. by J. Curtes WelworithNov lle? 7. ( 2779 ) TRIFOLIUM ALPESTRE. NARROW- ~ LEAVED ROUND-HEADED CAAVEH. Lass and Diller. £24. % DiApELPHIA oS Baer | ( Nat. Ord.—Leeuminosz. ) Generic. Character. Flores capitato-spicati. Cor. Tepetala, persistens. Le- gumen \-spermum, cireumscissum, Wigs tectum, s. 2—3 Terme y rene. | | See » Speeifi Character and aims Trirotium alpestre ; ¢ ‘ capitulis”“densis Sibelobosis sessili- bus, ecalyce hirsuto dente infimo tubum corolle _ equante, stipulis nervosis: setaceo-acuminatis, foliolis ~ Jan is ciliato -serrulatis. venoso - striatis, caule stricto subsimplici. oe Trirouium alpestre. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1082. Jacq. Obs. we. Ail. oe t. 64. Fl. Austr. v. 5. p. 1b. ¢. 433. All. Ped. p. 304. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 3. p 1368. Afz. in inn: “hans. v. 1. p. 234. Ait. Hort. Keio: ed. 2. v. 4. p. 384. “De Cand. Syst. Veget. v. 2. P. 194. Spreng. ie all v. 3. p. et & _ Descr. Root lon and creeping ea fro1 inches to a foot in height, erect, quite eight, rounded, green, scarcely pubescent, simple, ora little branched at the base. Leaves ternate: leaflets la hairy, beautifully striated, with close p ar veins, the margins minutely serrated, short.. Stipules large, am lexicaul, heathing, united at the base, somewhat inflated, scariose, with purplish veins, terminating in lot awl-shaped points, pu roundish, or bri y-oval,..s imes and sessile, of — densely-placed, purple flowers. Calyx greenish, white and scariose, hairy, five-toothed, two short teeth on each side, and the lowermost as long as the tube of the corolla, all setaceous and purple. Petals conjoined. Vexillum cylindrical for a great part of its length, spread- ing upwards, and but little longer than the ale and carina. A most elaborate history of this species of Clover or Tre- foil is given by Professor Arzexius, in the first volume of the Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. It is a native of subalpine countries, in various, especially the southern parts of the continent of Europe, and was culti- vated, according to the Hortus Kewensis, in the Gardens of Britain before 1789. It is perfectly hardy, and is a very desirable plant ; its heads of flowers being of a peculiarly rich and bright purple. With us, in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, it flowers in the month of June. ie Fig. l. Flower.—Magnified. eres SS. LAO BF SC "EP LES, Kalworthe, Novi lled/- ee ( 2780 ) OMALANTHUS POPULIFOLIA. PopLAR-LEAVED OMALANTHUS. Class and Order. Monezora MonapDELpuia. ( Nat. 1 a ) Generic Character. Flores racemosi, inferiores feeminei. _ ‘ Masc. Perianthium bilobum. Stamina 3—6, basi mo- nadelpha. | Fam. Pendens. Perianthium in mare. Stylus bipar- | titus. Capsula ovalis, bivalvis, bilocularis, loculis mono- spermis. _ Semen pendens arillo pulposo tectum. Specific Name : 0 Synonyms. neg Omaxantuus populifolia. Graham in Jameson’s New Ed. Journ. of Science, 1827, p. 175. Omaxantuus leschenaultianus? Juss. (Adr.) Tent. de Euph. t. 16. f. 53. (sine ult. descr.) f ~Descr. A shrub (or probably in its native climate, a _ tree) having attained the height of ten or twelve feet in the — stove of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden, much branched ; the older branches covered with a glabrous greyish bar! the younger ones reddish, glabrous, as is every part of the plant. Leaves alternate, on long, red, filiform, slender stalks, which have a gland at their extremity on the uppe side; at first enclosed within two lanceolate, greenish sti-_ pules, which soon fall away, rhombeo-ovate, somewhat acuminate, quite entire at the margin, and there often bordered with red, especially at the base; image, and just. before their fall, they turn of a fine orange red, the under - side much paler, nerves parallel, transversely oblique, often reddish; on the underside reticulated with ital ler_ones. Racemes terminal, from two to four inches long. Female flowers (four or five) occupying the lower part, solitary, pendant, having a broad green bractea at the base, with a gland on each side. Pedicel curved downwards, so ae i - ‘ we the flower is drooping. Perianth cup-shaped, two-lobed, or shortly two-lipped, pale green, embracing the lower half of the pistil. Germen oblong, green, tapering into a bipartite style, whose divisions are linear, and recurved : the stigma appears to constitute a gland or disk on the underside, just beneath the extremity. Male flowers nu- merous, very small, generally in threes, of which the central one is on the largest pedicel, and has the most stamens (six), while the lateral ones have only three or four stamens, all included in a bractea resembling that of the female flower. Perianth small, green, membranous, cup-shaped, rather compressed, two-lobed. Filaments united at the base in one row. Anthers large, didymous, granulated, at first. yellow, at length each lobe bursts with a vertical fissure and becomes green. As the germens advance to maturity, the axis of the raceme which supported the male flowers falls off, and the fruit reaches to the size of a large pea, oval, terminated by the bifid style. Before it is quite ma- ture, the pericarp is green and fleshy, marked with a suture on each side, where it evidently opens. There are two cells, each bearing one brown, pendent seed, enveloped in a white, pulpy, semipellucid arillus. Albumen copious, white. Embryo small, compressed, imbedded in the upper cont of the albumen, the radicle pointing to the scar of the seed. This plant has much affinity with Srittyneta sebifera. A comparison of the flowers, however, soon enabled me to refer it to the genus Omaantuus of the excellent Memoir of the younger Jusstev, on the Eurnorsiacez. His speci- mens were in an imperfect and a dried state, which will account for the trifling difference in his figure and mine. Native of New Holland, whence seeds were communi- cated by Mr. Fraser to Dr. Granam, in 1824. The plants __ flowered in the stove of the Botanic Garden of Edinburgh, ~ in June, 1827. : My wild specimens were sent to me from Java, by M. _ SPANOGHE. be een Fig. 1. Male Tivees and their Bractea. 2. Male Flower spread open to show the Stamens. 3. Young Anther. 4. Old ditto. 5. Female flower and Bractea. 5. Style and Stigma. 6. Section of Capsule. 7. Section of a Seed enclosed in its pulpy Arillus or Coat,—More or less magnified. — tia Y ee elinadieenel — Swamse L#e, B CUPL, Waeleor oF wo ¢ ct 2t5, Walworl? TZ Creretl ttle del = ( 2781.) OXALIS BIPUNCTATA. 'T'wo-spoTTeD Woop- ‘ SORREL. Ss bY 4 oe er SEEK EEE EEE EERE EEK EEK Class and Order. DecanpriA Penraceynia. ( Nat. Ord.—Oxariex. ) Generic Character. Cal. pentaphyllus, Pet. 5. Stamina alterna longiora, Capsula 5-gona, 5-locularis, 5-valvis, seminibus arillatis ad angulos loculorum fixis. Spreng. : _ Specific Character. Oxauis bipunctata ; scapo multifloro petiolis vix longiori compresso petiolisque pubescentibus, foliis ternatis, foliolis rotundato-obcordatis subtus pubescentibus su- pra subnudis, petiolis cylindraceis, sepalis obtusius- culis apice bimaculatis, staminibus 5 stylos superanti- bus. Graham Mss. . : htly compressed, somewhat irregu- 4 oe el into three branches, netimes again divided, though generally the flowers proceed directly from the extremities, on long, round, spreading pedicels. Pedicels of the bud none. s > 2 of the fruit reflected. Braciea at the primary division of the scape, a short entire sheath, at the secondary, divided into small leaflets, placed one on the outside of each pedicel. Calyx green, with a few adpressed hairs, leaflets lanceolato- elliptic, with narrow membranous edges, each having two oblong, approximating, orange callosities on the outside of the apex. Petals lilac, and veined, sub-linear, truncate, unequally crenate at the apex, spreading. Stamens ten, five shorter and five as much longer than the styles: jfila- ments colourless, united at the base, and above the union hairy. Anthers yellow, cordate, attached by their backs to the filaments. Germen nearly smooth, green, divided into five, oblong Jobes, each containing several seeds. Stigmata lobular, deep green, projecting between the longer filaments. ; The plant flowered abundantly in the stove of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, in April, 1827, but has not roduced seeds. It was raised from seeds received from r. Harris at Rio de Janeiro, by Captain Grauam, of his Majesty’s Packet Service ; but other specimens which are . extremely similar were in the collection before, though it is not known from whence obtained. These differ from the plant described, only im having the back of the leaf more reticulated, the anthers paler, and the shorter stamens equal in length to the styles. Granam MSS. ‘This may, perhaps, prove to be only a luxuriant state of Oxauts violacea, the figure of which plant in Jacq. Hort. Vindib. v. 2. t. 180, seems to be, as it were, intermediate between the small glabrous plant, given at t. 2215 of the Botanical Magazine, and the present individual. If this idea be correct, then, O. violacea is a native of South, as well as of North America. The Oxauis elegans and lati- Jolia of Humsoxpr and Kunrn, are both nearly allied to our plant. ' one 1. Calyx with its Stamens and Pistil, 2. Stamens and Pistil —Mag- dhe BS Lu. oy Ot Cnrtis Walworth Wov. Ll 8e7. ( 2782 ) Crrastium Bresersteinit. TAurian Movsk-EARED CHICKWEED. Class and Order. DEcANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. ( Nat. Ord.—Carvoruyitex. ) Generic Character. Cal. 5-phyllus. Pet. 2-fida. Caps. 1-locularis apice decemdentata. Specific Character and Synonyms. — Ze Cerastium Biebersteinii ; caulibus basi repentibus adscen- denti-diffusis foliisque oblongo-lanceolatis tomentoso- lanatis, pedunculis erectis dichotomis, foliolis calycinis oblongis tomentosis, capsula ovata subcylindracea ca- lyce longiore. D.C. | Crerastium Biebersteinii. De Cand. in Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. de Gen. v. 1. p. 463; equsd. Prodr. v. 1. p. 418. De Cand. Pl. rares de Gen. t. 11. Crrastium repens. Bieberst. Fl. Taurico-Caucas, v. 1. Ps Crrastium tomentosum « Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 629? -Descr. The lower part of the stem is slender and creeping, and near the base it throws out numerous as- cendent branches, which, as well as the whole leaves, are covered with a soft and dense-white tomentum. Leaves opposite, connate at the base, patent, linear-lanceolate, sub- acute. Panicles of flowers terminal, twice or thrice dicho- tomous, erect, with a single flower between the dichoto- mies: there are small opposite oblongo-ovate bractee at the base of the divisions of the panicle. Calyx of five, ae ovato- ovato-oblong leaflets, downy in the middle; the margin glabrous. Petals large, white, spreading, obcordate, veined at the base, where it is lengthened into a sort of claw, bifid at the extremity. Stamens ten; five alternately shorter. Pistil: Germen subglobose : Styles five, filiform; Stigmas subclavate, glandular, and yellow. The Capsule, accord- ing to BregersteEmn, nearly cylindrical, erect, longer than the calyx, opening with equal straight teeth. An inhabitant of dry, stony places in the higher Tau- rian Alps, and sent to our garden by M. Fiscuer of Gottingen. It flowers early in July, and is a far more desirable plant for cultivation than C. tomentosum ; being distinguished from it by its broader foliage, and its much larger flowers, which are of a pure white colour. ee ee Fig. 1. Leaflet of the Calyx. 2. Petals. 3. Three Stamens. 4. Pistil— Magnified. ( 2783 ) >> IperiIs TENOREANA. SERRATE FLESHY-LEAVED CANDY-TUFT. — \ Class and Order. _ o >. a _ 'TETrRADYNAMIA SILICULOSA. ( Nat. Ord:-Cavererits. ) — — > Generic Character. Ps Silicula emarginata : valvis navicularibus alatis ; loculis pect Borers dr pane inequalia. Br. | Specific Character and ‘Synonyms. IBERIs Tenoreanty basi suffrubeacede phitrige foliis sub- carnosis crenatis, inferioribus Weernise basi attenuatis, superioribus oblongo-linearibus, siliculis ig sis emarginatis. D. C. IBERis Tenoreana. _ De Cand. st. feget. ». 2. ‘p. 404. De Cand. r. v1. p. 179. Spreng. Sy. ee v. 3. p. 864. ies Tenorii. glee it " Sweet. Br . Fl. Gard 2. 1. 2. 88. , Pree “ TREris cey foliay Tenor.) »rod Fl. Nay P- “XXX VI. (non Linn.)” — Par “ Tperis pilosa. — —: Journ. Bot. aa P. 167 aa [ Se Ne na bd ~— 2ehh ee Descr. Stems at ae = = promi “ery somata pabapenty t, sending out eee are dant, sil | ragain ce) ite, angular y downy, banca, from. y Oas, sagem inches ion Lower Lpibes and those of the barren shoots. obovato-spathulate, the former most frequently entire ; those of the fertile shoots becom- ing ually smaller, m e oblong, and even linear upwards ; all of them of at ic ish and fleshy substance, dark green, tinged with purplish, finely ciliated at the mar- gins, especially the smaller ones, and at the tapering goes a Ne Any or petioles of the larger ones. Flowers in dense umbellate corymbs, large and shewy, outer ones the most so; at first frequently rose-coloured, afterwards (and sometimes al- ways) pure white; yielding a disagreeable odour. Pedicels downy. Calyx of four, erecto-patent, oblong, pubescent leaflets, of which that placed between the two smaller petals is always the smallest. Petals patent, waved, the two outermost very large. Stamens much longer than the calyx: Filaments swollen upwards, the four longer ones reddish: Anthers small, yellow. Pistil: Germen ovate, compressed, style rather longer than the stamens: Stigma capitate, notched. This is an equally desirable plant for the garden, and especially for rock-work, with the I. zana. In the Glasgow Botanic Garden, to which the seeds were sent, by Professor TEnore, we find it does best, treated as a semi-hardy plant ; being kept under a frame in winter, when it produces its long-lived blossoms of a pale rose colour, or of the purest white in April and May. It is much handsomer than Inzris ciliata, figured in this work (tab. 1030), with which it has some affinity ; but the flowers are considerably larger, as are the leaves ; these latter too are larger and most decidedly toothed or crenated. Discovered by Professor Trenore (from whom I have also received native specimens), in the Neapolitan do- minions. M. Tomas detected it near St. Angelo, in the prs eos M. Scuoner upon Mount Vellino, near ZZO. | _ ; Fig. 1. Leaves slightly matte.” 2. Back'view of a Flower. 3. Calyx, Stamens, and Pistil—Magnified. __ ; » TT ( 2784 ) CAMELLIA RETICULATA. CapTrain Rawes’s CAMELLIA. Se ie i a a a os Class and Order. MonaDELPHIA POLYANDRIA. ( Nat. Ord —Camenuen. D.C. ) Generic Character, vide tab. 2740. The drawing of this splendid species of Cameniia, was made by Miss Curtis in the spring of 1827, from the plant imported by Captain Rawes, in the collection of Tuomas Carey Patmer, Esq. at Bromley, Kent. Not having my- self had the opportunity of seeing the plant, I adopt Mr. DLEY’s Suggestion, of its being a new species, “ distin- wished from C. japonica by its rigid, flat, strongly reticu- ated leaves, and also by its silky ovarium. The flowers have also a different aspect; the petals are much undulated, and irregularly and loosely arranged, with none of the com- pactness and re ity for which the C. japonica is so much With the view to render our history of the Cametuias as complete as possible, we have accompanied the figure of this splendid species with the fruit and seeds. We must, however, premise, that the representations 1 and 2 (drawn by Miss C. Curtis), are from the Waratah Camellia, (¢. 1654.) and the seeds are from the single red (¢, 42.). a0 ruit fruit is thick, coriaceous, roundish, three-lobed, three-celled, and three-valved, the dissepiments arising from the middle of the valves. In the centre is a columella or receptacle, near the top of which the seeds are fixed, and are thus pen- dent. Each cell contains from one to three seeds, of a roundish form ; but more or less angular, according to the pressure of the neighbouring seeds. In the Waratah the seeds are almost black ; in the single red, almost of a ches- nut brown. Integument thick, and almost nucumenta- ceous: filled in the interior with the embryo, which takes exactly the same shape. Radicle superior, directed to the scar of theseed. Cotyledons thick, unequal, plumule small. Fig. 1. Fully-formed fruit of the Waratah Camellia. 2. Section of the — Pericarp, shewing the Seeds. 3, 4. Seeds of the single Red Camellia. 5. Section of a Seed of ditto, shewing the unequal Cotyledons, the Radicle, and Plumule. 6. The two Cotyledons separated: the one on the left hand side containing the Radicle and Plumule ; the other is. simply one of the Cotyle- dons, with an excavation, in which the one-half of the Radicle and Plumule were immersed :—All of the natural size. a Pole rnth Dan FIA sengngIteneentienne ( 2785) NICOTIANA NOCTIFLORA. NIGHT-FLOWER- ING Topacco. Class and. Order. PENTANDRIA. Monoeynia. | s Nat. Ord.—Soranzz. ) Generic Character. U Cal. tubulosus, 5-fidus. Cor. infundibuliformis vel hy- pocrateriformis limbo plicato. Capsula apice 4-dentata, placentis ad dissepimentum transversis. Spreng. Specific Character. Nicotiana noctiflora ; glanduloso-viscosa, foliis lanceolatis undulatis mferioribus oblongis, floribus paniculatis hypocrateriformibus, limbi laciniis obtusissimis dia- metro tubo subbrevioribus. Descr. Apparently an annual, two feet or more in— height, with an erect, rounded, branching, leafy stem, clothed, as is all the external part of the pats with ex- ceedingly viscid, very numerous, short, glandular hairs, cs be ak a very Meelis and disagreeable smell, parti- cularly when touched. Leaves, the lower ones oblong and tapering into a footstalk, the rest narrow, lanceolate, sessile, remarkably waved at the margin, all of them acute. Panicle of several moderately-sized flowers, which expand in the evening and during the night, when they are very sweet scented; and they are, when in perfection, drooping. Calyx tubular, cut into five, linear-lanceolate, rather short, and nearly erect teeth, green, having a white line alter-_ nating with the teeth. Tube of the Corolla, thrice the length of the calyx, a little enlarged upwards, greenish, with five small depressions just above the calyx, 2 al : i 3 e. i stamens stamens are inserted. Limb broad, greenish-purple on the outside, pure white and glabrous above, broadly ob- cordate, very obtuse, emarginate, spreading. Stamens unequal in height, reaching nearly to the mouth of the tube. Filaments slender, curved and hairy at the base. Anthers oblong, yellow. Pistil: Germen ovate, inserted into a bright orange-coloured gland, and tapering upwards into a filiform style, a little longer than the tube, and terminated by a clavate stigma. The flowers of this species of Tobacco, have so much similarity with those of Nicorrana undulata of VENTENAT, Sims, and Brown, that I can hardly persuade myself, but that the two plants must be the same. N. undulata, how- ever, is said to have the leaves confined to the lower part of the plant, or nearly so, and they ofa different shape ; no notice is taken of the numerous viscid glands which cover the entire plant in our individuals ; to which I may add, that, whereas N. undulata is a native of New Holland, the present species is found perfectly wild at Uspallata, on the eastern side of the Andes, locking towards Mendoza, whence both dried specimens and seeds were sent to us by Mr. Crurcxsuanxs and Dr. Grtuies, in 1826. Planted in the open border, in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, the species succeeds remarkably well, blossoming abundantly in the month of August. During the day they make but little show, but as evening approaches, the limb of the flower which was’ before curiously folded expands into a broad and pure white surface, yielding, at the same time, a powerful fragrance. . _ Ifthe plant be handled, the smell is very narcotic and unpleasant. — : = Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Section of a Calyx, shewing the Pistil and its glan- dular base. 3. Lower Cauline Leaf. z Leaf from near the root.—Fig. !. and 2. Magnified. per, — x : +» Walworth Dect, L827. Pink 0° Cnrdas, Walworth " WALZ. elt * oy ¥ € 2786 ) SISYRINCHIUM CHILENSE. CHILIAN SISYRIN- CHIUM. SEEK EE KEE ERE Class and Order. MonapDeE.puia TRIANDRIA. Generic Character. Spatha diphylla. Cal. o. Petala 6, subequalia plana. Filamenta omnino connata. Stylus 1. Caps. trilocularis, infera. Specific Character. Sisyrincuium chilense ; caule ramoso ancipiti-alato, foliis ensiformibus, petalis oblongo-subspathulatis retusis mucronatis, capsula pyriformi pubescente, pedunculis pedicellisque gracillimis. — Descr. Stems remarkably compressed, ancipitate, and winged, jointed, branched. Lashes linear-ensiform, striated, upper ones gradually becoming shorter and more spathi- form. Peduncles sometimes solitary and axillary, at other times terminal, and growing four to six together, at all times remarkably slender, filiform, four to five inches long, bearing at their extremity two linear-acuminate spathes, which include, generally, three pedicellated, moderately- sized flowers. Pedicels about one and half inch long, very slender, curved. Petals six, oblongo-subspathulate, retuse, with a subulate mucro, pubescent without, and pale purple within, glabrous, and of a deeper purple, marked with five lines; the base is yellow: Filaments united into a yellow- green, pubescent tube, bearing, at the top, three large oval tacege anthers. Germen suboval, pubescent: Style about as ong as the stamens, and concealed within them, alittle thick- ened below the stigma, which is obscurely trifid. Capsule pyriform, retuse, nearly glabrous, three-celled, opening at the middle of the cells into three valves. Seeds attached * the the central portion of the dissepiment (at the axis) in two rows, globose. The present plant has much affinity with S. Anceps and S. Bermudianum, having flowers most resembling the former, and germen and ramification most like the latter, differing from both in the singularly slender general as well as partial flower-stalks. These peduncles too are often clustered together, and they give the whole plant quite a different appearance from the Bermudian and Virginian species. Seeds were obligingly communicated by Mr. Cruicx- SHANKs in 1826, from the vicinity of Valparaiso to the Glas- gow Botanic Garden, where they flowered in June 1827, and continued blossoming during the whole of that and of the following month. | Fig. 1. Upper side of a Petal. 2. Under side of ditto. 3. Pistil, having the Style surrounded by the Stamens. 4, Pistil separated from the Stamens. 5. Capsule :—4il magnified. Pes i, Pa ? LPELS, eWepth, Peet ,, fb. See oe Pb: & LZ dWop lle. rg gr 4 : £2. OY §. Cartes, Bai 7 7 Ket Bales? bs ¢ a etl ~All eit ~ Ant emeeiee ( 2787) MALVA oOBTUSILOBA. BLunT-LEAVED CuI- LIAN MAttiow. aeaksksakskskakekokekokakebskobskeabaksbaakeate Class and Order. MonapDeELruiA PoLyANnpRIA. « Generic Character. Cal. duplex: exterior tryphyllus. Capsule plurime, 1—2 polysperme, in orbem disposite. . Specific Character. Matva obtusiloba ; stellato-tomentosa, foliis cordatis quin- quelobis crenatis lobis obtusissimis, pedunculis axilla- ribus subramosis paucifloris, floribus congestis, calycis exterioris foliolis linearibus. Descr. Stem three to four feet high, much branched, fruticose, clothed with a densely-placed, whitish, stellated pubescence, as, indeed, is the whole plant. Leaves on slen- der petioles, about equal to them in length, cordate, almost truncated at the base, rather obsoletely five-lobed, the lobes crenate, very obtuse; upon the leaves, the stellated tomentum is so compact, that it is not visible to the naked eye. Stipules small, linear, deciduous. Peduncles soli- tary from the axils of the leaves, and longer than the leaves, ~ once or twice branched towards the extremity, where, on each branch, five or six flowers are collected into a head. Exterior Calyx of three linear leaflets, much shorter than the inner, which is quinquefid, with the segments ovate, very acute, spreading. Corolla rose-purple, with a deep spot at the base of each obcordate petal, and with the claw _ ciliated. Column of stamens deep purple. Stamens col- lected into a round head. Anthers deep purple: Pollen yellow: the styles are reddish, and produced just beyond the stamens. Marva Matva obtusiloba will rank near to M. abutiloides, agree- ing in the colour and structure of the flowers, and in the dense stellated pubescence with which the whole plant is covered ; but differing essentially in the very obtuse lobes of the leaves. It is an inhabitant of Chili, whence seeds were sent to us from the vicinity of Valparaiso, by our valued correspondent Mr. Crurcxsnanxs. They have flourished in the greenhouse, flowering in the month of July. Fig. 1. Petal. 2. Stamens :—Magnified. MeT Edel? Pub. by J. Curtis Walworth Dect see; ( 2788 ) >) IBERIS NANA. SpaTHULATE FLESHY-LEAVED CANDY-TUFT. KEKE EEK KEKE KEKE EKER EK Class and Order. TerrapyNnamiA Sinicunosa. ( Nat. Ord.—Crucirer2. ) Generic Character. Silicula emarginata: valvis navicularibus alatis ; loculis monospermis. Petala inequalia. Br. Specific Character and Synonyms. Iseris nana; herbacea glabra, foliis subrotundo-spathu- latis integris subcarnosis, siliculis corymbosis emargi- natis, sinu latiusculo obtuso. D. C. “Cad Iperis nana. “ All. Auct. p. 15. b. 2. f. 1.” Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 3. p. 456. De Cand. Fl. Fr. ed. 3. v. 4, p. 717. Syst. Veget.v. 2. p.403. Prodr.v.1.p.179. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 864. | Iperis aurosica. Vill. Delph. v. 1. p. 349. v. 3. p. 289. Descr. Biennial, at least, in a state of cultivation, having a short, purple, naked stem, and a few horizontal, simple, or again divided, straggling branches, purple at the base, and cylindrical, green and angular at the extremity. Leaves broadly oval, or roundish on the barren branches, narrower on the fertile ones, tapering into a footstalk, so as on the whole to be spathulate, dark green, thick, and fleshy, with a central nerve, the margin entire, or slightly serrated, every where perfectly glabrous, the uppermost ones almost linear. Flowers large, in terminal corymbs, scentless. Pedicels; the longest scarcely half an inch long. Calyx of four unequal, erecto-patent, concave, ellip- tico-spathulate, obtuse leaflets: the inner one the smallest, and with a small tuft of hairs in the middle. Petals, ne sma small, and two four times their size, broadly obovate, pure white (in their cultivated specimens), tapering at the base into a narrow claw. Stamens; two short and four long, yellow. Filament bent down as it were at the very point, and there inserted into the back near the base of the ovate anther. Pistil shorter than the stamens. Germen rhom- boid, flat, a little keeled on each side in the middle. Style as long as the germen, thickish, cylindrical. Stigma capitate. A native of the Alps of Piedmont and Dauphinée, and certainly, as it appears to me, very near allied to the Pyre- nean I. spathulata. Both are described as having the leaves entire. My native specimens of I. spathulata have the leaves serrated, and those of I. nana are entire: but in a cultivated state they are both serrated and entire. Raised from seeds sent from Dr. Fiscuer of Gottingen, by Mr. Murray at the Glasgow Botanic Garden. In all pro- bability the plant is perfectly hardy, and will prove a great ornament to rock work with its showy long-continuing flowers: but, hitherto, we have kept it under a common frame, where it has flowered in April and May. . The flowers are constantly white in our cultivated spe- cimens, but the wild ones are rose coloured. * Fig. 1. Single Flower. 2. One of the smaller, and 3, One of the larger Petals, natural size. 4. Calyx, Stamens, and Pistil. 5. Single Stamen. 6. Side view of part of a Filament and Anther. 7. Pistil—More or less magnified, 2789. Pub. by J. Cartes FatworthiDeclld 27. 4 7 delt Sw pe St eee (2789) MAXILLARIA RACEMOSA. RACEME-FLOW- ERED MAXILLARIA. Class and Opiber. GYNANDRIA Monawprra. ( Nat. Ord.—Orcuinez. ) Generic Character. | Perianthium patens, resupinatum. Labellum cum pro- cessu unguiformi column articulatum, trilobum. Sepala lateralia exteriora basibus cum processu columne con- nata. Pollinia 4, basibus connata, glandulosa. Herbe parasitice, bulbose, Americe meridionalis. Folia corracea plicata. Racemi radicales. Linpt. Specific Character. Maxixaria racemosa ; bulbo compresso tetragono, folio lanceolato trinervi, floribus racemosis, petalis ovalibus duobus inferioribus in cornu decurrentibus, interiori- bus minoribus, labello unguiculato obovato-spathu- lato subtrilobo cristato, lobis lateralibus incurvis, columna pubescente. ae o>] Descr. Bulb about two inches long, nearly oval, com- pressed, sharp at the edges, and with a longitudinal ele- vated line or angle on each side the base, with lacerated sheaths or scales: this bulb is terminated by a single, re- flexed, lanceolate, stiff, coriaceous, three-nerved leaf, acute at the point. From the very base of the plant arises a so- litary, bracteated, slender, rounded scape, having at the extremity a raceme of nine or ten flowers: these, when open, are erect, with the petals likewise erect, of an uniform, yellowish-brown colour, acute, the two inner ones, which spring from the back of the column, the smallest, the two lowermost and outer ones running down into a spur-shaped process. process. Column white, pubescent, attenuated down- wards within the spur, and bearing at its lower extremity, the obovato-spathulate labellum, which is not patent, but applied to the column ; its colour is yellow with red spots ; it is subcrenated, and obscurely three-lobed, of which the la- teral lobes are involute, and there is an oblong tubercle in the centre. Anther-case hemispherical. Pollen-masses two, cleft at the back, yellow, waxy, fixed upon a white gland. From the rich collection of South American Orchidez of Ricuarp Harrison, Esq. at Aegburgh, who received it from Rio de Janeiro. It flowered in June, 1827. It may pro- bably rank with the Denprogium squalens of the Botanical Register, which Mr. LinpLey now makes a Xytogium ; but I scarcely see how that genus is distinguished from Maxit- LaRIA, according to Mr. Linptey’s character, except in the straight, not resupinate perianth, and they might, perhaps, both be united without offering much violence to nature. Fig. 1. Single Flower. 2. Column, with the two inner Leaflets of the Perianth. 3. Side view of the Column. 4. Front view of ditto. 5. Inner view of the Anther-case. 6.°Front view of the Pollen Mass. 7. Back. view of ditto:—Magnijfied. ¥ } ( 2790 ) Trirotium OLympicum. LoNG-FLOWERED CLOVER. SERRE EKER EEK Class and Order. | DriapELraia . Decanpria. ( Nat. Ord.—Leeummose. ) Generic Character. Flores capitato-spicati. Cor. 1-petala, persistens. Le- gumen 1-spermum, circumscissum, calyce tectum, s. 2—3. spermum, Spreng. Trirotium olympicum; spicis oblongis solitariis, calyci- bus hirsutis dente infimo longiore tubum corolle equante, carina longe attenuata, stipulis subulatis longe vaginantibus, caule erecto stricto foliisque lan- ceolato-ellipticis hirsutis. Trirotium olympicum. Hornemann MSS. Descr. Stem erect, straight, rounded, simple, pubes- cent. Leaves ternate, oblongo-lanceolate, clothed with rather dense, soft hairs, and distinctly striated with veins: the margin entire. Petiole short. Stepules large, green, striated, pubescenti-hirsute, embracing the stem and united at the very base, terminating in long subulate points. Head _ subspicate, large, oblong, of many pale-yellowish but rather large flowers. Calyx whitish, scariose, hairy, with green veins, and five setaceous green teeth, of which four are nearly equal in length, the two upper ones united at their base, the lower one the longest, at length spreading. Co- rolla an inch in length, having the vexillum tubular at the base, broader upwards and spreading, and ending in a gradually acuminated, long, somewhat recurved point. LAE Ale and carina much shorter than the vexillum. The fruit I have never seen. Mr. Curtis has given an excellent figure of the Triro- LIUM canescens of WiLipENow, and observed, that it was distinguished from TR. pannonicum, by the shorter, broader, and more obtuse vexillum. It is probable, that he had then in view, the present plant which has much the habit of Tr. pannonicum. The real Pannonicum of Jacq. Obs. t. 42, is probably, as Dz Canpo.te suspects, the same as WILLDENOw’s and Curtis’s canescens, and from both, our plant is well distinguished by the remarkable attenuation of the vexillum of the corolla; so that, in this respect, I know of no species that. comes near it. Seeds of our plant were received from Professor Hornemann of Copenhagen two years ago, under the name here adopted; but it ap- pears to be a MSS. name, and I presume a native of Mount Olympus. It flowers in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, in July. Perhaps this species may be imtended by Prrsoon, when he says, (Syn. Pl. yv. 2. p. 350.) “ sub nomine, T. pannonicum, in hortis occurrit planta speciosa, magna, flor. flavis distincta, que eum icone Cl. Sturmii non convenit, an species distincta ?’”’ (T’. alopecuroides.) Fig. 1. Back view, and f. 2. Front view of a Flower.—Magnified. INDEX, In which the Latin Names of the Plants conthined 4 the First Volume of the New Series (or Fifty- Fourth of the Work) are alphabetically arranged. Pi. ae 2747 Acacia mucronata. 2783 Iberis Tenoreana. 2754 penninervis, 2722 Justicia speciosa. 2766 2769 Asarum canadense. 2707 Aster acuminatus. 2718 fruticosus., 2770 Banksia integrifolia, 2777 Barbacenia purpurea. 2723 Begonia undulata. 2719 Bletia Woodfordii. 2713 Buddlea Brasiliensis. 2741 Cactus cochinellifer. 2742 Wide 2763 Calypso borealis. 2745 Camellia japonica fi. ie: albo. 2784 ————— reticulata. 2733 Campanula Prismatocarpus. 2711 Candollea cuneiformis. 2727 Caryocar nuciferum. 2728 Ibid. 2749 Caryophyllus aromaticus. 2750 Ibid. 2782 Cerastium Biebersteinii. 2758 Ceratiola ericoides. 2724 Conospermum taxifolium. 2714 Crotalaria dichotoma. 2743 Cunninghamia lanceolata. 2717 Deeringia celosioides. 2744 Dianthus aig hse var. 2721 Dichorisandra oxypetala. 2760 Dorstenia ceratosanthes. 2767 Euonymus echinata. 2725 Gesneria aggregata. 2776 verticillata. 2716 Gilliesia graminea. 2710 Gnaphalium modestum. 2761 Gnidia tomentosa. 2755 Gongora speciosa. 2726 Habenaria leptoceras. 2778 Helianthus pubescens. 2731 Houttuynia cordata. 2772 Hutchinsia stylosa. 2788 Iberis nana. ventricosa. 2709 Liparis foliosa. 2715 Lockhartia elegans. 2734 Lodoicea Sechellarum. 2735 Ibid. 2736 Ibid. 2737 Ibid. 2738 Ibid. 2787 Malva obtusiloba. 2729 Maxillaria Parkeri. 2789 —————_ racemosa. || 2771 Mirbelia grandiflora. 2705 Mutisia 2785 Nicotiana noctiflora. 2764 Octomeria graminifolia. 2780 Omalanthus populifolia. 2773 Oncidium pulchellum. 2781 Oxalis bipunctata. 2746 Pleurothallis foliosa. 2720 Protea longiflora. 2706 Pyrethrum wliginosum, 2740 Rhipsalis grandiflorus. 2732. Scevola Keenigii. 2712 Schelhammera undulata. 2774 Scilla esculenta, §. fi. albo. 2759 Sida mollis. 2753 pulchella. 2786 Sisyrinchium chilense. 2708 Solanum coriaceum. 2739 Quitense. 2751 Telfairia pedata. 2752 Ibid. 2779 Trifolium alpestre. 2790 ————— olympicum. 2765 Trixis auriculata. 2762 Tulipa stellata. 2768 Witheringia montana. 2748 Zygopetalon Mackaii. INDEX, In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the First Volume of the New Series (or Fifty- Fourth of the Work) are alphabetically arranged ee > - Pl. 3 2754 Acacia, Feather-nerved. — 2747 Mucronated. — 2769 Asarabaca, Canadian, or wild Ginger. 2718 Aster, Small-shrubby Cape. 2770 Banksia, Entire-leaved. 2777 Barbaeenia, Purple-fiowered. 2723 Begonia, Waye-leayed. 2719 Bletia, Woodfordian. 2713 Buddlea, Brazilian. 2763 Calypso, Northern. 2784 Camellia, Captain Rawes’s. 2745 ingle white-flowered 2733 Compentty Angular-fruited, | 2711 Candollea, Cuneate. 2783 Candy-tuft, Serrate, fieshy- leaved. 2788 Spathulate, fleshy- leaved. 2758 Ceratiola, Heath-like. 2782 Chickweed, Taurian Mouse- eared, 2790 Cloyer, Long-flowered. 2779 Narrow-leaved, round- headed. 2749 Clove Spice. 2750 Ibid. 2741 Cochineal Fig, Spineless. 2742 Ibid. 2734 Cocoa-nut, Double, or Seychel- les-Island, 2724 Conospermum, Yew-leaved. 2714 Crotalaria, Dichotomous. 0 ir s t enia, Cleft. 2725 Gesneria, Cluster-flowered. 2776 Verticillate. ered, Cape. 2761 Gnidia, Downy. 3 2755 Gongora,Large yellow-flowered 2726 Habenaria, Slender-spurred. 2731 Houttuynia, Cordate. Pl. 2772 Hutchinsia, Sweet-scented, Long-styled. - 2766 Justicia, Hop-flowered. 2722 Purple-flowered, East Indian. ' 2709 Liparis, Many-leaved. 2715 Lockhartia, Beautiful. 2787 Mallow, Blunt-leaved, Chilian. 2729 Maxillaria, Mr. Parker’s. 2789 - Raceme-flowered. 2707 Michaelmas Daisy, Pointed- leaved. 2771 Mirbelia, Large-flowered. 2705 Mutisia, Handsome, pinnate- Rae Se eee 2730 Neottia, Large-flowered. 2756 Nutmeg Tree, Aromatic, 2757 Ibid. 2764 Octomeria, Grass-leaved. 2780 Omalanthus, Poplar-leaved. 2773 Oncidium, Elegant. 2706 Ox-eye, Large-flowered, Marsh. 2744 Picotees, Two varieties. 2746 Pleurothallis, Leafy, fragrant. 2720 Protea, Long-flowered, cream- coloured. 2740 Rhipsalis, Large-flowered, 2732 Scevola, Shrubby, East Indian. 2712 Schelhammera, Wave-leaved. 2753 Sida, Delicate, white-flowered. 2759 —— Soft-leaved. 2786 Sisyrinchium, Chilian. 2775 Slipper-wort, Purple-flowered. 2739 Solanum, Angular-leaved, downy. 2708 —- Coriaceous. 2727 Souari, or Butter-nut. 2728 Ibid. 2767 Spindle-wood, Spinous-fruited. 2774 Squill, Esculent, or Camass 5 white-flowered var. 2778 Sunflower, Illinois. 2751 Telfairia, Pedate. 2752 Ibid. 2785 Tobacco, Night-flowering. 2765 Trixis, Auriculated. 2762 Tulip, Stellated, East Indian. 2768 Witheringia, Mountain, or St- Lorenzo Potatoe. 2781 Wood-Sorrel, two-spotted. 2748 Zygopetalon, Mr. Mackay’s.